Protecting children by portraying Men as Monsters

Article here. Excerpt:

'A columnist for that newspaper asserted that grown-ups were teaching children to fear men in an effort to keep kids safe from abusers and would-be abductors.

That paper noted that children who get lost in public places are encouraged to look for a "low-risk adult" — such as a pregnant woman, or a mom pushing a stroller — to help them. It pointed out that airlines place unaccompanied minors with female passengers, not male ones.'

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Great article. These demogogues are really tearing society apart.

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Should we tell them who the vast majority of kid killers are?

Kid Killers

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Let's see now. The media creates a false image of who the real kid killers are then drives children to be with those who commit the vast majority of kid killings, all in the interest of promoting a certain political viewpoint. Did I make a mistake there anywhere?

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Not to mention that the problem of child murder and abuse isn't nearly so widespread as to justify terrorizing the kids. The child protection freaks are doing more harm to the kids than the (other) criminals.

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No, No! Kids should grow up living in fear. Kids WANT to grow up living in fear. It is better that way. Ask any feminist!

My Board: [URL=]Antifeministing[/URL]

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...fear, hysteria....keep it at a feverish pitch!!!!!
Then we can get more boys on ritalin!!!

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Here is a question that has bothered me for some time, and nobody seems to be able to come up with any kind of answer.

If we accept that young boys are in essence innocent, and quite capable of being victims of crime and abuse just like girls; but by the time they are adults they have all turned into predatory monsters; then at what point in their lives does this huge change come about? What triggers it? Why can we not seem to trace or monitor this dramatic metamorphosis from lamb to wolf?

Nobody seems to be able to document or explain it, and yet it is a transformation that every male goes through, and so must be happening in front of our eyes every day with every young man we see. But it seems to be invisible. Certainly I don't remember it happening to me. I have clear memories of my childhood and adolescent years; but I can't remember when I became a monster. Did it happen gradually, a step at a time over several years? Or was it all in one catastrophic moment - did I go to bed a boy and wake up the next morning a slavering, uncontrollable beast?

Who is studying this phenomenon? Why no research into it? Does nobody understand that if we could just get to the bottom of the mystery of man-as-monster, we could stop it happening and every woman and child would then be perfectly safe? Is that not worth the effort, to transform our society for the better? Can't anyone tell us? How about those clever feminists who know everything about the nature of men, and have all the answers? Can they answer this one for us?

Somebody out there help us, please!

Civilisation: man's greatest, and most unappreciated, gift to women.

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Two possible answers, neither one the fems like:

1) They are raised by women

2) It is nature (oh how feminism hates nature)

My Board: [URL=]Antifeministing[/URL]

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It there is such a thing as "post-partum depression", then..

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Feminsts blame this effect on the "patriarchy". They say that the patriarchy begins to have its effects (e.g. socialization of boys to be violent, by their fathers and peers), on young males at some point during later adolescence.

Of course it IS true that boys of this age start to experience the pressures of the male role, as Farrell has stated (and which also seems to me to be obvious); but we all know that the male role includes being violent toward women, in accordance with patriarchy theory, don't we?


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Becausa porn!!!

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I think it's because feminists picked the wrong mentor and the wrong anti-christ in Marx and Freud respectively.

When feminists adopted a gender-war version of Marx's class-war theory, arguing that it's really men that oppress women, not just capitalists oppressing workers, they overlooked the fact that Marx really despised women.

He wrote with intentional irony and contempt -

"Women are the only exploited group in history to have been idealized into powerlessness."

In other words, Marx thought women were infantile and easily duped.

Now Freud on the other hand, spent his life trying to figure out what women want. Before he died, he confessed that he had failed and had wasted much of his life obsessing about the unfathomable feminine.

So, today feminists naturally have to demonize men, because they made the wrong choices in picking their heroes and enemies. (And we all know how much women love to admit being wrong...)

They dissed the nice guy who actually cared about understanding them ("Mr. Penis Envy"), and embraced the bad boy who saw them as little more than cheap labor ("Mr. Get-to-Work-Bitch Liberation").

Within twenty years, feminism will be included in the official DSM-IV catalog of psychological maladies, probably as a borderline personality disorder.

The prognosis for a cure then, as today, will be dim.

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Some of you guys need to step outside and air out your brains (assuming that where you live, the air is fresh). Tell me I'm not right..what I gave below is standard feminist dogma, and is inculcated into people's minds starting at a young age in school, due to feminist revision of history; followed by (required) "gender studies" course(s) in college, and/or other forms of indoctrination.. The idea of the existence of a patriarchy, or at least some lesser variant of it, is now "conventional wisdom".

What's the problem?? Get a haircut if needed, before you step outside:)


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..I am dead-on today, guys (check out a couple of my other comments on recent topics). It must be the new package of coffee I just drank from.

"Insight such as this, falls to one's lot but once per week"


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Somehow this endless exploitation has resulted in American women having the highest standard of living of any group of people in history. How does that happen?

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That special Columbian "coffee" you are ummm, sipping like tea?

You're supposed to smoke it dude!

Light it up, don't drown it...

No wonder your recent posts are so jittery and conflicted! ;-)

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How are my posts conflicted? Give me an example?

By jittery,do you think I'm being antii-social today, like if my posts seem too edgy? I have been known to do that before..


Also don't worry, I wasn't attacking you in particular..I was attacking others as well!!

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It seems like you are begging for attention?

Why are you attacking? Most importantly, why aren't you sharing what your sipping?

My Board: [URL=]Antifeministing[/URL]

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It's your run-of-the-(grist)mill crap from the same group that brought you communism repackaged to look like a women's movement.

The ex-military types should be able to see it for what it really is: Divide and conquer. Scare the women and children (particularly little girls) into thinking dad, and potential suitors for little Suzie, are really monsters who want to kill them, eat their livers and make their skin into a funny hat. Yup, let's turn them all into quivering masses of neurotic jelly! Prozac anyone?

Plus, it has the added benefit of selling them a bunch of crap they don't need, as well. Whoever said, "Sex sells," almost got it right. Fear sells better.

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And fears about sex sell best of all.

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xEOD guy...One with a logical brain would love to ask the question.....
Are women more prone to hysteria than men are???
Do their tremendously fluctuating hormones make them a bit unstable at times??

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That women are more prone to hysteria, no.

What I would say is that they are heavily targeted by a mass media that knows EXACTLY what buttons to push to get the desired reaction. So if the desired reaction is fear of men, they show strange, scary men that hurt little kids (by far the minority of who are really hurting and killing children), and make it look like they're everywhere.

"Look out! There's one on the corner! There's one in the woodpile! There's one up on the rooftop!"*

The fact of the matter is, the majority group that IS hurting and killing kids are mothers (and to a lesser extent, fathers), not strangers.

I am not saying that there shouldn't be a HEALTHY suspicion of strangers in general, but let's all keep our eyes on the ball.

* I borrowed and paraphrased the "quote" from Firesign Theater

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