Australia: Sperm donor reform would create donor registry

Article here:

The ART bill required sperm donors to add their names to a register enabling their children to make contact once they turn 18.

The bill isn't all bad. The bill doesn't require donors to have actual contact with the kids. It gives donors say in how their donation is used, who can receive it, etc. Still, their expectation that donations won't drop is unlikely to be true. They don't seem to be talking about revealing existing donors, just future ones when they donate, so let them reap what they sow.

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This is against the whole concept of a sperm bank, which is, "I jack off and you pay me." I support this concept and feel that male rights and responsibilities should end with the cash payment and/or pizza coupons.

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I certainly would not participate.
This list is just the first step to the state reversing their story so they can start charging the donor for child support.

It also is an invasion of privacy.

Only a fool would donate under these conditions.

oregon dad

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Good chance for a campaign for donors to specify that their 'donations' only be offered to married couples. Courts are pretty consistant that they don't want kids having 3 legal parents, plus it's just responsible to do SOMETHING to make sure your genetic legacy is cared for.

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The fact is that they can reveal past donators and probably will,one way or another ,when children demand it.Be afraid donors.

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trust the honorable judges and politicians to do the right thing?

let's see - they already let women go in and remove sperm from a discarded rubber
in the trash, physically make herself pregnant and charge the man CS. just a very
small step to CS for sperm bank domors.

honest hard working married men find the wifey has a lover and he is the daddy
of the kids hubby grew to love, and the good guy has to the support extortion and fraud,
or go to debtor's prison. sounds honest to me.

gee whiz guys, let's form a line to get in on this good deal. after all, we
can trust the "honest" government. just be sure not to get any of this government "honesty and integrity" on your shoe. it won't wash off.

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Can't wait to get that good stuff on my shoes.

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No, this is all about child alimony with another name. If men want to make sure their sperm only goes to married couples (which I can understand) then the solution is not a registry but a sperm bank that only gives to married people. I don't know much about sperm banks, perhaps one of those already exists?

My Board: [URL=]Antifeministing[/URL]

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hey sicko - i think you already been gettin' something else on your shoes.

IMHo this topics subject is fraught w/ potential for government and business abuses.

ex: as DNA science gets more and more complex maybe gov't sees a whole new
way to access your private life. you sold it, or gave it away. let's say company X
goes under and sells all inventory to a lesbian owned business after you
specified a married couple. OOPS!

this stuff is too dangerous to assume that the future will produce desired results.
none of us on these type sites probably ever would have believed we could
have had our futures messed up as we did.

men (in general) are not our government's favored child. uncle sam really does like her a LOT better. she has all the rights and a half-assed legal system designed to give her more. look at that imbra crap. a bought and paid for congress full of lawyers ready to please, even in the middle of the night, as it were.

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d av e inga
de av inga
de vagina

Whoa! So much for my shoes...

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This proposal has that familiar smell about it: the smell of a government under feminist influence fishing for another way to transfer large amounts of money out of men's wallets and into the hands of women and/or government.

Look at the person promoting this bill: NSW health minister Ms Meagher. The bill is also supported by the opposition spokeswoman, Ms Skinner who wants to claim credit for it.

Now I don't trust politicians. I particularly don't trust female politicians. I especially don't trust female politicians when they involve themselves in the area of men's health, where their track record of actually doing anything positive to improve the lot of the male sex is utterly abysmal. Worldwide. And when those female politicians like to be addressed with the title "Ms" I hear alarm bells ringing in my ears and see red flashing lights in front of my eyes.

Don't trust these women. This bill is a crafty cloak to get the names of donors, so that they can be fleeced in future. Forget the promise of safeguards and the pretence that the donor will have some say in where his sperm goes. They will turn out not to be worth the paper they are written on. All it will take is for the first woman to complain that she has been victimised by not knowing who the father of her child is, and how that has damaged her emotionally and financially, and the whole picture will turn round. Who wants to bet against a substantial proportion of these donors ending up impoverished and in jail in future as a direct result of having their names registered?

It's the perfect feminist weapon. Use a man's sperm to give women the child they want with the real dad cut completely out of the child's life until it is too late for him to have any influence over the shaping of it. Then hit him with the big stick and make him pay.

Civilisation: man's greatest, and most unappreciated, gift to women.

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One thing I have read which was not mentioned in this thread is that proponents for these donor registries argue that with advances in DNA-based medicine, children need to know the medical backgrounds of both of their biological parents.

For example, if the sperm donor had a family history of cancer, the child needs to have access to that kind of information that might affect their own health.

It's a reasonable argument, but it doesn't do away with the logical paranoia that men have about feminists passing more laws always represented as "what's good for the children" while men get skewered.

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I hear you PaulP. Remember, it only takes one judge in this country to order child support be paid by a sperm doner for a child resulting from sperm he donated. This will make it a precident and, you can believe fully that other women will try to collect from this additional piggy bank...this will make the practice publicly acceptable in a very short time. Fox News will probably be sure to help make it that way. I can't see any higher court having the courage to overturn such a judgment.

I'll be damned if I trust any of these people...this idea needs to be stamped out before it goes further. We know what they want.

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