WVFC Q&A with Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton

Transcript here.

Notice during this Q&A session the interviewer mentioned the longevity gap. Hillary ignored the fact and kept rambling about the health care needs specifically for women. Another interesting quote was Hillary's claim that women suffer from severe depression twice as often as men. [Does anyone have info. to refute her claim?] We all know men are much likely to commit suicide. I'm not a psychiatrist, but I would think severe depression causes suicide and suicidal ideations. Whats Hillary's plan? The US already spends a disproportionate amount of health care dollars on women. Will this increase during her administration?

Quote Hillary: "Insurance companies will no longer be permitted to charge large premium differences based on age, gender or occupation"

When Hillary mentions gender, she is referring to women. Wait a second, men already pay higher premium rates for health insurance. This is because we have a shorter life span. Maybe the reason is because men's health means very little when compared to a womans.

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Women are much more likely to seek counseling for depression or other related psychological problems.

This has mostly been explained through theories of gender socialization, i.e. that women are taught to seek help while men are taught to be stoic and "take it like a man."

I suspect that another issue might be that 70% of psychological counselors in professional practice today are women, most of them indoctrinated in feminist academia.

Also arguably why most marriage counseling fails...

When men refuse to express their suffering they are accused of being repressed and emotionally underdeveloped. When they express their feelings they are criticized for being wimps and unmanly.

Starting to see a pattern, gentlemen?

It's the fairer sex's way of letting you know where you are in the psychological hierarchy of winners and losers.

Google "passive-aggressive" for the full curriculum.

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...and the matriarchal enslavement of all men will proceed. While men shuck and jive making excuses for women; Women will proceed to crown Hell-ary with the presidential seat. Men will then log-on and whine about it, but women will simply laugh in triumph as men are issued I.D. cards for work on the old matriarch's new plantations. Male gynocentrists will enforce this through martial law and men will receive beatings regularly for "thinking anti-woman thoughts" by the thought police. All of the talk about "this not being a zero-sum game" and it "not being all women that are like that", and other such ways men make excuses for still protecting women will disappear from the male psyche as they realize very few women actually stood up and gave their lives for men during the anti-male gendercide and simply continues to let men be persecuted while they say receiving entitlements in silence way before Hell-ary took office and legally turned men into slaves. This will be the second time american women had a hand in the persecution of black men.

This time black men(those with slavery in their backgrounds and those whose ancestors were not slaves) will have more than a few white friends helping them pick cotton. These caucasian men will wish they befriended black men instead of denying their suffering in order to defend ungrateful women during the tyrannical years of feminism which ultimately led to the widespread physical enslavement of men.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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White men do need to recognize their allies better, which means growing a backbone as much as it means growing a brain. Part of me would enjoy watching chivalrous assholes half-hunched over a cotton plant all the while lamenting the poor women who suffer through blisters from cracking their whips so hard.

But I'm also as pissed off at black men who cozy up to those self-serving opportunists...idolizing the scumbag bitches who 'fight for civil liberties' that they ultimately deny every other group. Women need the suffering of blacks to validate their 'crusade'. What the fuck do blacks need women for? Whatever scraps left over that they decide they can spare as they suppose (begrudgingly) that blacks might have suffered 'a bit more' than women?

Time to wake up.
Time to recognize that women's interests directly conflict with racial equality (umm, think rape hysteria)
Why is this so fucking hard to figure out?

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In 1997 Terrence Real wrote "I don't Want to Talk about It; Overcoming the secret legacy of male depression."

p83 "In national figures on mental disorders, women outnumber men by two to one among those diagnosed exclusively as depressed....But if we factor into the equation 'personality disorders' and chemical dependency, the totals even right back out again."

The point? In men it's not called depression.
Nevertheless, internalized pain and externalized pain are two faces of the same experience.

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Chuck...I read that book...and you hit the nail right on the head by mentioning it!!

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There was a fairly good book written back in the 80's, by researcher Maggie Scarf, I think it was called "Unfinished Business". It was an exaustive investigation of the issue. I read all of it, but don't have the book anymore so cannot give the numbers that were in it; but Scarf said more women than men, do indeed suffer from depression - even with under-reporting, therapists asking leading questions, and other factors taken into account.

But there is no way it is TWICE as many women as men, Scarf would have laughed at that.

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"Time to recognize that women's interests directly conflict with racial equality"

A point effectively made by the authors of Legalizing Misdandry, in the part where it talks about the women's suffrage movement. The idea was to get voting rights specifically for white women, not black.
The suffragists "achieved their victory" largely at the expense of black males. Check out the book, it's a very convincing argument.

Rarely has there been a time such as now, where white males and black alike must come together - to confront the inequality of gender.


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...and I am just as sick of weak ass black men -- I am debating black men all the time who seem stuck on trying to appease black women --- coddling these whores as I am of white men that keep protecting women and believing their invented history as opposed to working with black men to help them gain equality and vice versa.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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...we live in an age where women are the only politically correct victim!!

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If HC wants to help women she should build some more mental asylums for them.I cannot see healthcare actuarians being too impressed with her arguments,they certainly will not be able to augment them without a massive shift in thinking and direction.
All I hear from female politicians is women,women and more women.In the uk female candidates have closed minds before they even get into office,a myriad of schemes all to enslave the male-and they are succeeding.

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From Depression and suicide in men:


"The more severe the depression is, the more likely it is to lead to suicide. So one possibility is that more severe forms of depressive illness are equally common in men and women. In addition, once men are depressed, they are more likely to end their lives. They are also more likely to choose especially lethal methods when they attempt suicide, for example, hanging or shooting. Depressive illness among people under 25 years of age is probably much more common now than it was 50 years ago, which may account for one reason why the suicide rate is increasing in young men."


From maledepression.com:

"While more women suffer from depression, researchers are beginning to understand that men may not be recognizing that they are depressed, and also not seeking treatment as often as women. Depression is a serious medical condition that affects the body, mood, and thoughts. It affects the way one eats and sleeps, one's self-concept, and the way one thinks about things."


"Each year, depression affects about 6 million American men and 12 million American women. But these numbers may not tell the whole story. Because men may be reluctant to discuss male depression with a health care professional, many men with depression may go undiagnosed, and consequently untreated.

Some men learn to overvalue independence and self-control during childhood. They're taught that it's "unmanly" to express common feelings and emotions often associated with depression, such as sadness, uncertainty or a sense of hopelessness. They tend to see illness — especially mental illness — as a threat to their masculinity. So men may deny or hide their problems until a partner's insistence or a catastrophic event, such as job loss or arrest, forces them to seek treatment.

When they visit their health care professional, men are more likely to focus on physical complaints — headaches, digestive problems or chronic pain, for example — than on emotional issues. As a result, the connection between such symptoms and male depression may be overlooked. And even if they're diagnosed with depression, men may resist mental health treatment. They may worry about stigma damaging their careers or about losing the respect of family and friends."


Healthcare spending includes education. Maybe if the governement wasn't so obsessed with female healthcare, they might spend some more $$$$$ to help men learn more about their psychological health. That includes identifying symptoms and seeking treatment. This not only helps men, but helps the women that love them.

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