'Advice Goddess' Reports Backlash to Defending Fairness for Male DV Victims

Article here. Excerpt:

"There's no excuse for domestic abuse"...right? Well, not unless the abuser has a vagina. I wrote an Advice Goddess column, Marrying The Hatchet, condemning a woman for throwing an ashtray at her husband, and condemning the double standard that has people shrugging off domestic violence against men.'


Ed. note: Amy Alkon writes a syndicated column entitled "The Advice Goddess" that is found in over 100 papers across the country.

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The more interesting aspect of this article focuses on pornography as a huge dilemma for feminists.

The female antagonist writing to Amy the Advice Goddess argues that a man going to a strip club or viewing porn is committing ABUSE.

That's actually a fairly reasonable illustration of feminist ideology, because anything a man does or does not do can be legally defined as VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN.

Looking at something is violence in the case of the strip club or porn.

Also, not looking is violence, in the case of "ignoring her needs." (Google Duluth Model Power & Control Wheel.)

Since the 1970's Second Wave feminism, the liberated girlies have been trying to figure out their position on pornography.

Every college and university in the country offers at least one course in the Women's Studies department on "The Feminist Redemption of Pornography."

If enrollments in such lofty theoretical classes are going down, it may be because the puritanical wing of the feminist party has been surpassed by the raunch culture of Girls Gone Wild and the reign of pop-icon sluts too numerous to name.

(The most popular Halloween costume for women ages 15 - 55 is "a whore.")

You can search a funny stand-up bit by Bill Maher on YouTube where he is explains why men and women do not see eye-to-eye about porn:

"Ladies, your erotic fantasies bore us to death, and ours deeply offend you..."

Feminism has always been more about repression than liberation, right?

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sick perverted eunech males that fill our state bueracratic offices, are also behind this anti male nazi-esq propaganda campaign!!

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MANN admins received the following from Amy Alkon and I am posting it with her permission:

Hi - thanks so much for the link. I wanted to just correct something - I'm in just over a hundred papers across the country. And actually, I get fired or kept out of papers because I don't have a feminist viewpoint (I'm for fair treatment for all, not special treatment for some under the guise of equal treatment). I'm also realistic and science-based: For example, male sexuality is very visual, so if a woman wants to keep a man interested, she'd better not get lazy about her looks. Male sexuality isn't wrong, it's just different from female sexuality.

Here's another example of the stuff I write to try to counter some of the sick lies about men:


Anyway, if people would like to read my (more fair-minded [I think], research-based) ideas about men, women, and relationships, it would help if they'd ask features editors at dailies or the local alt weekly editor to run my column. I work really hard to debunk the status quo myths, but editors are prone to run the columns that rubberstamp the wrong stuff people already believe.

All the best, -Amy

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gotta love the ladies that are for the most part, on our side!

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Now I enjoy her writing even more.

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"The female antagonist writing to Amy the Advice Goddess argues that a man going to a strip club or viewing porn is committing ABUSE"

The feminist argument on which that philosopy rests, runs like this: The viewing of nude women, in a club or in pictures, is part of a continuum, which extends from the least physically agressive through the most heinous behavior. At one end of the continuum lies the slightest showing of heterosexual interest by a man toward a woman, and at the other end lies rape and murder of women. Thus, viewing nude women is a form of abuse if not worse (like maybe "visual rape", an idiom which has actually been used by feminists in the past). And, since these behaviors lie on a continuum, an instance of behavior at the lower end of the spectrum, such as viewing pornography, leads men to beat and rape women.

This is a major tenet of feminism and is widely disseminated in women's studies curricula. It is probably even more important than the Duluth model, in terms of overall effect, because it labels as "bad" even innocuous behavior such as showing of heterosexual interest, for example complimenting a woman on her looks.


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