Politico: Voters' choice in 2008: Mom versus Dad

Essay here. Excerpt:

'In 1986, a Gallup poll found that 56 percent of women called themselves a “feminist.” By 2001, that number had fallen roughly 30 points, to a quarter of American women.

“My sense of [Clinton] is that she is, before everything else, a supreme pragmatist,” Faludi said. “She is certainly careful to avoid spouting women’s lib rhetoric, and that goes back to her being a realist, and that goes back to where the culture is.”

Republican pollster Kellyanne Conway said Clinton is “an icon of the feminist movement who must run a campaign to appeal to women living in a post-feminist era.”'

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What does it matter what they call themselves?.All women who take advantage of inequalities are feminists ,pure and simple,even when they write as mras.

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