Kim Gandy & N.O.W. Want More Women-owned Mass Media

Kim Gandy, President of N.O.W., testified before the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) yesterday on Halloween to petition for more female-owned mass media.

She stated in her testimony:

“I believe that the paltry level of female ownership affects the coverage of women's issues and how women are portrayed in the media.”

Yes, like all of mensactivism's readers, I’ve noticed that women’s issues are pretty nearly invisible and ignored in the MSM.

I’ve also heard that the poor dears can hardly find a retail store that caters to their needs!'

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Comments that local ownership of stations does breed more points of views and options for viewers. That more women or non-white owners would somehow be "better" than if most of such owners were white/men? Well, even if it were true, what is the FCC supposed to do about it? Pass a regulation requiring that x %age of all stations be owned by women? I guess so.

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Interesting...Iv'e never heard women-as-victim in any media outlet before!!

I've never heard any news stories about women-as-victim of domestic violence!!
I've never heard any news stories about women-as-victim of a US. rape epidemic!!
I've never heard anything about the womens health care epidemic!!
I've never heard about the faulty wage gap!!

Come on guys...I'ts about time we finnally start to give these women a voice!!

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Everyone knows what Kim Gandy is about already. She's a skank. Writing tons of articles on Men's Activism will not change what she has to say. She hates men...she'll never change.

Change the way "you" treat women, stop censoring men's viewpoints, and drop your anti-black male position and you'll find that men will be much more successful in combatting bullshit. Until then you're just a bunch of nobodies on the internet doing the exact same racist, so-called sexist, politically correct, censored shit that women are known for and you deserve the oppression you're receiving at their hands.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Gandy's argument is not much more than an unsophisticated version of the old feminist canard that "If women ruled the world there would be no wars."

To argue that if only more media companies were owned by women and minorities then somehow the content of media would be automatically more diverse and locally-focused is idiotic on its face.

If that were true, then more black rap music moguls would be capitalizing country artists, and The View would have two male co-hosts.

Get real.

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«what is the FCC supposed to do about it? Pass a regulation requiring that x %age of all stations be owned by women?»

She wants something far more insidious - government grant money to cushion women-owned stations from the patriarchal realities of the market. Remember the Jane Fonda radio station? This is exactly what this is about. - Old, phased out due to Google's policies. Archives here. - Current.

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I sometimes get submissions to MANN that refer to articles on NOW's web site. I usually don't publish them because the point of the MANN site is to focus on men's case for equality, as women have had their say without challenge (almost-- sites like this one and a few authors are working on it, but we have a long way to go) now for decades. Likewise if we posted every article referring to gender as an issue that we came across, the site would soon become practically unreadable due to all the posts.

Anyway, the purpose of this post was not to show that Kim G. is full of it. The purpose was to show how NOW will approach any issue as men v. women in an effort to do whatever they want to do, and more importantly, will try to lump the interests of women and non-whites (or so-called "minorities") into one class. This strategy has been identified and exposed for what it is several times, but they keep using it because it keeps working. It is a very common method to help win an argument, and it is simply this: expand the scope of the debate to distract from the first point while at the same time picking a topic that is likely to put the other party on the defensive, and/or simultaneously appeal to a division of interests (good old "divide and conquer"). Feminists have been using this strategy quite successfully now for decades since it is so incredibly effective, and MRAs can learn from it.

Remembering that the roots of feminism are found in the Women's KKK and that many of feminism's early champions were staunch racists, and that today NOW's membership is largely made up of white middle-class women and that they seem content with that, will help keep them from continued success. They are hypocritical every time they turn around. They advocate for affirmative action for women and minorities yet have scant few non-white leaders or members and don't seem to lift a finger to try to change it. Bear this in mind when you see their rhetoric includes discussion of ethnic issues.

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(Matt wrote) - "Anyway, the purpose of this post was not to show that Kim G. is full of it. The purpose was to show how NOW will approach any issue as men v. women in an effort to do whatever they want to do, and more importantly, will try to lump the interests of women and non-whites (or so-called "minorities") into one class."

Well Professor Matt, that is more than most college kids learn in their required Gender Studies 101 class!

The post-modern theory of oppression, right?

Today, there are no African-Americans who were ever slaves, though of course, their grandparents were.

(Not so unlike my potatoe-starved Irish immigrant grandparents who were lucky to land in New York just to be discriminated against as "filthy micks...")

I'm not saying the degree of racist oppression was the same, but today, no person directly experiences this blatant state-sanctioned prejudice, just as no woman today under the age of 100 has directly experienced patriarchal oppression.

Name just one socially acceptible form of oppression against women that is not already illegal or completely condemned!

N.O.W. continues to advertise itself as the predominant representative organization for American women. They still claim (since 1999) a membership of 500,000.

Yet N.O.W. refuses to publish any statistical roster verifying this number, let alone showing the ethnic, income-based, or demographic breakdown of their members.

My belief is that it is merely Kim Gandy and her 1500 pajama-party college intern girlfriends having one hell of a laugh on the American taxpayers at a cost of $1.6 billion per year ... VAWA dollars.

Whatever their mythical membership, NOW controls billions of tax dollars fueling the gender war against men. (Through the Office of Violence Against Women in the U.S. Department of Justice.)

Cut off the head of the rattlesnake, and the tail eventually stops its noisy assault, right?

That would require a repeal or reform of VAWA in 2010-- when it next comes up for reauthorization of funding.

Like0 Dislike0 an idiot. The claim that women were oppressed under "the non-existent patriarchy" is nothing more than Freudian victim psychology, as no historical fact supports the claim that women were an oppressed group that suffered more than men. On the other hand history does show women routinely receiving deferential treatment and having to get the right to vote just like the common man did not too much earlier. I posted an article awhile ago on here that shows the complete and utter falsity of middle class white women claiming to be an oppressed group.

As far as racism -- black women are not affected(They can play the woman card which these days gets all of the attention even though women's claims of severe oppression is bullshit) -- but some hillbilly that claims black men are not still experiencing racism in this country is delusional.

Moreover, black males are still racially profiled, beaten by police, and stigmatized in the USA. Black men are continously under attack via racism, male bashing, etc.

The hijacking of the civil rights movement by women was extremely damaging to the black male's chance at equality in this country. One does not need to have been a slave to still suffer the negative effects of the widespread enslavement of their race. The only reason women cannot claim past women's suffering is because feminist revisionist history is bullshit. On the other hand the enslavement of blacks was quite real and whether one endured said slavery or not racism in this country -- which has been pushed aside while thei world focuses on women's pretend issues -- is a very real and powerful thing, unlike the so-called "sexism" against women. This was simply a way for white females to steal the suffering of blacks and attempt to apply it to themselves. As was said before by another women there is something particularly perverse when the most affluent group of people in history -- western women -- start revising history(with the help of dumb white men that believe women's fraudulent claims of severe oppression) and claiming to have been more oppressed than black males.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Believe it or not, you and I are on the same team.

It is not so much about definitions of racism, as it is about lying.

(From another heretic, Fred Reed) --

"Diversity. Always diversity. I learn that the University of Delaware has instituted mandatory indoctrination of students to make them appreciate diversity. Delaware is going to eradicate racism, sexism, and all. It's going to make the world safe for diversity.

From the university’s training material, “A RACIST: A racist is one who is both privileged and socialized on the basis of race by a white supremacist (racist) system. 'The term applies to all white people (i.e., people of European descent) living in the United States, regardless of class, gender, religion, culture or sexuality. By this definition, people of color cannot be racists, because as peoples within the U.S. system, they do not have the power to back up their prejudices, hostilities, or acts of discrimination…."

Read the entire essay by the always subversive Fred at -

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