Male educators in elementary schools are rare, but embraced

Article here. Excerpt:

'According to a recent article in Newsweek magazine, the number of male teachers has reached a 40-year low. In elementary school, only 9 percent of teachers are men, down from 18 percent in 1981.
"Like the other male teachers interviewed for this story, Rosa says he's careful to do "sideways" hugs with his students and to abide by other guidelines when it comes to touching them. (High fives are definitely OK.) The male teachers were all cognizant of the fears about pedophilia, a subject that's gotten high-profile media attention, but none so far has experienced a problem. Some male teachers are married; some aren't. Some have kids of their own, some don't. All speak about how deeply rewarding a teaching career is. Ghafoor says he plans to earn a master's and possibly become a principal, but the rest say their place is forever in the classroom.'

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How pathetic.

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Can you believe it? I wouldn't be a teacher these days (elementary, high school, college) for a variety of reasons: pay sucks, kids are rude and in some cases just uncivilized, and there is always that possibility some punk is going to falsely accuse you of whatever.

You couldn't pay me enough.

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For a while, I considered becoming a teacher when the Department of Defense offered (still is offering) a $5k-$10k bonus to retired military who have 4 year degrees to become teachers. I signed up for the program but then couldn't get past that fear of being falsely accused and having my name and picture plastered all over the media as a pedophile based solely on an unsubstantiated accusation.

I recklessly became a school bus driver for 6 months a few years back and you should have seen how fast a mother was to imply something nefarious when I was late driving her daughter home. I was new on the route and using written guidelines for directions and maps to keep from getting lost, to make it through the route daily. Having to stop for a minute or two repeatedly to check directions really slows a route down. You should have heard the screech in this mother's voice repeatedly asking, "Where've you been? Where've you been?"

I quietly suggested to her that she could call the bus depot and have her girl switched to a different bus. She never did. I wish she had. Her daughter was one of the two biggest trouble-makers on the bus.

After that, everyday I maintained a daily time log of where I was throughout every trip, from start to finish. Once when my first pickup for the day (a boy) didn't come out when I got to his house and honked to him to come out and my second pickup was a girl, I skipped her, picked up my #3 (a boy), and then went back to pick up the girl. I never allowed one of the girls and I to be alone together in the bus. I made sure my first and last pickup was always a boy.

Who needs the hassle? I quit after 6 months.

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Thank God you quit. Being around children and their bitch mothers is suicide these days.

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There was a segment on one of the news magazine TV shows in the past week or so about a special school that is doing so much better than all the rest. It was started by a guy fed up with the normal government school system. They were saying that something like 90% of all the kids at that school go on to college.

Every teacher they showed in the piece was a man. I didn't see a single female teacher or administrator.

Is it possible that all or most of the problem with our government schools is that women are doing almost all the teaching? Would our results in government schools be completely different if the male/female ratio of teachers were reversed?

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The future of education is the internet, where men can't be falsely accused of touching somebody. There's reason to hope.

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I still remember a male teacher I had in elementary school who was previously a cop. You should have seen how fast he could run to catch a misbehaving kid by the scruff of the neck who did something wrong and tried to run away. This guy was tall and had loooong legs. It was never a long chase, either.

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Man, I am sorry. It kills me to hear your story. I can't imagine the baggage that comes with a false accusation.

Years ago I worked as an inspector in the east side of Vancouver around the time the "shame the johns" program was in full force. Man, I was sure someone was going to take a picture of me driving around and plaster it on a lamp-post.

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you guys are right. as long as there are no consequence for lying by females about rape and molestation and such it is only going to get worse. young girls lie to get attention, among other reasons. getting your life destroyed on the word of one of these pampered princesses is just crazy. and even if they find out she lied nothing happens, except people still believe her, and you can still forget getting your life back.

there is a way to fix this problem of no male taechers and get the boys to improve grades/scores, solve the discipline problem, put male role models back w/ the boys who desperately need them, protect the pp's against the male sexual misconduct (real or imagined), and probably decrease the number of teen pregnancies, all in one giant swoop.

answer: put the boys in male only prep type schools w/ male teachers. throughout history it has produced some great leaders, scientists, etc.

the downside: feminists will hate it, especially when it starts working.

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Since there are gender quotas mainly women will get the jobs anyway and let's be honest the wealthiest man in the world doesn't have(or need) a college degree.

With women running rampant creating an anti-male/rape hysteria all over each college campus going to one of these academic feminist rallies they call "schools" is a deathwish. Colleges are nothing but women's book clubs where women weave the biggest whoppers they can in order to get freebies from the government and have a reason to exploit men.

Most college graduates I know don't even make a decent salary. What I studied in school is not even usable in running my business. College -- like everything else today -- has been cheapened by women and the men that pander to them. Women get standards lowered instead of measuring up. I believe they call it gender norming or something? Title IX anyone?


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Just a thought: if male teachers are "rare" but "embraced", per anthony's headline, and that does seem (almost) to be the message from the article, then does that not make them a very valuable commodity? Which in turn means their stock ought to be very high too?

I have often speculated on this little imaginary scenario:

The attack on male teachers becomes so successful that men have been driven out of the educational system altogether. The entire industry is run by females. The performance of boys crashes to rock bottom, as does their behaviour in the classroom; and female teachers find it impossible to cope with the chaos. Drugging boys is found not to work any more, because parents object to having their sons classified as sick simply because women cannot impose discipline; and swathes of doped boys makes for very bad images to an image-conscious industry. Only the feminists rejoice; everyone else realises they have a disaster on their hands. Even the government is forced to step in and, at last, admit that they need men, and lots of them, with old-fashioned male virtues, back in the classroom.

At that point, men agree to return; but this time on their terms. Firstly, they demand twice the pay of women (after all, they can do something women can't. So they must be worth it) with promotion based on merit and performance, not on the nature of what lies between their legs. Secondly, they insist on changing the whole ethos of the system, to recognise the value of boys, and to re-educate all teachers, male and female, in the understanding of differences in the brains and behaviours of boys and girls. Thirdly, they demand that any accusations of abuse against teachers, male and female alike, are investigated promptly and without bias by independent people who have not been indocrinated by feminism. If evidence of abuse is discovered, further action can follow. If no evidence exists, the matter is dropped. If the evidence suggests the child or parent is lying, then action is taken against that child or parent. And the teacher concerned is not named publicly, and no action is taken against them.

Just a dream?

Civilisation: man's greatest, and most unappreciated, gift to women

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...these days we'd have to make first contact with an alien race from outer space. Even the poorest of the poor third world countries on all corners of the globe have powerful elitist feminist groups.

The infection that is feminism may be to wide spread these days to find any group of people untouched by it's ravages.

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My son recently got fired from his job as a sales manager at a car dealership and wanted to apply to the company headquarters for a job. They like him a lot because he had taken the dealership to a much higher success than they had ever attained before but the headquarters wouldn't even consider him because he doesn't have a college degree.

I considered suggesting to him that he file a discrimination lawsuit against the company (as the feminists would have done) based on a requirement that only about 35% of men obtain these days, but he likes the company and I generally don't believe in this type of action.

He ended up getting a similar job at a different dealership in town that is presently doing poorly. They know him well because he was kicking their butt every month in sales (all dealerships compete against each other and watch each other's sales statistics closely) while at his previous dealership.

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