NYTimes: 9/11 Is Seen as Leading to an Attack on Women
Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2007-10-23 10:29
Review here. Excerpt:
"With “The Terror Dream,” Susan Faludi has taken the momentous subject of 9/11 and come to the conclusion that it led to ... an assault on the freedom and independence of American women. In the wake of 9/11, she argues, the great American cultural machine churned out a myth meant to “restore the image of an America invulnerable to attack” — “the illusion of a mythic America where women needed men’s protection and men succeeded in providing it.”
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To its credit...
... the NYT has slammed the book. But I have to wonder what freaking universe "Ms Faludi" lives in? How many men have died or been horribly maimed during and since 9/11? How many families totally shattered by these events and those following? And she says 9/11's most damaging effects have been to try to recast women as helpless, a suggestion that is very hard to uphold in the first place?
God what an awful, delusional, narcissistic witch.
Feminism perpetuates the
Feminism perpetuates the myth that women are helpless. Feminism says to women, "The best and only thing you can be in this life is a victim."
Women did the same thing to black men..
...by claiming to be "just like slaves" -- which is preposterous -- women stole rights that were meant to help blacks(black MEN in particular).
Women stole the suffering of Jews when they claimed -- through pop culture novels and such -- that there was a 'gendercide' where "millions of witches that followed the old religion died" even though there is no scientific proof for this mythical event or of any unified witch religion. Facts show modern day witchcraft has its roots in books written by Charles Leland, Margaret Murray and Gerald B. Gardner. As a matter of fact modern day witchcraft is usually called Gardnerian Witchcraft. Thus another lie told by women.
Women then latched onto homosexual men and used them as a trump card. The homosexuals also claimed to be "just like slaves." Homosexuals learned victim psychology from women. So why are men who never stand up and face women down now surprised when women try to steal the suffering of others as they have been doing since well....forever?
Until men get that they cannot protect women and expose them at the same time the lies will continue(and angry postings will accumulate here). Stop defending women and call them out on their lies and hypocrisy. Expose them everywhere you go with no remorse. Do this and watch things change.
The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek