Another falsely-accused man released after 22 years‏

Via Marc A. Video here. Give it a little time to load.

"Willie 'Pete' Williams tells's Thom Patterson about spending half his life in prison for a rape he didn't commit."

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Feminists: this is what you are responsible for. This is the result of your war against common sense, truth, and decency. This isn't a prostitute concocting her third false allegation in order to get sympathy and attention from a gullible public.

This man is a victim-- a REAL victim.

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The feminist Klan in my state is trying to pass legislation to block DNA testing of inmates....because they know that many of them are victims of false rape accussations.. and feminist Klan rape hysteria lynchings!!

God bless the internet, we can now circumvent feminist klan anti-male media!!

God bless DNA testing!!

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They're trying to block DNA testing? Jesus. Why are they so desperate to hide the truth?

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I believe that most rape prosecutions are political in nature. If this wasn't so there would be a widespread campaign by the states to run DNA tests and review evidence of all prisoners serving time for rape. If not for the pursuit of justice then to get the innocent ones out of prison and save the taxpayers approximately $30,000 per year per innocent prisoner. On the average it costs that much to keep someone incarcerated in the prison system. BTW: I saw a clip of Nancy Grace on YouTube commenting on the Duke Lacrosse Players Rape Hoax during the early stages of the investigation. She spewed out some bogus false rape accusation statistics which claimed that only 2 to 8 percent of rape accusations are false! I am glad she is getting the snot sued out of her and she lost her job on CourtTv.

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Some of them are outright fabrications, like the Duke hoax, and others are cases of mistaken identity. In the case of the latter, feminists should be all for DNA testing, to at least guarantee that real rapists aren't going free at the expense of innocent people.

But you're right, there's politics involved here-- and a great deal of face-saving.

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IMHo this inability to accept responsibility by fem's for all the innocent men incarcerated and the damage done to our system of justice and fairness has nothing to do w/ saving face. they are arrogant and so very used to getting their way. simply put, they expect to get their way and God help any man or congressman that gets in their way. if these were women falsely imprisoned the whole country would be up in arms. but it's just men. no harm, no foul. the newly freed men should sue for all they can get. that is all this country understands.

trying to block freeing innocent men is nothing short of criminal. imagine us trying to block freeing innocent women. we would be up on criminal charges. this sort of hatred of men has been going on since the late 60's. most people alive in america today have never known anything but feminist hatred of men. they take it as normal. w/o the net we would have never been able to expose this scum.

keep hammering 'em! it's working.

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One problem, I think, is that men just have better things to do then protest in front of corner stores that sell pornography, sit around college campuses and serve in bogus positions, such as in "women's studies" departments, write angry letters about judges who release innocent men, etc.

But the internet is helping men and reasonable women to organize. Besides, the truth is a terrific weapon in and of itself.

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