Summations in Case of Baby Cut From Womb

Story here. As usual, the excuses abound. Excerpt:

'KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) - Defense attorneys say Lisa Montgomery is a mentally ill woman who sincerely believed she was pregnant when she killed an expectant mother and cut the baby from her womb.

Prosecutors call her a liar who spent months researching Caesarean sections on the Internet before attacking Bobbie Jo Stinnett on Dec. 16, 2004, in the northwest Missouri town of Skidmore. They say Stinnett was conscious and trying to defend herself as Montgomery used a kitchen knife to crudely cut the baby from her womb.

Both sides will make their cases to jurors during closing arguments Monday.'

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I have so much confidence that they'll do the right thing and convict.

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This is Missouri, not California. Justice may happen. The degree of gender feminist Nazism is not as prevelant in law in MO as it is in CA. The Nazification of law through gender feminism is everywhere in America, but some places are worse than others.

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Are you saying that the more religious states are less feminized?

My Board:

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Please don't put words in my mouth. If you want to make that argument go ahead.

Again, MO doesn't buy into the leftist gender feminist agenda to the degree that CA does, IMO. Perhaps she will be held more responsible for acts, because MO believes more strongly that people (men and women) are both capable of committing heinous crimes all by themselves, IMO.

If she gets the Mary Winkler treatment, by all means, feel free to call it to my attention. That type of "pass" is certainly a possibility.

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I didn't put words in your mouth, I asked a question plain and simple. Perhaps you overlooked the question mark.

Maybe I should have said: "Do you think that there is a tie between the less religious states and the takeover of feminism?"

My Board: [URL=]Antifeministing[/URL]

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Garak...i would say that the more religious states are less feminized!!

It's easy for men who have no turn the women into a sort of god!!

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Agreed, and have you noticed how Christianity is being kicked out the more feminism takes over? Not that I am a Bible Thumper, far from it. I am atheist but I am not a militant one and I am not happy to see what my fellow atheists are trying to do.

My Board: [URL=]Antifeministing[/URL]

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Feminism is a secular religion of self-pity, replacing chastity as an object of worship with victimhood.

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