Mother murders boy, stuffs him in suitcase

This story has horrified us here in Australia.

A few days ago kids playing in a park found a suitcase floating in a pond. They landed it and opened it, to find the body of a young boy, naked, with a plastic bag over his head.

Police have now arrested the mother, who is on parole, and it turns out the boy was the subject of a custody battle.

Interestingly, not a single quote or comment relating to the father all the way through the article - I guess father's don't really count too much, when their children are murdered - we don't really have feelings, do we guys?

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The penis made her do it.

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The boy just had to be abusing her in some way or other, or he was just being a "typical" out of control male child and the poor stressed out mother couldn't take it any more...

...She needs a hug and a movie deal, not prison!


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Stuffing the kid in the suitcase just means that in a moment of understandable psychosis, she thought she could travel with the kid to a world that had no abusive males to rob her of her self-esteem.

I sentence her to eat a whole bag of chocolate chips while standing on her head!

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hey, I'ts her kid and she can kill it if she want's to!! Are you trying to take away womens rights????

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It's my kid and I'll kill if I want to, kill if I want to, kill if I want to.

You would kill too; it's all the man's fault. (duhduhduhdada)

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Like mainly, when he becomes the prime "suspect" in the murder. Or, if the mother did it, she will say he abused her and drove her over the edge. The only way she could see out of the relationship, was to stuff her kid in a suitcase and leave town.

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The only problem: by killing the kid, she's denied herself access to her man's wallet! Wasn't child support enough incentive to restrain her murderous instincts?

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