Stephen Baskerville's "Taken Into Custody" interview on WJR-Michigan

This is a MUST listen interview of Dr. Stephen Baskerville and Mark Havas on WJR-Michigan.

Not only is Dr. Baskerville's new book shocking but so is the information provided in this interview.

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I bought the book and also "Blind Baseball," in a combo package from

Both should be part of the central core making up an MRA's personal library.

Support these type books and we will get more of them published.

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My favorite part is when she had her husband arrested for going to his son's soccer game. What a cunt.

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I'm a cynic, and I had no idea the situation was this bad. My suspicion is that Michigan is not even the worst state regarding this issue.

"Taken Into Custody" will definitely join my MR book collection (Farrell, Nathanson and Young, Hoff Sommers, Kammer, etc..even Tom Ellis!)

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If this is really a "must listen", I would appreciate if someone could write up a transcript and post it here. Only written content finds its way into search engines and is easily archived.. plus for a foreign speaker, such material isn't that easy to understand (phonetically).

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Below is a quote from Baskerville on his web site:

"For examples of the kind of forthright prose you can expect in this book[Taken Into Custody], see my 70+ articles in reputable scholarly and current affairs publications on my website" [link below]

Baskerville articles

I didn't look at any of the articles yet, but since they are in scholarly journals, hopefully at least some of them will mention specific studies.


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"Hound of the Basketballs", from "Tales Calculated To Drive You Mad", issue number 5 or so.

(This comic book was the forerunner of MAD magazine. Sorry to change the subject.)


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