LiveScience: Competing over women for sex may cause men to die earlier

This article says "In humans and many other animals, males age faster and die earlier than females. New research suggests this might happen because of intense competition over sex."

So competing over women for sex may cause you to die early? Even more of a reason NOT to do it. Chasing women is bad for your health. Thank you LiveScience!

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Competing over sex? No. Fighting for survival perhaps as men took on more of the responsibilities to hunt and fight perhaps, but competition over sex? No. I really doubt that. If anything in the past, since males seem to die more often in infancy than females and since females have that (supposed) "clock" ticking down, it's probably more like females used to compete more for males in early Man's development.

Now get how the article ends:

'Since men age faster and die earlier than women, these findings suggest that "at the time when current human physiology evolved, perhaps around the late Stone Age, polygynous breeding was the norm," Clutton-Brock told LiveScience. "Of course, this doesn't provide any justification for polygyny or promiscuity now for males."'

So why does "nature" provide justification for women's urge to find a "good provider" but not justify a man's desire (perhaps) for more than one mate?

"LiveScience" indeed. More like FeminoScience. Puke.

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It's perfectly natural for a man to have sex and then move on; finding a good provider isn't a part of it. Civilization provides men with an incentive to raise their kids, not "nature," but feminism has gone a long way towards counteracting civilizaion (AKA "Patriarchy").

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"competing over women for sex may cause men to die earlier"

That's false.

The real reasons are: Men die faster because 1. men tend to take more risks in life, 2. lots more tax payers money goes to specifically female health issues; the breast cancer vs prostate cancer funding is a example of that, 3. men work longer and do by enlarge much more dangerous, hazardous work then women.

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Edith's meatloaf accounts for a month or two.

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...I also think the stress that is placed upon the man to please women is a main trigger for men doing the things you mentioned. Of course the idiots at Livescience -- which is a pseudscientific site(I mean come on "Feminists have more fun"? That sounds like an article my baby sister would write. It's dumb...point blank.) -- are going to reduce everything to sex and try to look for reasons women exploit men. The thing I am saying is I think it is due to that exploitation that men are dying early. Up until now when men started thinking of themselves they literally did everything for women.

Doing things for women(See "chasing pussy") is what I think has us jumping in the graves earlier. All of those reasons you mentioned goes right back to men pleasing women before taking care of themselves.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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"Males in monogamous species, such as the barnacle goose or the dwarf mongoose, naturally compete less over females than ones in polygynous species, such as the red-winged blackbird or the savannah baboon."

So can you imagine the feminist outcry if these neo-evolutionary anthropologists published a study equating women's "natural" mating choices to those of animals?

Obviously the females in the monogamous species are dominating gold-digging shrews, and the bitches in the polygynous ones are slutty entrepeneurial ho's.

It may be that the polygynous guys die earlier, but I can guarantee that the monogamous ones wish they were also dead.

Is "polygynous" a scientific term for getting laid more often? Why don't they just say that?

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They are making it sound like it is due to biology, that men die earlier. But that is not true - as of several decades ago, men and women died at approximately the same age. Now the gap has widened to 7 years longer for women. This is due to increased focus and money spent on women's health issues, and medical advances in that area.

Anyone who states, like many women do, that biology is the reason, is in denial.


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AAHH!! The freedom men will have when we find the technology to transend mens desire for women!!

Women are now abusing a most sacred dynamic between men/women!!
They are in fact abusing their god given right to be protected by man...and that is very dangerous!! Sane women must tell these hysteria "Sirens" To shut the f@@ck up right now, or face the logical backlash of what happens when someone abuses something!!

responsible men/Fathers Take away childrens toys if they get too selfish with the other kids!!

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...its chivalry at work. IMO if women are not willing to stand up and die for men, men should never be willing to stand up and die for women.

Look how the average man reacts when he thinks women are in danger; he fights for them. The average woman sits and lets the man be harmed or even die in a fight while she "calls for help" if she even does that. The irony is she will fight -- if it is for herself or AGAINST her mate, but hardly ever for him. Her "version" of fighting for him is calling for help or screaming at the attacker. Meanwhile when she is out with her girlfriends she is quick to throw her hands up and fight and scratch if THEY are in danger or as I said when fighting her male mate.

When the majority of women are willing to stand up, shower us with the respect we heap upon them, bleed, defend -- and die for -- men to be free(like men have for women for hundreds of years) then I will be ready to do the same for women. Until then -- during my morning exercises -- I can see a woman getting beat to death on the street and will walk on as if I never even saw it....or better yet I may walk five blocks down and then after I have my bottle of orange juice "decide" to call the cops and report it. Then again maybe not...I'll probably just go home, take a shower and continue my day being that since I am a man I am a so-called "abuser."


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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If I saw a woman being abused, I'd probably just walk away. Maybe I'd report it anonymously but otherwise I wouldn't get involved. The police might assume I had something to do with it if I reported it. The system is that bad.

Coming soon: virtual reality tech that simulates sex so well that women lose their sexual leverage over men.

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