Hillary in her own words: Gender is all she has to run on

Story here. Excerpt:

'But Clinton is campaigning in large part on her gender; she noted during a swing through the state this week that she couldn't run as anything else. She is making appeals to women and the voters who support them in subtle and direct ways.

She says she's not running because she's a woman, but because she is the most qualified and experienced person for the job. But at every stop, she used her potential to break through the ultimate glass ceiling as part of her closing argument for voters to elect her.'

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OK, let's look at it. The GOP has no one that is "outstanding", ie, stands out, captures the attention, heart, soul. In other words, they're not exciting. Well this isn't news. On top of that the people are very dissatisfied with how they have done the war in the Middle East, rightfully or not. They are ready to punish the GOP by throwing them out of the White House *and* the Congress en masse. The GOP should be very nervous.

And so should MRAs. This is because between Hillary and Obama, Hillary has the lead. If she wins the Dem primary, it will be Hillary vs. whomever. If 45% of America will be voting Demo. even if they ran Mickey Mouse just to spite the GOP, or actually want the Hildebeast in office, and there are merely 6-7% of registered Republicans who want to punish the GOP *and* don't like the GOP candidate-- we have President Hildebeast.

Let me be real clear: We can't have Hillary Clinton as president. Between her and her husband, as bad as people think things are now, they will get much worse. And as for free speech and MRAs, think about it: to reward her feminist supporters, she will find ways not just to try to undo what we have managed to get done for men and fathers but to actively squash our efforts. Imagine if the Cattlemen's Ass'n took over the gov't, how would animal rights activists fare? You get the idea.

If you have not been working to stop the Hillary Express, start. Please. We, the country and men/fathers, simply can't let this feminist and her fellow-traveler husband gain control of the executive branch-- again.

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she will put in place the "donna shalala-type" feminist-socialists in top posts across the country (similar to what occurred when her husband was in office).
her current staff is nearly all women.
think the Duke Lacross hoax was bad? wait until the government is FULL of feminist entitlement screamers out to set men and boys back.
think boys have it rough in education right now? wait until they load up the education department with women that will block male only classrooms and further pile the entitlements on for the special girls classes...further eroding male performance in the class room today and in college later on.

she is a socialist. look at what she has been touting over the past 10 days...$5000 stipend for every child born in the USA? Think that will attrack illegals? you bet!
and now she is suggesting everybody born in the USA gets a 401k account at birth, and the GOVERNMENT matches any funds put in that account. Huh? The government is just going to GIVE money to people? What is that??

she states that the US needs to think "more collectively". That is socialism folks.

oregon dad

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I've watched all the debates, Republicrats and Demopublicans --- and I cannot recall a single question related to men's rights.

No candidate has even the least interest in taking up MRA issues, because to do so would immediately invite a feminist backlash.

No one is willing to closely interrogate Hillary's radical feminist beliefs.

It's a taboo subject.

VAWA passed with a 100% unanimous vote in Congress. The majority of pro-VAWA votes were cast by men.

This week IMBRA, the unconstitutional bill to prevent marriage-inclined American men from communicating with foreign women, will likewise pass by a huge majority.

Under President Hillary, "men's rights" will become an oxymoron ... a laughable punch line for talk show banter.

Optimistically, it appears that the election will be determined by how many women vote with their vaginas, rather than exercising the bigger empty space between their ears.

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No major candidate supports doing anything to prevent phony abuse charges. I don't think that Hillary would be more effective than Giuliani in separating us from our rights.

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"it appears that the election will be determined by how many women vote with their vaginas, rather than exercising the bigger empty space between their ears."

Nice comment, Roy.

It is almost impossible to overestimate just how sexist women can be when presented with the opportunity. Look at the 95 year old woman quoted in the article. Even after all her life experience, including presumably seeing endless men march off to their deaths in war, she still reacts like a dippy young graduate fresh out of a womyn's studies course, intoxicated at the prospect of a member of her own sex getting to be President; as if that were the crowning glory of her life. She may not have had the vote when she was born (actually none of us have), but she sure has it now, and is set to waste it.

I live in the UK, where we have already gone through the sobering experience of menopausal woman at the helm. I feel sorry for you guys in the USA who are currently running a serious risk of being dragged through the circles of purgatory by another. I have said before that there will be a female President in my lifetime, simply because there are enough idiots in your society willing to try the experiment, and they will keep at it until they get their way; but you will only have the one, because you will learn the hard way not to do it again. Just like here in the UK.

"Civilisation: man's greatest, and most unappreciated, gift to women"

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I think she will go close guys,men in the usa and uk just love being walked over nowadays,hey there is this crochet
club I know.
Last night on tv here in the uk we had Harriet Harman
agreeing with the old cliche that women earn 75cents to the dollar and of all the men on the panel who could have refuted that statement guess how many did,you're right--
We all appear to have a death wish I'm afraid,maybe these women have to run their course,our politicians run scared
from them.
On one of these sites somebody was talking about a "common purpose party" which hardly anyone hear has heard about,apparently it is a registered charity in the
uk,has about 20k members made up of people in key posts.
It also has members in the states but I know it is not mra minded because it has a couple of women at it's head.

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Paul P.,

Maggie was quite the regal c*nt, yes?"

But you Brits survived her hormonal regime.

I think four years of Hillary might be exactly the right medicine for America now.

Just so we Yanks can understand the pantomime of leadership, post-Shrub.

You former colonizers must really be having a good laugh about now....

Pulling out of Iraq and all your country's other intelligent stuff.

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VAWA passed with a 100% unanimous vote in Congress. The majority of pro-VAWA votes were cast by men

Not so! Ron Paul was one of only 4 Representatives who voted AGAINST the goddamned VAWAct.

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Could you provide a link verifying Ron Paul's vote?

I am following Ron Paul's "revolutionary" campaign, because he might be worth a close examination.

I'd love to see him and Hillary in a one-on-one debate.

It will never happen.

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He did? Remarkable.

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