Mother disfigures boy to spite his father, gets jail

This is a horrendous story, but a positive outcome in that (for once) she isn't seen as the victim and needing help.

The mum was angry because the boy's father hadn't turned up to see him on this particular day - so she boils a kettle, calls him into the kitchen then pours it over the boy, scolding him over 20% of his body.

'The judge at Cardiff Crown Court told the 36-year-old, who cannot be named, that she had "failed her first and greatest responsibility as a parent". Judge Phillip Richards added the mother had become "the danger" to her son.

The victim had told the court that he was still full of rage over his mother's actions and wanted to make her pay.

He said he did not tell anybody about the incident until the autumn of 2004, because she had told him she would kill herself if he did.'

Like I said, unbelievable she would do it to her own son but so positive that she's facing serious jail time and (at least in this article) nobody is rushing to defend her and make her out to be the victim.

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This kind of thing makes me sick -- the child as hostage to the mother. Feminists always say that women have superior nuturing but this clearly is not the case.

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She obviously is a victim, since they aren't releasing her name.

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Tac, they're not going to release her name to protect the identity of her son, not her.

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hey the kid is hers, and she can kill it if she damn well wants too!! You guys seem like misogonists taking away the womens right!!

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So, if a father is accused of doing something to his daugher, are you telling me that the media won't mention the father's name?

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You are completely correct that a father accused of being abusive in any way to his child would be named. But it's viewed by society as positive to alienate children from their fathers and men in general so naming a father accused of child abuse is not seen as having the same psychological effect on the victim as they are not as likely to be seen as being like their father, or blamed for what happened, or shamed for still loving a father despite his shortcomings etc.... all the things that cause psychological trauma.

In the interest of fairness and the fact that I side with protecting the identities of all parties until the outcome of the trial I would say that not giving away the mothers name is correct. But I would also say that it was correct to not name a father accused, or a stranger for that matter,

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If a man had stupidly downloaded a seminude photo of this same boy over the internet he would be sentenced to about 30 years for downloading kiddie porn. But the psycho mom pours scalding hot water on him and she get a softball sentence of just 10 years. And of course this being Britain she will actually serve only a fraction of that in a cushy British women's facility that is until the British government closes down all of the women's prisons as they are said to be planning to do.

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The present day society is nuts.

Religion proclaims God as The Father of All.

Fatherless children are much more likely to become criminals regardless of the mother's presence.

In animals fatherly involvement is mostly non-existent or very less compared to mothers.

In humans, fathers play a much more active role and i think that is one of the most potent reasons that we're civilized and not on the level of animals.

Yet, mothers get more affection. Society is more hell-bent on ensuring the mother's involvement with the child and doesn't give a damn about fathers. How stupid and ironical !

One reason is that people today mostly are weaklings who give in to their emotions very easily and don't stand for any principle. Hence they cannot understand what is right for them.

Disregard for fathers is a natural outcome in such a situation.

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I always appreciate your focus on theory, and the meaning behind the events we all comment upon.

" ... it's viewed by society as positive to alienate children from their fathers and men in general..."

Yes man. We are returning to cave days.

The women huddle and conspire in the back of the cave (the social genius of the feminine), protecting their spawn and their right to spawn....

The men venture out, after much scolding by the harpies, to hunt and kill and bring back food, along with the bodies of their dead comrades.

Not much has changed since 2000 B.C.

Except the disposable people now wear expensive suits and ties, and have to register for "selective" service.

Even the Aztecs dressed up their sacrificial victims in special costumes.

Before slaughtering them.

The ancient gender drama continues....

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