More student paper exposure re DV

Via Marc A. Story here. Excerpt:

'Angelucci said only two shelters exist in California that serve male domestic violence victims as well as female. In the past, many domestic violence shelters would even train their staff to treat all male callers as perpetrators no matter what the circumstances, Angelucci said.

Martin Fiebert at Cal State Long Beach said the mass media often contributes to this neglect of male victims by framing domestic violence only as "battered women" or primarily as male crime, and by citing inaccurate data.'

Ed. note: The Sundial is the student paper of California State University, Northridge.

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This is the mensactivist site!!!

I'm headed down to brown university (reade Seligmans new school) in a few weeks to do some reach out work

I give students web addresses to educate themselves...and in the midst of duke lacrosse false rape civil rights lawsuit...The time is right..The time is right now!!

The male student population are all ears!!

I had a student the other day say finnally...It's about time!!

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You can't defile the temple of the vestal virgins by letting a bunch of grubby men inside! The Victim-Mother might withdraw her favor.

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I am getting nothing when I click on it..

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I don't think so. I have been noticing that this campus newspaper's website goes down for a while almost every day. I think they must have an old system that does that every time they update it, or something. It will come back.

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