"Woman allegedly had relationship with boy, 8"

Story here. Note the headline: "..had relationship". "HAD RELATIONSHIP"?? Well, yes, I guess they did, the same way a hungry tiger has a relationship with a slow gazelle. Strictly speaking, they do have "a relationship", but there are far more precise terms one can use to describe it. Excerpt:

'LAS CRUCES -- A 30-year-old Las Cruces woman was in custody Wednesday, charged with having sexual contact with an 8-year-old boy, Las Cruces police reported.

Michelle A. Tufts, 30, of the 2800 block of east Idaho Avenue, was arrested Monday and is charged with two felony counts of criminal sexual penetration of a child younger than 13 and one count of contributing to the delinquency of a minor.'

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She should be on MSNBC's.."To Catch A Predator"

Actually she's not a predator. As Matt mentioned, she simply had a "relationship". Sickening!!!!


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...men are the ones that are rapists and child molesters. You're forgetting the national anthem; the one that says "Women good, men bad."


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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Rebecka odor says women are never predators!!

The main stream media needs to be... de-odor-ized!!

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... is how the title should have read.

That would put it in parity with the following article about a man in a comparable situation. The media just can't seem to grasp that the term 'rapist' should also be applied to women.

Here's another article about the same woman/crime. Notice the apologetic tone of the article and the title "Woman says boy is telling truth about molestation". Well why wouldn't he be telling the truth? Is it that hard for the media to to swallow that women can and do molest boys? Of course there must be doubt cast on this boy who might not be telling the truth! We can only believe it if the woman admits to the crime and confirms that yes, he was telling the truth (unbelievable!).

Further down we read "Tufts also told investigators that she has alcohol problems" and "Tufts told investigators that as a child, she was made to watch as one of her family members was molested by another family member.". Well there you go. See, this woman is still mentally a child and couldn't possibly be held responsible for her sick actions. The poor thing was forced to watch sexual acts as a child herself after all! That must have scarred her for life, right? And who gives a rats ass about the boy she abused anyway - he's just a boy after all. Heck, he probably even enjoyed that sexual attention from an older woman. *barf*

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It is disgusting, I mentioned an article to a co-worker, he is in his 50's, where a women was trying to tell this kid to stop playing basketball in his own driveway, cuz I guess he was being loud, the kid refused so she stripped down thinking it would scare him off.

Well, he told his parents and they called the cops. The judge later dropped the case stating that "there is no such thing as indecent exposure from a women".

My co-worker could not understand why I was upset, he figured the kid got a free look and should be happy. This attitude is still very strong in the older population of men.

I believe in the next 10-20 years when these guys are out of the picture, that alot will change concerning old stereotypes towards both genders. I can only hope for the better.

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Dutch... I believe you are correct when you say its the older generation of men who will super-protect women, and don't realise they are litterally choking the next generation of males with all the anti-male hysteria!! We have had enough!!

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It's disgusting, all right.

I still kind of wish it had been eight year-old me, though...

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...the men here are willing to hold women responsible for their nonsense -- and stop holding the MEN ONLY responsible -- nothing will change. Nothing.

Stop pandering to women today. Let a door slam in a woman's face instead of holding it for her. Let her pay her own bills and pay for her own meals. Never claim you're the father of children that are not really yours. Let her raise children she made BY HERSELF if they are not biologically yours. Don't let women claim that ugly women "look like a man." That's insulting men; ugly women are ugly women and there are tons of them.

Laugh when you see a woman with something tight on that looks ridiculous instead of staring at her. You should be holding your side in laughter when women trip from wearing 3-inch high heels not helping her to her feet. If she didn't want to fall why dress so ridiculous? If a woman is getting slapped around don't get involved unless you KNOW the woman and that she is in the right. Never defend a woman that is not willing to defend you(even IF you know her). She should be ready to lay her life down on the line just as you are; that's equality.

Ignore women when they talk about shoes, clothes or the latest Oprah show. Such things should not "get your attention." Don't act like you're interested if you are not. These are some small things that you can do to get women to see that man are NOT playing with them. They already see that men are responding to the pedophile hysteria women have created along with chivalrous men by not helping children in need. They will learn soon how to respect a man for being a man or they will not have men around. Stop letting women(whom are naturally more sexual than men) run a game on you. You have the power to stop it...you just have to take action!


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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