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Duke Case: Lacrosse Players File Lawsuit Against City of Durham
Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2007-10-05 15:46
Story here. Excerpt:
'Greensboro — Three former Duke lacrosse players falsely accused of rape have filed a federal civil lawsuit against several defendants, including former District Attorney Mike Nifong and the city of Durham.
The 155-page lawsuit does not mention a specific amount of damages, but does ask for numerous reforms to the way the Durham Police Department handles criminal investigations.'
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The Dukes of Durham will
The Dukes of Durham will begin to make feminist Klan anti-male hysteria....Very costly!!!
Go get em boys!!
Constant exposure to media anti-male agit-prop on every street corner, television, and radio station has created a anti-male mob mentality...that is very similar to the rape hysteria of the Klu Klux Klan that Murdered many black males!!
The Klu-Klux-Klan ruled
The Klu-Klux-Klan ruled through Rape agit-prop..and subsequent hysteria!!
The feminist Klan rules through rape agit-prop...and subsequent hysteria!!
Must read:
Craigslist Meets WallStreet…Classic
Stinking ass whore. They told her EXACTLY what she needed to hear. You're a whore no better than the next young, dumb bitch with a rotting pussy.
The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek
Hooray for the Justice and Revenge Aspect of the Case
It's been satisfying to watch the justice and revenge aspects of this case play out. Earlier, Duke University settled with the three victims for an undisclosed (and hopefully eight-figure) amount.
I hope that they ream the City, Nifong, the corrupt police department, and Meehan's DNA lab. It would also be really neat if old cases that were based on bogus police lineups and DNA from Meehan's lab were suddenly reopened and investigated by the likes of the Innocence Project.
In the meantime, how did this forum get taken over or at least filled with morons such as some of the posters below?
If They Had Not Been Financially Strong
If these boys families had not been educated and financially well off we would probably not be hearing about this case and the status quo would not have been compromised. The hapless victims of this rape hoax would have been strongly advised by their court appointed attornies to plea bargain for a reduced sentenced. Nifong would still be in office, Crystal Gale Mangum would still (and probably is) be a public urinal for sperm, the corrupt Durham police would still be viewed as lord protectors of the helpless and all would be right with the world. Thank god it didn't happen that way!
The Durham Dukes are putting
The Durham Dukes are putting the feminist Klan on trial accross America!!!!
Whatever amount they're suing for...
Whatever amount they're suing for is not enough, IMO.
These scuzwads are
These scuzwads are everywhere; expose them all.
Sudents reading this message
Sudents reading this message should make an active effort to tell their friends/fellow students about the civil rights lawsuit!!
Can't they go after the
Can't they go after the women who made these claims in the first place? I think they need to try to set a legal precident here. There needs to be legal tools in place to treat women who falsely report rape harshly, with criminal and civil penalties. If a guy who downloads child porn has to pay the victim a civil penalty $150,000 for each image (per the AWA), then a woman who falsely reports rape should at least have to potentially pay several times that amount.
Always fault men.
That is the unwritten rule with feminists, masculits, FRAs, MRAs and society as a whole.
THE RULE: Always fault men and make excuses for women.
No matter where you turn to men are so obssessed with women -- and women so obssessed with themselves -- that this society cannot stop doing making excuses for women and defending them even when these women don't think twice about defending men. I challenge any man of western society to hold women at fault for the nonsense they have been creating and pushing for. I challenge any man to step from in-front of that false sex goddess they keep worshipping; pussy.
The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek
Prosecute them for fraud;
Prosecute them for fraud; recover the money wasted on the bogus prosecution. Lock them up and throw away the key!