High suicide rate for older white males
Submitted by Evil White Male... on Sat, 2006-08-19 03:02
Well a small blurb appears at UPI regarding the fact the suicide rate is 3 times the national average for white males. Just imagine the uproar if women's suicide rates were higher. The reason cited:
"Suicide experts are unable to pinpoint an exact cause for the higher rate but some believe white males lack the resilience and coping mechanisms that women and other ethnic groups have."
Ed. note: Of interest: the comments people are leaving around the story on the UPI page. Apparently, plenty of folks see through the foolishness.
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The article is usual brain-damaged feminist "empathy" for men
The tag-line from the article is this statement ---
"They also point to the fact that males are socialized to be in control and are less apt to seek help for depression which leads to suicide."
Now, just for starters, where does this assumption of "socialized to be in control" come from?
Feminazi-ism, obviously.
If men are socialized to "be in control," then why are boys failing in schools nationwide?
Why are young men now a MINORITY (qualifying as an oppressed class?) in colleges and universities?
Why, so obviously, are men NOT IN CONTROL?
Just an empirical comment (fems hate empiricism, it contradicts their very illogical way of thinking...) --
Men's socialization starts with 16 YEARS of indoctrination in female-controlled spaces --- called Mom's nipple, Mom's secret control-at-home (dad's always working), elementary school with 90% female teachers, high school with 70% female teachers...
If men are socialized to be dominant, then our culture seems to have a very perverse commitment to Reverse Psychology as its operant principle!
If it were a cooking show, the recipe would be --
"marinate in environmental estrogen for 16 years, add ideological mind-warping seasonings, power-and-control conditionings, then bait and baste the budding Patriarch with conflicting illogical emotional programs, stir, heat to a boil... remove from heat ... and let stew for 40 years.
When confronted with the utter disaster, blame the failed recipe on The Evil Patriarchy."
Call girlfriend and ask her to pay for take-out.
Comment i wanted to leave
You can tell when the "experts" are tip toeing around the real answer. In this case, the fact that the suicide rate for recently divorced men is much higher than for other men, let alone women, is not mentioed. Why would that be, care to answer, "experts"??
Could it be because men are stripped of everything they have on the woman's say-so? The fact that their house, their life, their job, their children are all taken forcibly from them?
I thought white men were the architects of the Patriarchy, which is just feminist fantasy because they think men behave the same way as women and help each other out just because they have the same organs. Look at how Andrea Dworkin or Mary Winkler was handled by feminists compared to how Darren Mack was handled by men's rights activists.
Men are more likely to actually commit suicide than using suicide as a "cry for help" which women do because women know that help will come, whereas men know that if they don't finish the job themselves, they'll be thrown into prison.
I wanted to leave this comment, but they have a blasted 300-character limit so i'm having to post it piecemeal.
Source Of Racist Misandric Rant No Surprise
The source is some overrated rad-fem misandrist professor at Colorado State University. Big surprise huh?
From site:
The lower suicide rates among women suggest that women are capable of more complex and flexible coping strategies than men, according to Silvia Canetto, a Colorado State University psychology professor who specializes in gender issues in suicidal behavior.
Yup, it's true that attempted suicide is another "male only" law
You hit the mail on the head why men don't call suicide hotlines (at least one of the big reasons) to ask for help. Attempting to kill yourself is illegal. You are completely correct that men who attempt suicide the way women do often find the help they are offered is the inside of a prison cell.
Not to mention the "deal with it", "just get over it", suck it up", "be a man" advice that is drolled out reflexively by just about anyone a man looks to for help.
Heck, when I felt like there was no more reason to live in the midst of being falsely accused of rape, everyone I talked to just spit out the same crap as mentioned above. "It'll be okay" was about the most sympathy I got from most people (including my at the time fiancee)
Older men have the hardest time of it. At least I really am young enough to start over. A 65 year old man who's wife decides to leave and take everything with her so that she can go screw a bunch of beach boys in the carribean is left with nothing (and convinced his adult kids that he abused her and so they hate him). He worked hard his whole life only to descover that the only thing the world has for him after he's worked 50 years to help keep it rumming is a few hundred dollars a month old age pension (because the company he worked for decided to file for Chapter 11 to screw him out of his pension).
Old women don't have better coping skills, they have infinately more options and avenues for help. Men have nothing.
Men who can't "suck it up" (and die of the heart attack that approach comes with) have few other options but to take matters into his own hands like he has his whole life.
And now for something completely different.
Older white males aren't the only high(er) risk group, consider this gem from CNN. Of course, it's the evil male patriarchy that drove these women to get the implants anyway, so I suppose that's something else we should all take the blame for.
-- Silence is the voice of complicity.
It's really not a complex issue, bottome line
This whole thing is basically just another version of: blame the (male) victims. If women's suicide rates went up, it would be the fault of society in general. When men's rates go up, it is because men are inherently weak and/or it is the patriarchy's fault in particular.
coping mechanism?
if by coping mechanism they refer to the inate predatory social strategy of women to seek a "host" for their parasitic lifestyles, well then yes...perhaps unsuspecting men don't really realize that this is the fundamental strategy women employ...women basically trade brief periods of vaginal 'loaning' for a lifestyle living off of somebody (typically a man).
we must warn the youngsters of this reality
oregon dad
No Surprise --- What Every Man Has Always Known...
"Big boobs are to die for!"
If I were a cosmetic surgeon doing all these boob jobs, I would be really concerned about a class action lawsuit for malpractice.
There will be a lotta bank made on mandatory psychological screenings for women seeking breast enhancements from now on.
Imagine the interviews --
"Have you ever considered suicide because of your tiny breasts?
Sign here!_____________
RE: Beast implants and suicide
It is simply amazing, simply mind-boggling how researchers and the mass media will leave NO STONE UNTURNED in their quest to get to the bottom of practically every women's issue, every way in which women are victimized - by themselves or by others.
Where is the study about how men are much more likely to commit suicide as they realize just what the world has in store for them - stripped of the rights, bound to the responsibilities of mmanhood.
Lack of Earning and or accountability mechanism
Perhaps the 'wage gap' is the product of women lacking some sort of earning mechanism.
Let's see how that flies.
Shit Another Uber-Cynic!
Oregon Dad you surpass even my own well-reviled cynicism about the basic parasitical nature of the female species.
(And, they are a different species, with a different brain from men. Chimps are more able to empathize with men than are women.)
The inherent female species' predation has multiple levels:
* male infants are subjected to 16 years of female-dominated culture (from infant breast-feeding through more than a decade spent in elementary and HS subjection to feminist codes and culture) ... unless they bail...
* girls have a head-start with the whole brain chemistry involved in manipulation. They are sophisticated at emotional terrorism by approximately the age of three.
Boys still like to play with model trucks when girls are defining the winners and losers in their relationship slaughters.
* Girls and women are subject to a brain hormonal roller-coaster ride throughout their lives. They are victims of their biology, which defines their reality.
Their reality cannot be depended upon, by its very chemical nature. Women know this.
NOTE TO MRA's -- this is why you cannot ever trust a woman's "integrity." (It is merely a transitory hormone fleeting across her brain, and will wither away after a day or two...)
A female's version of "truth" is always hormonally shifting, it affects her intellect, it makes her crazy or occasionally sane, and you might as well ask where the next big marlin fish will be caught if you want to predict a woman's mental/cognitive state.
Women are, and will always be.... infants with BIG attitudes!
Google "The Female Brain" by L. Brizendine.
"These scientific findings indicate that the wiring of the female brain for sexual orientation occurs during fetal development, following the blueprint of that individual's genes and sex hormones. The behavioral expression of her brain wiring will then be influenced and shaped by environment and culture."
That is basically a slam dunk for Nature over Nurture.
Or, in Slanguage ---
"Mother Nature is a Bitch!"
And she did not favour the "fairer sex" except to impel them for reproduction above all else.
delete unintended post
delete unintended post
Re: And now for something completely different
Hey JD, just checked out your blog (http://disenfranchisedfather.blogspot.com), very informative.
Not to change the subject of this thread, but I was particularly interested in you 'Cyberviolence' item. It reminds me of the 'manhaters.com' site here in the U.S., and how those vicious women who post on it are getting away with libel and slander.
Ha!! Manhaters.com changes its name
www.manhaters.com changed its name to womansavers.com. Actually this makes the problem worse, because now it will appear that the site is more benign, thus inviting potential members who want to be 'saved'.
One question
You do have good points and I do agree with them. However I do have one question as you seem to contridict the evidence you present,here is what I mean:
"These scientific findings indicate that the wiring of the female brain for sexual orientation occurs during fetal development, following the blueprint of that individual's genes and sex hormones. The behavioral expression of her brain wiring will then be influenced and shaped by environment and culture."
That is basically a slam dunk for Nature over Nurture.
Wouldn't "environment and culture" be considered "nurture" rather than "nature"? I would think so.
Good Question
I think that the authoress of "The Female Brain" is emphasizing that there IS a gender "blueprint," that determines the fundamental tendencies of maleness/femaleness in brain physiology.
She occasionally in her book gives a wink and a nod to the "nurture" side of the equation.
But she always insists that the "in utero" brain shaping chemistry has the upper hand.
She does not deny that Nurture can MODIFY
She argues that Nature (3 million years of DNA) defines the boundaries of feminist tampering.