Site Upgrade

Bear with us, this site has now been upgraded to the latest and greatest version of Drupal. That of course means old bugs are fixed and new ones are introduced. Please keep us posted on problems you may encounter with the new system to

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BTW, one of the improvements I've noticed with the CAPTCHA system is an option to require a CAPTCHA verification once per session. That should mean once you've correctly answered a CAPTCHA challenge, you won't have to do another one until you log out. I think that will be a big step toward minimizing the inconvenience that CAPTCHA causes.

If you don't know what I mean by CAPTCHA, this wikipedia article explains it well.


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It's the culture of rape hysteria that is causing many innocent men their lives/reputations..
The constant barage of Rape (agit-prop) on every street corner, Television, and radio station is what is driving the false accussations/anti-male hysteria!! for more info on this cultural anti-male hysteria!!

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And the CAPTCHA is definitely more sensible. One new thing I noticed: I'm now required to turn on scripts (as well as allowing session cookies) in order to log in. I can browse without logging in without scripts enabled, but to login or post comments, it's now necessary to allow the site to execute javascript. I run Firefox on Linux or Windows with NoScript, tor/privoxy, stealther and a few other privacy/security goodies I've configured to play nice with the site, and this is the first time I've needed to allow scripts to execute to login/post comments.

It's not a big deal, I trust your site not to run malicious content Scott. Just an observation, not a complaint. Thanks for all the continuing hard work, sir.

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