On friendships: "Where Have All The Men Gone?"

Came across this article and thought it was a good topic to toss out there. It discusses the 'vanishing friendships' that men have with each other and how that just ain't good for us. Excerpt:

'Men who have been managing their careers for years but who find themselves, midstream, feeling bereft of the kind of friendships they once had seem to have made four critical life mistakes, according to experts. The first and biggest problem involves time constraints...

The second problem is a little more insidious and involves the way men tend to forsake their male friends and elect their wives or girlfriends as their new and primary best friends in their social worlds. Call it the Yoko Ono effect.

Following hard upon this is problem number three: the tendency for men to entrust their social lives to their girlfriends or wives.
The fourth mistake takes us to the problem of male friendship at its widest circumference. It has to do with the sense of manhood we inherit from our fathers and from the movies, a sense of manhood that is standard issue, handed out, as it were, when we were boys, and it is symbolized by the lone rider, brave, independent, and self-sufficient — the Clint Eastwood effect.'

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This not so complicated.

When a woman marries a guy, she begins immediately to apply the primary tactics she learned and used to conquer her female enemies in high school or college.

All of these passive-aggressive strategies are based on the female's superior knowledge of psychological coercion techniques.

The way a high school girl defeats her female rival is through shunning ("the silent treatement"), destroying reputations (spread rumors or simply dial 911 after marriage), and isolation (separate him from his buddies because "they make me uncomfortable....")

This is so elementary in the female's arsenal of dominance that it doesn't even cover their more refined tactics.

Very few women predators ever have to resort to their truly sophisticated weapons.

Mostly because, getting "accidentally pregnant" involves the least amount of mental effort and is usually all that's required to subjugate a man.

There's a genius you have to appreciate in that special female chromosome!

Be afraid gentlemen.... very afraid.

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primary protocol!!!

1..Fiend love
2...divide from male friends
3..makes herself youre primary and only emotional support
4..subjagate, and yolk!!

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As usual, they are assigning all the blame for this to men. Here's the way I see it:

"The first and biggest problem involves time constraints..."

--no shit, these men are too busy making money so their wives and kids can spend it (whether they are married or divorced).

"The second problem is a little more insidious and involves the way men tend to forsake their male friends and elect their wives or girlfriends as their new and primary best friends in their social worlds. Call it the Yoko Ono effect."

--really? Was Yoko Ono possessive? Many men's wives are..they won't allow the man to have other friends.

"Following hard upon this is problem number three: the tendency for men to entrust their social lives to their girlfriends or wives".

--duh..see number 2 above.

The fourth mistake takes us to the problem of male friendship at its widest circumference. It has to do with the sense of manhood we inherit from our fathers and from the movies, a sense of manhood that is standard issue, handed out, as it were, when we were boys, and it is symbolized by the lone rider, brave, independent, and self-sufficient — the Clint Eastwood effect.'"

--how about, it is a sign of strength and character to be self-reliant? And what's wrong with Clint Eastwood? I thought he was a pretty cool guy.

In sum, the writer is a typical dipshit who takes a female view of things.


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But the Yoko Ono effect "places tremendous pressure upon women," according to John Guarnaschelli, a New York City therapist specializing in men's issues.

"places tremendous pressure upon women"

Good. Women need more pressure on them not less. Perhaps the bitches can be broken yet.

Alright done reading THIS article. Get better news guys this shit is pseudointellectual bullshit. SMH.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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I recently watched a segment from the multi-DVD Beatles anthology set, and it really struck me how the only thing Yoko had to do to destroy the Beatles chemistry as a band was to sit silently in the recording studio space with the formerly fab four.

Just by violating that all-male space, sitting silently in judgement, Yoko destroyed everything.... especially the trust among the Beatles as men.

Passive-aggression gentlemen.

It is the essence of the female modus operandi.

Look innocent, do your dirty work, always plausible deniability.

If you don't research it and understand it, it will make you crazy...

Choose un-crazy.

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