"Women in their thirties exhausted and unhappy"
Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 2007-09-28 12:25
Article here. Excerpt:
'Women in their thirties who appear to "have it all" compared with previous generations are in fact exhausted and unhappy, a survey has claimed.
The demands of being a homemaker, mother and holding down a job is leaving them "physically and emotionally" wrecked.'
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Just like men
Every man I know in that age range who is MWC ("Married With Children") fits that description to a T. Yet no such articles about men destroying themselves in service to wife and child.
I have a solution for women who want to avoid this problem: Do not pester some poor guy to marry you and do not have kids. It's that simple.
Scientific data
Since it seems that a topic of happiness is somewhat popular today (it's a second article in two days on this subject here), here is a table of happiness rate for different social groups:
Single men: 100
Married women: 45
Married men: 35
Single women: 10
Male daughter-owners: 0.5
Two pillars of the World of the Future:
Artificial Reproduction
"What freedom men and women could have, were they not constantly tricked and trapped and enslaved and tortured by their sexuality."
J. Steinbeck.
The Illogic of Female Victimization?
(Article quote): "Eight out of 10 of women said they do not have enough time to eat properly, while 31% admitted that they snack all the time."
Sorry, I don't buy it. As the quote suggests, this is not a problem of time management, but one of female illogic, sloth, and dishonesty.
Let's review -- they have no TIME to eat properly, but devote ALL THEIR TIME to snacking on junk foods.
A trip to the grocery store today has become like a bizarre local safari to view herds of bovine waddling mammals with little actual femininity on display.
The average 30-something female is clinically obese or borderline, and all you need to do is closely observe the contents of their grocery carts to understand why.
The alibi that "I don't have time to eat well" is like saying "I don't have time to read actual literature ... where's the National Enquirer?" (Or Cosmo, for the really high-I.Q. sows.)
Feminism has turned women into infants whose psychology is stuck at the maturational level of a perpetual three year-old throwing a tantrum.
"I want what I want and I want it NOW!"
(I want to be skinny, dammit! It's the Evil Patriarchy causing all this bloat...)
Pass the nachos and dip, honey.... Put on another DVD and grab me a beer while you're up, OK?
100% is statistically unachievable
Hey nbdspcl, you left out lesbian couples with children via sperm donors.
Also, single men cannot be 100% happy.
Mainly because of the sperm donation thing and its consequences....
And it's difficult to believe that 10% of single women would report being happy.
Mainly because of the lack of the sperm donation thing and its consequences.
Unless they're lesbians, who are mostly happy, when they're not angry. Which is about 5% of the time.
Your survey raises more questions than it answers. Good further research potential!
Roy, not sure I agree with
Roy, not sure I agree with you. It's a lot easier to pick up a bag of chips, candybar, or order in something for lunch than it is to make sure you've prepared a healthy meal in advance and brought it with you to work.
Well, there you have it
Women are sadder these days, while men are happier. I guess feminism hasn't had it's desired effect.
Rot hit the nail on the head.
Moreover, I am sick of reading articles on here about how "women are unhappy" or women want this, women want that. I've submitted tons of article that get at the heart of why this gender war is perpetuated yet NONE of them get approved by the CENSORator. JJ's Garage may be the new stomping grounds as this site seems to have become a female sympathizer outlet.
I am starting to lean moreso towards the notion that men deserve the treatment they are getting until we stop arguing and censoring each other women -- chivalrous men -- and the crooked system they have in place will prevail.
The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek
More excuses for lazy, fat women? This site is a trip....
Roy, not sure I agree with you. It's a lot easier to pick up a bag of chips, candybar, or order in something for lunch than it is to make sure you've prepared a healthy meal in advance and brought it with you to work.
They could just as easily have picked up healthy snack chips, a banana, an apple, an orange, salad or many of the other thousands of healthy on the go items available. Many chinese food restaurants serve soy products and subway even has veggie products and fruit sides.
No excuses for the overweight bitches. WOMEN are responsible for what they eat. No motherfucking body else and I am not going to let the lemmings on this site sit here sit around and make up excuse after excuse for women. Fuck out of here with that sympathetic bullshit.
The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek
A New Pseudonym?
Mr. R. -- I kinda like the variation you proposed on my handle ... "ROT" vs. ROY.
I'm seriously considering it.
And, you are totally correct that articles submitted to this site for publication are being censored (never even acknowleged as a possible contribution) by the mods ---
I asked for an editorial policy months ago.
Never got a reply.
"Your story was created."
Mr. R. -- I kinda like the
Mr. R. -- I kinda like the variation you proposed on my handle ... "ROT" vs. ROY.
Rot, sounds better than Roy.
As far as the so-called "Submit a New Story" feature....well I completely agree and am in the process of designing somewhere else where feminist censorship does not run so rampant.
The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek
Happiness Ratio...
axolotl -- "Women are sadder these days, while men are happier. I guess feminism hasn't had it's desired effect."
That is the funniest comment EVER!
Except, I am confused about the "men are happier" part.
I always thought that men's happiness depended on making women happier than men.
Did I miss a lesson in how to be an indentured male servant?
My bad.
Your happines is supposed to come from serving women...
...and whenever they need more leverage they will say "women and children." Although any fool with eyes could see that the laws that have been passed have everything to do with getting women more power and nothing to do with children -- and even though women murder their kids more often than any man by far -- we are supposed to crumble when women add "children" into the equation and acquiesce to pro-woman ideology.
Be aware of when politicians -- or women -- try to insert "children" into the equation in order to siphon/leech off more benefits from men(which actually benefit women) in the name of "the children." It's a farce like 99.9% of the crap western women say.
In all reality women do children the most harm. The laws prove it and female abuse of children prove along with their wanton destruction of the male role model dynamic which children(both boys AND girls) require in order to grow.
The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek
No, you instead missed a previous topic
A few topics prior to this one, there was one about a "study" showing that men are happier! Could have fooled me. Happier than what, a bear caught in a trap?
Men are as happy as...
...Mary Winkler's dead husband with that fatal shotgun wound in his back. Wait a minute can corpses be happy?
The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek