"Oh no!! You're one of THEM!!?"
Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2006-08-22 02:39
Apparently, for certain women of a certain orientation, there can be nothing worse than becoming... male! Or, at least looking and acting like one.
So much for the whole "acceptance of differences" that gets touted from some quarters, eh? Looks like exercises in mind-broadening and learning tolerance appear to be necessary for more than just a couple types of person. Read The Trouble When Jane Becomes Jack.
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Not correct...
This is called Gender identity disorder
Please do not discriminate them by accident while holding off Feminist, cause they are one of the feminist's victims.
(I am not a feminist...)
this is simply not true
“It is very much harder for women to be successful, to get jobs, to get grants, especially big grants,”
baloney. women that work hard in school and get a good degree have no problem finding jobs and being successful.
these people are delusional.
oregon dad
RE: this is simply not true
Not only that, but if there is even the slightest thread of truth to it if the woman happens to be seeking a job as a coal miner, it cuts just as much (in fact more) the other way aswell.
Just try to be a man and get a job in any female dominated feild like the service industry. Degree and all, good luck if you are not the most effeminate gay man or tranny and even then you are not "pure" and will be passed over for a pure woman.
When are people going to get it, men are descriminated against even more then women in all but.
Hell, that article even brings up the fact that the lesbian community casts out the whole rest of the gay and transgendered community on many occaisions like music festivals etc...
And how come no one but MRAs count all this "true females only" crap as exclusionism and in fact FEMALE PRIVILLAGE. It's easy for dykes to claim "Us against the wolrd" when they are in fact the one's calling the shots.
This one sentence says it all
women who are choosing to pursue life as a man can provoke a deep resentment and almost existential anxiety, raising questions of gender loyalty and political identity, as well as debates about who is and who isn’t, and who never was, a real woman.
This tells a lot about what (lesbian) feminism is about. Loyalty against "them". Resentment.. how else can it be explained but through the fact that these people have a hatred for men, simply because they are male. What's interesting is how many of these lesbians really do resemble males in their behaviour, especially by acting out the "new chauvinism" with the evident knight-in-shining-armor fantasies resulting in the seemingly paradoxical men's anti-male bias we are seeing so often.
When I read paragraph after paragraph what kind of problems they have with someone "joining the enemy".. is it just me or is there something distinctly pathological about all this?
Itemized list of responses
1) If men are inferior to women, as feminists claim, then why would a woman want to become a man?
2) "It is hard for women to get jobs, grants..". HA! That is hilarious! Anybody who still think that, must have been embedded in a fossil cliff for the last couple millenia!!
3) Nothing pisses off feminists (and female psychotherapists) more than the phrase "penis envy". Due to this fact alone, it has now become socialized into our psyches that Freud was wrong, that there is 'no such thing', and they even extend it to discredit anything Freud says about women. It is a standard auto-reply to say there is no such thing.
I don't know if Freud was completely right about P.E., but I do know that when boys and girls play 'doctor's office', one kid notice that the other one has something they don't have..anyone who is honest and is not a complete dunce, can see where that is headed.
I can see where that is headed
These days when boys and girls play "Doctor's Office" it is headed towards the little boy on his State's (and comming soon National) Sex Offender Registry. Since the new Adam Walsh act which is national removes age restrictions on how old you have to be to be declaired a sex offender, now that little girl who saw that little boy's wee wee and told her parents about it will end with that little boy branded a child rapist (forgetting entirely the fact that he himslef is a child).
Sure is fun to be male today :) Nothing is innocent anymore.
Definitely not politically correct, and certainly not my opinion
American Women Suck