asks: "Why do married men stray?"

If you really fancy getting angry, read this.

A famous cricketer in Australia has just been in the press for cheating. Technically he didn't cheat - he had, in the past, on several occasions, but this time he was actually separated from his wife when the fling occurred. But that's not important to this writer, who basically uses it as an excuse to attack all us men and tar us with the same brush.

What's more interesting is the comments below the story, a lot of guys (me included) have attempted to bring some sanity back into this.

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I posted a comment to the article, in which I accused the writer of being a misandrist (which I defined for him), and also implied that he was a clown. I questioned him as to why the media feels the need to belittle and stereotype men.

Then after I clicked on "submit", a screen appeared which in part said,

"Feedback will be rejected if it does not add to a debate, or is a purely personal attack, or is offensive, repetitious, illegal or meaningless, or contains clear errors of fact."

Sounds like censorship to sounds like if they don't like what is said, tough shit. Note how the media holds the public to higher standards than those which the media holds itslef to. This is just one more element of a fascist society..the press screens out people who disagree with them (wasn't that what happened in "1984"?).


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I posted a comment to the article, in which I accused the writer of being a misandrist (which I defined for him), and also implied that he was a clown. I questioned him as to why the media feels the need to belittle and stereotype men.

Not that I'm disagreeing with your feelings towards the author or the story the author wrote, ad hominem attacks won't get you anywhere. I find the only way to get through to anyone in this matter (because people have been exposed to nonstop male-bashing for at least 30 years) is to take it slowly and calmly.

I'm not sure what words triggered the censorship, though. Maybe misandrist? That would be frightening.

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That message would be displayed regardless of content, it's a general message.

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That was the basic idea of my comment. To show that they would reject it since I implied he was a clown..
But I repeat, the media should not hold the readership to a higher standard than they hold themselves to.
Slowly and calmly? That is not how feminists accomplished things in the past, and it has been widely accepted that they behaved(d) in such a ferocious manner. Why not now, for MRA's?? Sorry, I don't need anyone's permission to express anger.

I agree with ItsDan..let me see if they displayed it..

okay, I'm back, and I'm not sure what's going on..I clicked on the link, and got an article by someone named Quigly. What happened to the article by Funnell?

okay, I checked again..they printed my comment, but it was directed at another poster named Funnell.. apparently yesterday when I was reading the comments, I got confused and assumed the Funnell character had written the original article. So the good news is that they printed my comment, the bad news is it probably confused an awful lot of the readers.

I hope you guys have enjoyed this mini-blog:)


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