Help distribute NCFM news release before domestic violence awareness month

Centers For Disease Control Finds Women Commit Half Of Domestic Violence, Reports National Coalition of Free Men

NCFM calls for accuracy in media during Domestic Violence Awareness Month this October

Contact: Marc E. Angelucci, Esq.

For Immediate Release

LOS ANGELES/EWORLDWIRE/Sep. 24, 2007 --- October is domestic violence awareness month. In May 2007, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) published its latest study which found almost one-fourth of relationships had violence, about half of which was reciprocal, and the researchers were "surprised" to find that "in nonreciprocally violent relationships, women were the perpetrators in more than 70 percent of the cases," and men incurred significant injuries ( (

The CDC's Web site also cites data showing: "In the United States every year, about 1.5 million women and more than 800,000 men are raped or physically assaulted by an intimate partner," and 24 percent of intimate partner homicide victims were male (

Experts have expressed concern that male victims have been unfairly ignored due to gender-driven politics and that this contributes to the intergenerational cycle of domestic violence. When male victims are ignored or just "take it," their children suffer long-term damage by the exposure and are more likely to commit the violence as adults.

The mass media often contributes to this neglect by framing domestic violence as "battered women" or as primarily a male crime and by citing inaccurate crime data. The media says "men and women" when covering soldiers or fire-fighters; it should do the same for domestic violence victims. The National Coalition of Free Men calls on the media for fair reporting this October. As Dear Abby said, "Domestic violence is a human problem, not a gender problem."

In addition to the CDC data, a recent 32-nation study by the University of New Hampshire found women commit half of all partner violence and are just as controlling as men ( (

A University of Florida study recently found women are more likely than men to "stalk, attack and abuse" their partners (

The University of Washington recently found similar results (

In fact, although men are less likely to report the violence - which distorts crime data, virtually all randomized sociological surveys show women initiate domestic violence as often as men and use weapons more than men, that men suffer one-third of injuries, and that self-defense explains only a small portion of domestic violence by either sex. Professor Martin Fiebert of California State University summarizes this data in an online bibliography at (

A recent study in the Journal of Family Violence found many male callers to a national hotline experienced severe violence from female partners who used violence to control them (

A University of Pennsylvania emergency room report found 13 percent of men were assaulted by a female partner in the previous 12 months, 37 percent with a weapon, and 14 percent required medical attention (

Contact: Marc E. Angelucci, Esq.
(626) 319-3081


Marc Angelucci
National Coalition of Free Men
P.O.Box 41291
Los Angeles, CA 90041
PHONE. 626-319-3081
FAX. 626-319-3081
NCFM's website:
Los Angeles chapter website:

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I think I'm an idiot.
Can someone please resolve these two statments for me?

"In May 2007, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) published its latest study which found almost one-fourth of relationships had violence, about half of which was reciprocal, and the researchers were "surprised" to find that "in nonreciprocally violent relationships, women were the perpetrators in more than 70 percent of the cases..."


"The CDC's Web site also cites data showing: "In the United States every year, about 1.5 million women and more than 800,000 men are raped or physically assaulted by an intimate partner," and 24 percent of intimate partner homicide victims were male"

The numbers don't jibe.
Anyone? Please?

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Not sure what doesn't make sense. The top numbers are for violence in general, the second group is for more specific crimes. Feminists expanded 'abuse' to be a very wide net, and now they have to deal with the fact that they've put a lot of their "sisters" into that net. It most likely shows that women's abuse is more likely to be verbal, mental, or physical abuse cases which either aren't reported to the authorities, are recognized as domestic assault, or don't lead to a police report or hospital visit (doesn't mean they're less serious injuries, but men might be less likely to report it, fearing they themselves may be accused of abuse).

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You're looking at two things:

(1) The 5/07 study by the CDC; and,
(2) The CDC's fact sheet.

The 5/7 study found women commit about half of domestic violence. It was entirely sociological. That is, it had nothing to do with crime, was not co-sponsored by a crime agency, and did not use crime terminology. Also, I'm not sure whether it included rape.

The CDC fact sheet cites a study ("Violence Against Women Survey") that was co-sponsored by the Department of Justice (DoJ) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). The DoJ inserted crime-based terminology ("assault," "abuse," etc.), which lowers the number of male victims because men are less likely than women to see it as a crime or to use those terms. Men are more likely to just describe it ("she stabbed me," "she hit me") but less likely to say "assault" or "abuse" or see it as a crime. So Gelles and others explain that this is probably one reason why the Violence Against Women Survey shows only 38% of the victims are men rather than 50%. Another reason could be that the title of the study ("Violence Against Women Survey") prejuced the outcome. And it included rape.

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There's an important rhetorical trick that feminist DV fascists use to perpetuate the "male oppressor-female victim" mythology.

It is just this.

All the credible studies show that women initiate 70% of domestic altercations ---- usually by slapping a man and seeking to provoke a response. (Well, some lovely soulmates prefer to lock 'n load a shotgun, unplug the phone, and shoot you in the back while you are sleeping. That's a girl who at least has efficient habits....)

If a man responds to this provocation, it is likely that the female will be injured, due to her lesser physical capacity.

So, while more women initiate violence, more women suffer injury.

Now what really intrigues me is that the mainstream feminist DV Duluth Model (Google it please), states that men must agree that "nothing a woman could do is an acceptible provocation for reciprocal violence."

In other words, if your female partner smacks you upside the head with a frying pan... that is not sufficient provocation to respond defensively.

The genius of DV feminism is that they have used language and law to define men as perpetrators, aggressors, oppressors, etc.

So, nothing a man does other than roll over and die in the face of female violence is acceptible.

ANY male act of self-defense = violence against women.

This is also true ideologically, politically, and interpersonally.

Tell me I'm incorrect, please.

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The feminist Klan will soon start to be held accounteable for the culture of chaos that their anti-male agit-prop has produced!!

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"The feminist Klan will soon start to be held accounteable for the culture of chaos that their anti-male agit-prop has produced!!"

Are you kidding? Did Hell freeze over or something?

I hope you're right, but I just don't know what makes you feel the gender feminist, domestic violence industry will be held accountable for their deviltry any time soon. Lately it seems to me their power base is bigger than ever, with all those fresh billions in VAWA reauthorization money

Again, I hope you're correct. No one is more tired of that hate movement than me. In the mean time let's keep shinning the light of truth on those lying, gender feminist cockroaches. Nothing is more revealing than seeing them scurrying about pathetically rationalizing their misandry.

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We'll see a Violence Against Funding Women Act (VAFWA) in response to these statistical and sociological findings, long before anyone is held accountable for anything. The purpose of that act will be to make it a federal hate crime for the government not to sponsor feminist programs. Even the $2,000,000,000 for VAWA doesn't cover the first level of graft. Those vultures aren't going to let a scientific study or two stand in their way. If anything, the frminist Taliban will lobby to have the CDC closed.

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Another irritating comment that we see time and again in these reports:

"researchers were "surprised" to find that "in nonreciprocally violent relationships, women were the perpetrators in more than 70 percent of the cases"

Why are these people always "surprised" by such findings? Have none of them ever done any prior research, or even their basic homework on domestic violence, which would have told them what they were likely to find? How do they get to be researchers if they start off with a knowledge base that appears to be absolute zero? I thought you needed to know at least the basics before you started any field of research. Why do they still not know the true scale of female violence, despite the mountain of evidence? Why the surprise when they suddenly notice the elephant that has not just been in the room for years, but has been sitting in their armchair, drinking their coffee and urinating all over their carpet? Are these people blind, or just incredibly stupid?

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Incredibly biased is a better explanation. Women run this CUNTry -- the men in power are merely figureheads that serve to enfoce the woman's will -- thus anything that shows the negative side of women will be either disregarded, covered up, or seen with a false notion of "surprise."

"Why do they(women) constantly stand before the fairy-tale mirror-on-the-wall, to reassure themselves that they are the most beautiful, the smartest, the most courageous? Because they are compelled t

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The only way this anti-male hysteria and subsequent culture of chaos is going to be addressed is through actions..

If all the men here took the step of mentioning to a coworker that he might be interested in a discussion thats happenning on-line...and give them web addresses so men can educate themselves...That would be a small step in the right direction!!

Many small steps in the right direction each day..will add up!!

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Are these people blind, or just incredibly stupid?

How about a new word to describe the mental condition of these people? Feministupid

There's no clear point where gender feminism ends, or stupidity begins. They just sort of exist simultaneously together without anyone questioning. The merging of those two words also underscores just how significantly these two words are integrally bound together.

Now then, boys and girls, let's all use the new word together in a sentence: Domestic violence law is feministupid.

I bet you can think of lots of ways to use our new word. :-)

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One of the trivial outcomes of insignificant MRA "pressure" on Congress during the clandestine and censored hearings to pass VAWA 2005-2010 was a requirement that recipients of the hundreds of millions of dollars of VAWA funding have to measure and report back on the effectiveness of their programs.

(Imagine that leap of progress! The idea that women might be held accountable.... for something.)

This is really an ingenious example of feminist scholarship applied to legislation -- asking the beneficiaries of the VAWA money machine to SELF-REPORT on their effectiveness!

A women's studies department in the University of Maine system developed the objective criteria for measuring effectiveness. (I'm not kidding.)

It's like a Twilight Zone-inspired gender reversal of the old "fox guarding the hen house" fable.

You can waste a few minutes of your time discovering what all the VAWA feminstupidnistas reported if you go to the Office of Violence Against Women website --

You really should visit this site, because your tax dollars made it possible! ;-)

If you dig deep enough, you can actually find distorted statistics that acknowledge minimal levels of domestic violence perpetrated by women against men.

Oh, the horror!

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I see about 13 posts complaining about feminists and the system but not one confirming they sent this release to their local media. I have been up late nights the last two days sending this to hundreds of media and I have asked people to send it to at least ONE local source. But all I see is whaa whaa whaa feminists this and feminits that. If this is all we are as a movement then we DESERVE what we get. There are so many men's rights INactivists out there who do nothing but complain on the internet and even attack other MRAs but don't lift a finger to make a difference. I'm not assuming nobody sent it, but why is there 13 complaining postings and not one "I sent it to ____" post? What the hell?

The MRA movement is 95% yaction, 5% action. No wonder we spin our wheels.


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Yes, I sent it to a Junior College School paper and to a small, midwestern town paper. I used all the contact info you included, but sent it from my email address.

It would be nice if this press release were available to send throughout October, because this will start to get buried under other posts at Mensactivism in a few days.

I'll send this to some other Junior College Papers that I know of. And I'll try to think of some other papers to send it to.

Let's face it, almost every town in America has a paper so the list, the opportunities, are almost endless.

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I knew someone out there must be trying. I Yes this can be sent all throughout October. The link will remain at the site.

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Here's a link to a list of college newspapers.

College Newspapers

Here's another list just in California.

California College Newspaper list

I'm going to need some help sending press releases to all those papers. That's a long list. It doesn't hurt if they get multiple emails of the press release.

I sent the press release to about 5 or 6 papers before I wised up and Googled for a list. I'll try to search for a National list.

Okay, here's a list of regular newspapers just in California (another long list):
California Newspapers

Here's a list of newspapers in Missouri:

Missouri Newspapers

I'm just doing a Google search: newspapers state
Type the name of your state and you should get a whole list in your state.

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MR. man of action!!...

I Matched youre action today with my own.

I approached and handed out 50 more business cards with web addresses on them today to college males ..

In light of the Duke false rape..which most college age men are fully aware of!! The Duke false rape is the perfect segway for me to hand out web adresses for these young men to educate themseleves about the true nature of this anti-male hysteria!!

Small consistant, sustained, efforts can move mountains!!

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"I approached and handed out 50 more business cards with web addresses on them today to college males ..

In light of the Duke false rape..which most college age men are fully aware of!! The Duke false rape is the perfect segway for me to hand out web adresses for these young men to educate themseleves about the true nature of this anti-male hysteria!!"

Thank you. I am grateful. It is work to get the word out, but it's really worthwhile. The more people getting the word out the better.

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I'm not motivated to help anyone with that attitude. The next time you have news releases, if you can remind others with a modicum of civility, then I'll help. But if you're going to address people as if they are children, then I'll pass.

If you sincerely want to encourage others to distribute this press release, you should say so in the body of the message in addition to the subject header. The outburst isn't quite justified if the only mention of helping out is in the subject line. Why couldn't you remind people that they should help out, and explain how they might do so, without the ad hominem? What do you expect to derive from berating others? Cooperation? Enthusiasm?

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I stand by what I said 100%. The subject line asked for help distributing it, and all the postings were just complaining about feminists. That's typical. I couldn't care less who is offended by what I said, because what I said is 100% true and it didn't attack any individual person. Hell yeah I have an attitude about it. About 10% of people in this movement do 90% of the work while the other 90% whine on the internet and criticize the doers. Anyone I know who is active in this movement totally agrees. This is a let-someone-else-fight-for-me-while-I-whine-online movement for the most part.

Thank you, MR, and anyone else who has been actually doing things instead of just screaming and complaining. I actually did get a number of people emailing me about helping out.

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Whining and complaining is okay too. I do plenty of it myself and it's justified given the massive gender feminist oppressions all men are under in America today. That being said, we sometimes do need reminders to be active in campaigns and projects. We can sometimes get in ruts complaining and whining. No bigee, a reminder to take it to the real abusers, the gender feminists, is not a big problem.

I'm going to be sending this press release out the whole month of October in different states. There are so many newspapers to email this to, I couldn't do them all in one day.

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I'm not saying we shouldn't whine and complain. But it should be a right that only active people have. Do-nothings shouldn't be complaining, because they're part of the problem. We have way too many of those.

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Would a cover letter with a very short synopsis of what is in this news release and just what NCFM is be more effective than sending it cold to the local media? What would you approve of being in the cover if you think this would help it get attention from the media?

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I'm happy if anyone does it whatever way they want, even if they change it around and take NCFM off. The info needs to get out any way we can.

A cover letter might be good, but from what I understand, a news release should not have a cover letter. It should be on page and short. This is already a little longer than it should be, but I felt compelled to include the info due to the skepticism and bias. In my opinion, the best thing to do is go to the website of the source, hit "contact us" or "about us," get the email address of the "news editor," or newsroom," or, if not available, just the main editor, plus any other editors or staff you want, and send it to them with a good subject line. I've been using things like "News Release; don't ignore male victims during domestic violence awareness month." Whatever you want. And send it several times throughout the month. If you have time, also get the fax number and send it by fax. But that takes more time.
Of course, if you really have time, you can also call and ask if they received it, etc.

That's my take. But again, I'm not an expert. I welcome almost ANY way that we can get this info out. What we need is people DOING it, however way. The inactivism is killing us. Imagine if all the internet postings were instead letters to editors, etc.

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will do!

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The point isn't whether the subject line was "clear enough"--whatever that means. The point is whether there are helpful suggestions on how to get the message out, and where. Period.

Perhaps one reason why the men's movement is uncoordinated is

1. the consistent failure to provide helpful procedures or best practices, for example, on disseminating press releases; and
2. the consistent failure to keep track of such efforts.

It's not obvious how complaining about the complainers accomplishes 1 or 2. Now I doubt that anyone who insists that complaining about the complainers suffices will admit there is a gap between the two. I expect the result of having been alerted to the glaring difference between the two will be more complaining about complainers.

I expected to see the hackneyed phrased that the whiners were "part of the problem"--and sure enough, that embarrassingly unoriginal utterance was uttered. Maybe in time, the men's movement will understand what it takes to motivate others.

Anyway, before I chimed in, I did forward this to some professional statistician friends. It's important to get their attention. One social statistician of my acquaintance believes that males are overwhelmingly abusers. He told me the story about a serial killer who brings his child victim into the forrest. The child says to the killer, "I'm scared walking in the forrest." The killer replies, "Why? I'm the one who has to walk back alone."

But after doing one's bit, it's demeaning to have to read this drivel about whiners. Just give the info about where to send it, and drop the self-righteous grandstanding.

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What a joke. If anyone is "self-righteous" it's you, who is so "offended" by me telling the truth. So sorry, but I'll tell the truth when I feel like it. By some chance are you offended because you're one of them? Who knows. But in my opinion only the do-nothings are really "offended" by my referencing the do-nothings. Doers say it's not effective and they're right, but few are "offended" by it because they know it's true. I've seen a small number of people work their butts off while a large number of people don't lift a finger to help but do a whole lot of whining. For the record I've been running an active chapter of NCFM for 7 years and yes I have learned what motivates and what doesn't, for the most part. Sometimes, though, the truth needs to be told, so I tell it, not to motivate (although in fact some do get motivated by it and tell me I was right), but to tell the truth. Truth is a good thing to tell and I'll continue to do so regardless of your nonsense accusations of "self-righteous grandstanding." And as far as "helpful suggestions" on how to get it out, I think that's fairly simple but anyone who doesn't know can simply ask. It sure doesn't take much. If you don't know, just ask. In fact, several people did and I answered them. But you're probably too "offended" now to help out. So be it.

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This is WAR month and we need all the FIGHTERS we can get. THANK YOU.

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I just e-mailed my first to the local TV news department (WSB TV in Atlanta, GA)and it didn't hurt one bit!

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When will we learn?

"Why do they(women) constantly stand before the fairy-tale mirror-on-the-wall, to reassure themselves that they are the most beautiful, the smartest, the most courageous? Because they are compelled t

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Doing nothing about anything is completelly inneffective!!!

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We have all month. I don't know about you, but that's the first thing I need to know to procrastinate. If I keep track of this and email a few papers (or more) every day, by the end of October a significant amount of newspapers will have been contacted.

OK, now to email the KC Star and Chicago Tribune for today.

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This is the kind of helpful information that is needed. Opinions about "whiners" are not helpful. It is helpful to point out that such remarks are opinions and not facts, and expressing them has nothing to do with being truthful.

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Marc, I really cannot imagine anyone impuning your motives, efforts, or integrity.

But then again, Joe Biden -- the Father of VAWA -- is running for President.

That should give MRA's some perspective about the current "grassroots" strategy.

In order to be "grandstanding," last time I checked you have to enjoy a high public scaffold to stand upon.

You don't yet have one. (Though you should.)

Every little bit of local media coverage counts, because when the MSM is not covering the latest Brittney Spears debacle or the latest crisis in women's mortality rates, some days they need to fill a very few column inches or a :30-second TV news toss-away.

That's what the men's movement has today.

And, size (copy, bandwidth, and web hits) matters.

So, gotta send those letters to the editors, and maybe a few more YouTube commentaries would also be strategic?

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"gotta send those letters to the editors"

Roy, I send about 5 letters to editors a day on average, mostly on DV. I try to track and record them here:

This list of NCFM-LA's media coverage goes back to the year 2000. Some of the coverage has been big.

You're right, I'm not "grandstanding." I want to see more people send letters to editors too. We need to POUND the media. But instead most are pounding the internet.

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2.5 million viewers dropped away from viewing TV last spring alone. Newspaper subscriptions are falling off. The new medium? The internet. The majority of these viewers now watch shows on the internet or go to such places as YOUTUBE to get their daily entertainment.

Why do you think the presidential candidates are there hosting debates? That's where the people are now. TV is old. It's too full of misandry to hold anyone's attention but braindead girls. People are spending more time online than they are watching the latest "men are bad" news show or Lifetime's misandric programs.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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