Winkler Gets Visitation, Oprah Treatment

Story here and here. Excerpts:

'HUNTINGDON, Tenn. — A woman who killed her minister husband with a shotgun can begin supervised visits with her three young daughters Sept. 29, a judge ruled Wednesday.

Judge Ron Harmon said he will draw up rules and locations for the visits within a few days and Mary Winkler can phone her children every other day.'

'As many of you know, Mary Winkler recently appeared on Oprah.
Oprah was annoyingly sympathetic to Winkler, and seemed to buy her abused wife shtick.
One of the few times on Oprah where Oprah did voice skepticism was when Mary described the morning of the crime. Winkler told Oprah she was angry at her husband and “just wanted to talk to him," and then she “heard a boom.” A more complete description of the incident would have been that she wanted to talk to him, waited until he fell asleep, retrieved the shotgun, pumped it, aimed it at his back, pulled the trigger, and then “heard a boom.”'

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One of the few times on Oprah where Oprah did voice skepticism was when Mary described the morning of the crime. Winkler told Oprah she was angry at her husband and “just wanted to talk to him," and then she “heard a boom.”

Come on, Oprah! I know she's your sista and all, but even YOU can see the holes in this bullshit. Perhaps she knew that Winkler was lying. Perhaps she is using her to empower her fans into shooting their "abusive" husbands. That'll show 'em, girls!

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in order to shoot them in the back too. She can't shoot them if she's separated from them.

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” A more complete description of the incident would have been that she wanted to talk to him, waited until he fell asleep, retrieved the shotgun, pumped it, aimed it at his back, pulled the trigger, and then “heard a boom.”'"

She just heard a boom, huh? I guess that's why she had the foresight to unplug the telephones in advance. So no one else would "hear a boom".

The justice system certainly didn't. Oh well, even if the victim had been able to dial 911, they would've arrested him anyhow, so it's not like it makes much of a difference.

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...thus she will never side against misandry unless there is some publicity in it(and only to get that moment of publicity and then back to male bashing we go)--even then it will not be a genuine concern for men. Especially black men whom she hates with a passion.

Never expect Oprah to be fair she made her billions by bathing in misandry along with her misandric white female "soccer mom" viewers. Misandry keeps her rich.

"Why do they(women) constantly stand before the fairy-tale mirror-on-the-wall, to reassure themselves that they are the most beautiful, the smartest, the most courageous? Because they are compelled t

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Too funny and too true! Especially if one of the kids is a male!

"Why do they(women) constantly stand before the fairy-tale mirror-on-the-wall, to reassure themselves that they are the most beautiful, the smartest, the most courageous? Because they are compelled t

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With some of these media people, it's hard to tell exactly where they stand on the issues. But O. did have Warren Farrell on her show at least once, and she referred to "Women Can't Hear What Men Don't Say" as "one terrific book!".

Too bad she has also had a show where she made fun of a guy, who was hit in the head by his wife with a frying pan.

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Having a man that used to be a feminist on your show means nothing. Saying a book written by said man means nothing...especially since she is completely aware that men's issues are a growing threat she must cover her ass at least once. Especially if your main venue is male bashing(which is what Oprah is known for and famous for).

The bad thing about men is they don't realize women are chameleons and if they start to feel their ass is on the fire they change -- for awhile(if only for a moment OR A SHOW) to deceive men -- then it is back to their "regular behavior."

Watch how they act 99.9% of the time. Watch how they act, not what they say. Watch the issues she gives the most attention to....and you see through her illusion. Underneath is a man-eating beast ready to feed.


The Women are at Fault by Matthias Matussek

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