N.O.W. Urges Fems To Blog More

I guess the poor turnout at last month’s 40th Anniversary bash (only 800 of N.O.W.’s alleged 500,000 members showed up -.001%) has made Kim Gandy pay more attention to "new" media. A recent N.O.W. website "Take Action" blurb worries that –"There are already many feminist voices in the blogosphere, but many of the blogs are written by ultra-conservative men with narrow perspectives." Fem-bloggers are advised – "If someone blogs about feminism being dead, or NOW being washed up, write a comment about why this is far from the truth and why you are proud to be a NOW activist!" Sounds like a self-esteem crisis, and creeping paranoia have invaded N.O.W.'s HQ.

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(only to Feminazis, men and women, not to any non-feminazi women)
The words in parenthesis are songs from the Rocky Horror Universe movies "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" "Shock Treatment," or other movies, but a majority will be from Shock Treatment/RHPS
While you're (Bitchin' In The Kitchen) in your (Little Black Dress), I'll be out doing the (Time Warp), and trying to Pick up some (Sweet Transvestites). While you're spending years manipulating heterosexual with the royal pussy(what do you guys see in that, anyway), I'll be living (Somewhere That's Green), with a man who cares for me, Nathan Lane(I wish, he's so hot...), but seriously, I got someone you'd call a "catch"(feminag for sucker), but I wouldn't harm him like that in any way. I wouldn't want him to feel (Betrayed!), cause I was a wreck (Til' Him), so (Goodbye!), feminags, and will I never see any of you again, though I probably will.

(Author's note): to any non-feminist female here, I mean no offense, I am just letting off some steam. I really needed that.

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The 40th birthday of the worst male-hating entity in the western world is getting paranoid. At forty it's gone past it's use by date, it's getting wrinkled from telling all those lies and exaggerations against one half of the population.

It's starting to sag, teeth are coming loose and it's got incontinent.

"Now" is dead, it died a few years ago but no-one told it. It died when it attacked the Men's Golfing Home with it's ongoing hypocrisy. It died when it told all women must be lesbian to be a true feminist.

Now will be buried soon, no-one will be present at the funeral.

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I'd love to see them die, but if they got 800 to come to their conference in out of the way NY State that is pretty impressive. They aint' dead just yet. Anyone know the details of the attendees? Were they mostly from NY? Many out of towners?

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has anyone ever believed the bullshit: 500,000 active members? i think my bar room dart league has more members. (and we actually WIN!)

always amused...thankyou kim


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This is not the first time that feminists have shown signs of being rattled over internet-based men's activism. Who could forget that scandalous Canadian goverment-funded report into men's activism "School Success by Gender: A Catalyst for the Masculinist Discourse" by Pierrette Bouchard, Isabelle Boily and Marie-Claude Proulx in 2003. They say "As a result of the new issues raised by masculinists, we make a number of general recommendations for protecting the gains that women have made. In particular, we stress the urgency for women to "take ownership" of the Internet. There is also a need to ensure closer monitoring of hate-mongering sites to determine whether legal action should be taken".

Yes, we've got your card marked, feminists. Make hay while the sun shines. Your days of getting paid to hate people are numbered.

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...."with narrow perspectives".

gentleman, thats us!!!! (atleast kim thinks so)

she's not that dumb, she knows MRA's are having a huge impact on her hate movement.
she can't (or is unwilling) to state the obvious: male activists have seen through feminist hate and the manipulation of false statistics ( the very same stats. she uses to keep her followers brainwashed). she simply writes us off as "ultra male conservatives". that statement might be considered "politically correct" (in her twisted mind.) will she, (or can she) ever acknowledge that many men (liberal and conservative) have seen through her "paper thin" agenda of HATE!

do we have "narrow perspectives"...Ofcorase not!

Ms. Kim is more afraid than a cat in water. she understands the impact MRA'are having against society, NOW, and the internet.

she claims we are ignorant, angry males looking to turn back "the clock"

look past her words...she's really stating: "we (NOW) are scared shitless: our blinded hatered towards men is being challenged by the very same men that we've considered manipulated and brainwashed by our feminist propaganda"...wrong again kim (get used to it)...your venom, ignorant male bigotry is
not only being challenged, but is ultimately destroying your hate group.


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I am not sure how all this ads up to rolling back any clocks as it is a step forward.

Kim is just, as always, ignoring reality and calling on her brain washed masses to follow her every whim and refuse to think critically.

Gee Kim, you make a living off of feminisms name, you’ve lied to gain power and influence, you realize what the men’s movement could mean to your paycheck as public support moves more toward helping both men and women your funding/audience and career opportunities will suffer.

AWWWW pooor Kimmy’s last-ditch attempt to spread her anti-male propaganda and preserve her glass house. Well you’ve been throwing stones at men for far to long, and you know how the old saying goes.

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Gentlemen, you are giving gandy too much credit here. You are assuming that she can think outside of her Fem-Nazi box; NOT! No matter where public opinion swings in regards to N.O.W. (Narrowly Opinionated Whack-Jobs), she will always look at the world through her bullshit-stained glasses. She, and her ilk, have invested long and hard in their ill-conceived worldviews; they have become the epitome of denial (don't even notice I am lying). If (when) N.O.W. declines, they will chalk it up to male oppression rather than consider the possibility that the public has had their fill of their male-bashing, women-victimizing, and family-destroying agenda.

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acknowledge that many men (liberal and conservative) have seen through her "paper thin" agenda

And even some non-american men who are neither conversative nor "US style liberal" (real liberals are not necessarily progressive, they're supporters of the conversatives where I live).

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[Steve's note: This press release is just too good to be true!]

APRIL 1, 2006
by Kim Gandy, President

I want to inform members of the National Organization for Women and the general public that the feminist movement in the United States will from now on take a more decidedly balanced view toward equality of the sexes. Henceforth, gone will be the double standards that we have promulgated in the so-called name of equality.

Some of the major points of our new policy will be:

- We will advocate for shared parenting for fathers and mothers after divorce. We recognize the importance of fathers to the well-being of children and will no longer advocate legislation that ends up removing fathers from their children's lives.

- We will recognize that the reproductive rights of men are as important as those for women. To this end, we will encourage legislation against paternity fraud, choice for men as whether to become a father or not, and the introduction of a birth control pill for men.

- We will encourage federal funding for domestic violence shelters for men, in proportion to their level of victimization. We also recognize that half of domestic violence cases in this country are the result of women initiating abuse against their intimate partners, and will no longer condone this abuse. We belive that the Violence Against Women Act should be renamed the Intimate Partners
Violence Act, as it is more gender neutral.

- We will support education reform for boys in school, so that they have an equal chance with girls to succeed in the education system. It is important that boys are taught in a manner compatible with their learning styles. This may include boy-only classes within schools, or all-boy schools.

- We will encourage Universities across the nation to create male- friendly environments, including "Men's Studies" programs that address the issues that boys and men face in society.

- We will support the creation of an Office of Men's Health in the Department of Health and Human Services, in order to complement the existing Office of Women's Health. We recognize that this is necessary to address the health care gap between men and women.

- We recognize the grossly unequal sacrifices of men in time of war, and will encourage women to share in the burden of defending our country in the future through an evenhanded approach to the selective service system.

- We will encourage the judicial system to adopt a system of equal conviction and sentencing for both women and men. Gone will be the days of women getting probation for having sexual relations with underage boys while men committing similar crimes get hard time.

- We will advise the mass media to take a more decidedly male friendly perspective. Depictions of violence against men are as unacceptable as violence against women, and portrayals of men as inadequate and boorish are ultimately destructive to the family unit and the moral fiber of society.

- We will start a campaign to raise awareness of the problem of false accusations of sexual assault, domestic violence, child abuse, and sexual harassment. We acknowledge that such false allegations not only do a gross disservice to innocent men, but ultimately to the real victims of these crimes as well, in that the severity of these crimes are diminished in the public eye.

I am sure that there are other good points that could be made, and NOW will welcome input from men's rights advocates on these issues.

You could say that we at NOW have had an epiphany. Perhaps it is just that we have finally realized that the interests of both men and women are ultimately best served by an evenhanded approach to gender equality.

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I have to agree with Tom that the rumors of N.O.W.'s demise are a bit premature.

They may have only attracted 800 of their half-million champions to the recent 40th Anniversary bash ---

but they persuaded 535 special fellow-travellers in the U.S. Congress to show up and vote YES for V.A.W.A. 2005.

Some parties are more lethal than others, apparently.

(I think that vote tally is correct... did any member of Congress vote against V.A.W.A.?)

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I looked on the NOW website, and there is no sign of it. Nice joke.

Even if it was true, it wouldn't let them off the hook.

The Nazis can't just stick out a press release saying that they recognise equal rights for Jews when they hear the Allied tanks drawing near, and hope that everyone will just forgive them. If it wasn't for those Allied tanks, they would carry on as before. These people have been making big money for decades by preaching hatred and social division. They have caused untold misery and family breakdown. They can't be allowed to walk away from that. Gandy and her fellow-harpies need to be held to account.

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"but they persuaded 535 special fellow-travellers in the U.S. Congress to show up and vote YES for V.A.W.A. 2005."-Roy

Didn't the Senate committee headed by Joe Biden invite only VAWA supporters to testify in '05? That's an indication of how ideologically driven the feminists and their political friends are on this topic.

And wasn't male-friendly language added to VAWA, a reflection of the fact that VAWA's critics are having at least some impact? Yes, I know...VAWA in its application and funding still discriminates against organizations that provide services and shelter for male victims. But at least the critics are making their voices heard.

I think change will be slow but steady, and that more and more women will come to see the unfairness of VAWA's misandry and demand fairness. Male politicians are too afraid to oppose VAWA and be seen as anti-women.

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Hmm... I think I will start my own blog. I would like to thank NOW for suggesting software.

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gregory -- "I think change will be slow but steady, and that more and more women will come to see the unfairness of VAWA's misandry and demand fairness."

Could you please cite three --- well OK, maybe just ONE ....

example of when masses of women have lobbied, demonstrated, voted for ...

"fairness for men?"

(And please do not include the recent FDA ruling allowing silicon breast enhancements to continue. That was not actually for men.)

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"Could you please cite three --- well OK, maybe just ONE ....

Oh, can't we come up with at least a few outspoken women who are challenging VAWA and other feminist policies that are bad for men, women, children and families?

Phyllis Schafly, Cathy Young, Erin Pizzey, Camille Paglia, Linda G. Mills, Trudy Schuett and Kate O'Beirne are a few I can name -- I'm sure there are others.

example of when masses of women have lobbied, demonstrated, voted for ...

'fairness for men?' "--Roy

I wasn't thinking about masses of women demonstrating for reform that exclusively benefits men -- although I believe that there have been situations where women collectively spoke out for men who were vulnerable. For example, women demanding worker safety measures after a mining accident, or women supporting their husbands, brothers, sons and fathers who were striking at a manufacturing plant.

What I was really thinking of is women in their personal and private lives doing things that will help increase fairness for men. Women writing letters to the editor, or voting for feminist-challenging candidates, or supporting legislative reform that counters anti-male sexist laws, or pushing for policy changes at companies, etc.

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"What I was really thinking of is women in their personal and private lives doing things that will help increase fairness for men. Women writing letters to the editor, or voting for feminist-challenging candidates, or supporting legislative reform that counters anti-male sexist laws, or pushing for policy changes at companies, etc."

- feminist-challenging candidates? PLEASE NAME THREE.

- legislative reform countering anti-male laws? PLEASE CITE ONE PIECE OF LEGISLATION.


Are you done chasing after unicorns now, gregory?

(Or, maybe off to do some actual research?)

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I don't think it matters what I come up with...You'll shoot it down.

Your negativity seems a bit counterproductive. I've noticed that you tend to be dismissive of others who point to signs of progress or hope, or who try to rally others to action.

If you read Glenn Sacks' columns, you'll learn about legislative efforts to improve conditions for men in the area of family law. Warren Farrell talks in his books and articles about progress that's been made over the years and reasons for hope. There are books, newsletters and on-line sites that discuss progress and growing sympathy for men's and fathers' rights. It's painfully slow, and yes, frustrating at times (I know), but I keep an optimistic outlook. Try not to be so pessimistic and down. It might get in the way.

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I believe in a call to action to defeat feminism however at the same time I am a realist and would like to see some encouraging signs of progress. Farrell believes that women have a use in the MRA movement. I've been very suspicious of women in our movement as I have found that their true motives may be suspect. I have seen so-called "female supporters" become real misandric real quick,perhaps showing their true face. We must not be too quick to embrace any female who manages to avoid the title "feminist" as feminism has two wings: a left one and a right one and we must be aware of both and the words and actions of both as well.

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Is it really a good idea to have the attitude that "women are the enemy"? Aren't there a lot of good women out there who are genuinely concerned about the unfairness and injustices that affect men, boys and fathers? Isn't this topic one that mostly involves ideology and politics? There are women who stick their neck out in challenging liberals and feminists, and there are feminist men who are every bit as sexist in their thinking as the board members of NOW.

Incidentally, check out Wendy McElroy's latest article regarding domestic violence and the recent DV survey from Australia, " 'Take back the night' For men as well". You can get to it through ifeminists.com and I think foxnews.com.

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see preceeding post.

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Aren't there a lot of good women out there who are genuinely concerned about the unfairness and injustices that affect men, boys and fathers?

All the ones I've seen have fucked up one way or another. One was a moderator of board that was affliated with mine as I was the community owner. We started having problems with feminists posting garbage and inappropriate material and I started recording IP addresses to find these feminists and when the feminists left I switched off the feature that listed everyone's IP address and I instructed her to do the same. Not only did she not do this but she jeopardized our internet sessions especially if the feminists learned OUR IP addresses. When I called her on it she offered some lame explanation of she forgot (bitch if you did this when I told you to do this then it would have been done already and there would be no point in remembering it because it would be a done deal). She try to lay a guilt trip on me that I wouldn't let her moderate a board because she's a girl. She did help reinstate me on a board that was ran by an alledged "equalitarian". I was banned on this board because I stood up to a feminist while the "equalitarian" tried to play nice with the feminist. This "equalitarian" thinks we are in a "misunderstanding" with feminists,bullshit,WE ARE IN A WAR AGAINST THEM AND WE BETTER WIN OR ELSE. So I figured I owed her because of what she did for me (my male honor code). The message board company went under,I lost my community with their closing and I never heard from her again.

The second one sent me a private message telling me I misspelled a word. MISSPELLED A WORD,can you believe that. I see bad grammar all the time on the net but I don't say anything about it and neither does anyone else (well,MEN don't anyway). I felt like I was 2 years old again and my mom was washing dirt off my face.

A third cunt,who claimed to be "pro-male,anti-feminist" tried to belittle me and emasculated me by saying I don't make enough money compared to her. Since I am a liberated masculist this didn't faze me like it would the more conservative assholes she is used to dealing with. She played the "shame and blame" game just as any other female would. So much for female "anti-feminists".

there are feminist men who are every bit as sexist in their thinking as the board members of NOW.

I don't consider them "men". I refer to them as "gender traitors" and they are just as guilty as their female counterparts and they should pay the exact same price that they're female counterparts get (their fate will be decided by REAL MRA's who will unchivilaristically punish them for what they've done to us. I'm talking about GENUINE MRA's not the little sissies chivilaristic assholes falsely calling themselves "MRA's" and dragging that title in the dirt by do so) as that would be true equality and I'm not talking about any of them receiving bullshit like probation but actual lengthy prison time and if more severe measures are warranted them we will look into that as well.

Incidentally, check out Wendy McElroy's latest article regarding domestic violence and the recent DV survey from Australia, " 'Take back the night' For men as well". You can get to it through ifeminists.com and I think foxnews.com.

Speaking of her,I saw a post on a message board that stated that she had a message board on ifeminists and got a lot of MRA traffic. She didn't like this and closed the message board down. If this is false let it die here. If it's true then that would be very telling of women who use the title "feminist" anywhere in their political leanings,now wouldn't it.

Now you may throw the word "traditional women" at me but let me answer that with telling you my story and maybe you'll see where I'm coming from.

(Background: this was in response to a news article about a hidden camera in the donation room of a sperm clinc)

Now that you know about that,here is my story:

I haven't talked about this for a long time but this story really hits home with me. Some feminists found out where I lived (I have since changed residences) and put hidden cameras throughout my house. They spied on me while I used my computer (they even got into my email account and sent a poison pen email to a masculist friend of mine and he,thinking it was from me,now filters out my email. I tried sending him an email that is how I found out about it being filtered out. Fortunately a friend of mine let me use his laptop (at HIS house so I knew it was safe) and changed the password so they couldn't get back in (I'm glad they didn't change the password or I would really be fucked,not only that but a lot of MRA's would probably be pissed at me especially if they received one of these poison pen emails)) and just living my daily life. Some of these cunts don't like the term "feminist" so they use the term "traditional women" and we all know that "traditional women" will fuck men over just as well so that is no fucking guarantee that you won't get fucked over even if they use this label. I have learned from this experience that: women will do whatever they want because they know they will get away with it (I tried to report this to the police,not only would they not take me seriously they suggested I see a shrink),that as man today (with the dating and marriage strike going) you could be subjected to female predators (especially if you're an MRA as we are their favorite targets) so take precautions. I do take precautions today both online and off that I have learned that I have to do this to not only safeguard my privacy but to also safeguard the privacy of my online friends as well. My advice online: have a firewall or other security measure installed on your computer (I didn't at the time and they got me for it),don't use your ISP's email account as they can find out your ISP and make trouble for you so use a proxy email account such as Yahoo or Hotmail. I also use a proxy server,just in case. Offline: Be aware of the surroundings in your house (especially the ceiling),notice any changes no matter how subtle they are be suspicious of the little changes ( a few times when we returned home I found one of the small plastic outside tables pushed against the wall,which is 5' 5",which separates my families unit from the common areas and carports. This wall is not big enough for MEN to need assisstence to climb over but not WOMEN as women would not be tall enough to hop this wall on their own. I was looking for stuff LEAVING the house not being added to it. How do I know it was feminists? Because my copy of "The Myth Of Male Power" came up missing and I looked everywhere and I know it didn't leave the house on my authority so some fucking cunts took it. I know I wasn't robbed by theives because nothing of value was taken only that book and that book wouldn't get the theif much money for it so it wouldn't be worth it,to a thief that is.) as the little changes can spell big problems and big problems is what they want to cause us. Also be aware of other people around you,do they display a sense of "disdain" to you? (especially if this is coming from females) and you didn't post your picture on the internet (you can if you want but it would violate the advice I'm offering) and now they are displaying this attitude from what you think is "out of the blue". What may have happened is that they found you,outted you as an MRA (an enemy to them and their girlfriends) and they try to ridicule you in front of other people. If these bitches are followers of Diana (Roman mythology) then you may be in serious trouble and I would suggest changing residences as fast as you can (I did it twice to escape their asses) if you can't do this then go through your residence with a fine toothcomb and inspect the fuck out of it,especially the ceilings,not only for your privacy but for ours as well.

Don't take what I'm saying lightly,they aren't getting asked out like they used to and some of them know we organized the dating and marriage strike and they are extremely PISSED off about this,don't think I'm exaggerating because I'm not. Make no mistake we are in a WAR and they know if we fall regular guys don't stand a chance and that is what they are hoping for. They won't blame feminism for shit because they are getting their free goodies and they know we are a threat to the lifestyle they currently enjoy and they don't want to give this up. Not only will they refuse to give up this lifestyle they will FIGHT like hell to keep it,as we have seen. They have connived people into believing they are a noble cause and that we are evil and because of this they have gotten society on their side (this is the same society that they hide the facts from because they don't want to lose that support) meaning they are going to pitch us curves to confuse and mislead us,so be careful. Don't take what I'm saying lightly in fact I would say WATCH YOUR BACK AND BE AWARE. Remember,we are their favorite target so watch out.

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