BBC: Young hotties only need apply
Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2007-09-21 14:54
Story here. Excerpt:
'The BBC has decreed that its new 'bite-size' news bulletins must be presented by young and attractive women, according to claims.
Last night a BBC spokesman denied there was any explicit mention of pretty young women in the market research, but refused to reveal what it had said about the type of presenter viewers wanted.'
"Attractive male news readers wanted for one-minute newscasts"
Can you imagine the shrill accusations of sexism? It happens to men, and is greeted pretty much with silence.
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Still misogynistic
Only women are being hired for this position. Men can do this position just as easily. However, feminists will still say it's misogynistic because the woman is being objectified. Feminists, like all of the racebaiters, thrive on hate and victimization. They will never be satisfied, because to do so would require them to shut the fuck up and stop receiving money.
Turnabout. Fair play.
If there's one lesson I've learned from five decades of radical feminism and a world overrun by identity politics, it's that anything in the media that isn't created, presented and delivered by, for and about your specific political group/class (e.g. gay white women, straight muslim men, etc.) is "oppression" and "discrimination". Therefore I have a few simple filtering rules when I turn on my TV to ensure that I, too, can enjoy the benefits of a half-century of identity politics:
1) If the face I see on the screen doesn't belong to a man, I change the channel.
2) If the story or subject doesn't deal exclusively with men, or even mentions women, I change the channel.
3) If the description of a show or movie made after 1964 features a woman's name, or the words "woman", "girl", "sister" or "mother" in any way, I change the channel.
As you might have guessed, there really isn't a whole lot to watch on TV these days, so I couldn't care less that the BBC has decided that more cheap whores is the way to sell their newscasts.
"Attractive male news readers wanted for one-minute newscasts"
Can you imagine the shrill accusations of sexism? It happens to men, and is greeted pretty much with silence."
In the fashion industry, Female models earn multiple times what male models do. Female teachers have a higher likelihood of being hired. Female waitresses and masseuses get more tips and more customers. Warren Farrell goes over all these female-only advantages, and yes, this is another one. We should be fighting against the fact that only women are being considered, not that only attractive women are being considered. - Old, phased out due to Google's policies. Archives here. - Current.
Why not get rid of your TV altogether?
I got rid of my TV and my cable service. I saw one Trojan EVOLVE commercial too many.
Exposure to the flickering images of television has been correlated with neurological developmental problems in children under five years of age. TV also causes virtually instant cognitive deficits in every measurable category, out of proportion to exposure.
I thought about that, but
I thought about that, but I've got plenty of DVDs and videos of decent films made before the dawn of popular misandry, and I figure I've already spent the money, so I decided against getting rid of it. The cable I use exclusively for sports and to watch the occasional old movie and maybe a documentary here and there. Digital video recorders (DVRs or PVRs if you prefer) mean I never have to watch another commercial again, which disarms the female supremacists quite nicely, thank you.
Honestly, it's as much about standing my ground as anything else. I'll be damned if I'm going to let Gloria Steinham and Kim Gandy pry my hands off the remote and force me out of yet another "space" in their quest for supremacy for 51% of the population. I'm just going to decide for myself what will and won't reach my brain.
The problem is that feminists, most ordinary women and even some men are now doing their level best to evict men from the intellectual and emotional spaces we were once happy to occupy, not just the physical ones. Consider the James Bond movies. These were produced as the archetypal male fantasy - guns, cars, easy access to sex with attractive, affectionate women, maybe even a storyline tossed in now and then. That was "then". "Now" is a whole different story. Just look at what they did to Casino Royale! In the original, after Bond kills off the evil, double-crossing woman in the story, he says "the bitch is dead". 'Nuff said. End of scene. In the new version, that line is followed a lecture from the female 'M' about what a misogynistic pig he is, one of many in the film. All this after two hours of said double-crossing woman doing and saying every condescending, ridiculous "girl power" routine the writers could think of. See what I mean? Feminism is even trying to evict us from our fantasies by re-writing history and re-making the stories and movies we used to care about in its preferred, revisionist, misandric form, and I for one refuse to participate.
If the film and television industries want an exclusively female audience, and they want to limit themselves to only 51% of consumers while trying to sell ad time, let them. I'm more than happy to let them buy the rope to hang themselves. Besides, if I ever want to loathe myself that badly, I'm sure I can do it just fine without their assistance, thank you very much.
i wasn't quite aware of the
i wasn't quite aware of the female bias in the last Bond movie but regardless, i still thought it was a POS.
there was no character development.
the way they kill the main villain is simply stupid.
the part where Bond gets married only to lose his wife the next day feels like it's only there to extend the movie.
they pulled a page from Goldeneye where he gets a fancy car he loses as soon as he drives it.
and all sorts of crap that takes away from the "Bond" feel.
if it didn't have "James bond" on the cover, i wouldn't even have known this was a Bond flick. it felt more like some half-assed generic action movie.
Much Too Compromising ...
(RM) - "Feminism is even trying to evict us from our fantasies by re-writing history and re-making the stories and movies we used to care about in its preferred, revisionist, misandric form, and I for one refuse to participate."
It is so enjoyable to be able to read and appreciate a reasoned and middle-of-the-road MRA point-of-view!
No "kill them all" hysterics, no "religion and marriage and family values are the answer," no "buy-my-book-and-get-laid" faux-MRA schtick, no "support Hillary and everything will be OK" delusions.
Just excellent semiotic logic.
RandomMan, what unusual schooling produced your obviously heretical mindset?
Did the Jesuits have anything to do with your current state of angry obsessive analytical dementia? ;-)
I'm betting cultural studies major, right?
To answer your question...
Did the Jesuits have anything to do with your current state of angry obsessive analytical dementia? ;-)
I'm betting cultural studies major, right?
Nope, I stayed completely clear of subjects ending in "studies" and "science", because they're based in neither. Besides, I was quite capable of hating myself without the assistance of the sisterhood that governed such areas, even back then.
As for my "angry obsessive analytical dementia", that's a disturbingly accurate way to describe my outlook on MRA issues. As for being middle-of-the-road, I'm becoming slightly more radical every day this battle wears on. I attribute this primarily to poisoning. Overexposure to toxic quantities of estrogen in the atmosphere appears to be the chief culprit, all the more so after several recently failed attempts to deal directly with politicians and the feminists who own them.
Apply For Men's Work Please
(RM) -- "...As for my "angry obsessive analytical dementia",..."
I neglected to add --
As for your estrogen over-exposure..
Just apply for work in a coal mine or a steel mill or an electrical line maintenance company or policing the stabilized neighborhoods in Iraq ...
In any of the aforementioned workplaces, you will be immediately relieved of any exposure to female hormones.
It's all funny, right?
Except for the mortality rate.
Cowardly advice.
Get rid of your TV instead of fighting the misandry that plagues it. Great advice!
"Why do they(women) constantly stand before the fairy-tale mirror-on-the-wall, to reassure themselves that they are the most beautiful, the smartest, the most courageous? Because they are compelled t
Ride Away From Stupidity on tee-vee
I stopped watching broadcast tee-vee five years ago.
I thought I would experience a severe period of withdrawal, like a junky kicking smack.
I never missed it, and still don't.
Amazing how much time and energy you can reclaim when you are not hypnotized by the cultural vacuum machine.
Forty hours a week not-staring at a dumbscreen equals forty hours on a really great bike ride! (Or whatever else you choose to do to invest in your longevity.)
Watch the mass bandwidth stupidity and die younger.
Leave it and find another extended pathway...
The television does not have an IQ.
I am the first person to say television these days has degenerated into reality shows obssessed with youth, women's false/overly inflated issues, men portrayed as buffoons and music video award shows.
I watch a minimal amount of television because of this preferring to read more. However, I am also the first to say it depends on "what" you are watching. For instance, tonight I am watching a History Channel special on how the Earth was created. They are actually exploring each of the steps in-depth and going ver the various ecological changes that occurred. It's interesting and far from the scores of woman-centric shows that cater to "looking so-called glamorous and acting like a spoiled brat."
I do reccomend severely limiting television time until the misandry in this country has been dealt with. Even afterwards I reccomend more reading than watching. Women tend to watch tons of TV and most of them have absolutely no grasp of reality. Thinking life is like the Cinderella story rather than working for what you want and respecting others they have been trained -- by the media, society and their mothers and fathers -- that they just have to wait for a rich man to come "take care of them" and if he doesn't it is because they are "too strong" or "too good" for him. Television shows today reinforce this distorted view of reality in women's minds and serve to indoctrinate men into slavery to women.
"Why do they(women) constantly stand before the fairy-tale mirror-on-the-wall, to reassure themselves that they are the most beautiful, the smartest, the most courageous? Because they are compelled t
Tee-Vee is a Time Sponge and a Brain-Drain
For every hour you invest (notice I did not say "waste") sitting in front of the tube, you could have put that time into some activity more valuable to yourself.
Ride a bike. Write a letter. Take a walk. Go to the gym. Watch a sunset. Make love. Make a sandwich. Eat a letter. Walk a sunset. Bike a gym. Love a watch. Etc. (Homage to Bob Dylan's "No Direction Home.")
Almost any human activity is more beneficial than watching the tube.
Try watching it while it is turned OFF.
Look closely at the dark blankness.
That is its true nature.
Then, quickly leave the room...
TV reform, one nonviewer at a time.
You have to be out of touch with reality to believe that choosing your battles is cowardly. TV is a waste of time that no one is obligated to reform. I certainly lack the patience for it. But by voting with your feet, you are withdrawing support for a destructive medium. If enough of us do that, it will cease to be viable. MRAs support boycotts of anti-male products. Why not TV itself?
The Idea of Boycott TV Is Incomplete...
Usually, when you "boycott" something, it is a commodity or activity that you need.
Television is not a need ....
It is a drug.
Most Americans spend more time in front of the toob than they spend working, playing, or making love.
This is a nation of passive spectators.
Except for the few who are getting blown up every day in Iraq.
3,800 killed. 34,000 horribly wounded.
Has tee-vee ever shown you reality?
No. And it never will.
Turn it OFF!
Go outside and explore the "big screen" called life on your street!
I stand corrected
I haven't been watching for years, but my appeal was to those suggestible unfortunates who are still hypnotized by the idiot box, and who might dimly perceive, with minds clouded by television's tenebrous vapors, the possibility of waking from their goggle-eyed somnambulance. For them, a boycott would involve a tremendous, possibly debilitating effort of will, followed by an inevitable backsliding into non-stop vegetating in front of the screen, but it would be better tnan nothing.
To each their own. Limiting TV is a good idea though.
You have to be out of touch with reality to believe that choosing your battles is cowardly.
No. You have to be "out of touch with reality" to believe every show on TV has been tainted by anti-male propaganda or that television is only full of non-scientific brain-dead reality TV shows.
I'll agree that a good majority of TV is quite useless and misandric; most of the time you can't go an hour on a main TV station without hearing "women this or women that." However, to imply every televised show is that way is quite a stretch. I vote with my TV controller...when I see misandry, away from that channel I go. Most of the time we watch shows online...that way we can really control what we see. However every now and then we find something really good to watch on television and enjoy doing so.
Moreover men are already starting to "tune out"...check out this article. Last spring it was reported that television lost 2.5 million viewers:
"Why do they(women) constantly stand before the fairy-tale mirror-on-the-wall, to reassure themselves that they are the most beautiful, the smartest, the most courageous? Because they are compelled t