MSN asks: 'Is it OK to have a starter husband?' The Answer is Yes

More from the demise-of-marriage dept.:

The Starter Husband. Excerpt:

'Within months of promising to love and honor and cherish Tucker forever, she knew she had made a huge mistake. The problem? He was boring. "Wholly uncomplicated," as she puts it. The kind of guy who reads Tom Clancy books on the couch and watches Adam Sandler movies while dreaming of white-picket fences. Going to depressing French movies, leapfrogging over the less ambitious on the company ladder — those were the things that excited Andi. "The idea of spending my life with someone like that seemed stifling," she says. "It finally just got to me that he was so . . . sunny."
It's easy to write these women off as callous or self-absorbed. And yet on some level, they just might be pioneers: Why stay put in an empty shell of a marriage — an arrangement on paper only — instead of calling it what it is? "This generation is reinventing marriage," says Paul.
Then she met David. He was supposed to be her rebound relationship. Three years later, she realized that she wanted to have kids with him — and that was the clincher.

Andi lifts her 2-month-old daughter up to her breast in the middle of the café. I ask if her second husband is The One, since they have kids and all. "I'm happy, but I try not to think about it," she says. "It's like, if I thought I had to have my hair the same way for the rest of my life, I'd freak out."'

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..sick of MSN's myriad of feminist slanting articles?

Could anyone imagine any response other than contempt and disgust for the man if the situation was reversed?

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I had a psychologist tell me once - what typically happens in these cases, is that it is just a matter of time until she dumps the new guy for someone even "better".

This is just one more reason for men not to get married.. the risk of becoming a "starter husband", and paying out the ass to support some bimbo while she seeks a new partner.


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These kinds of stories are delightful and illuminating because they showacase the absolute vapidness and exploitation that is at the "heart" of the (heartless, predatory)female gender.

Really it just comes down to this -

American women view men (pragmatically so) as mere appliances.

And, American men are vacantly happy to play along in the syndrome of pussy-frenzied mindless domestic servitude.

It's called The American Dream.

Or, Gender Wars.

Take your pick.

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I wonder what would happen if men like us were successful in getting most men in this country to say no to marriage. Would the feminists be successful in getting other legislation passed, such as legislation that would automatically marry a man and woman after 4 dates? How about laws that would force common law marriage to be valid in all 50 states...and loss of federal funds for those states who don't...just like the feds are doing with the adam walsh act.

I just wonder about the reaction from the government and feminist groups if we were able to organize as effective as the feminists groups have over the past 30 years. Would we be effective or would we be squashed under a barrage of new legislation to "protect" women and children?

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What's wrong with this article? Replace "husband" with "spouse" and you'll understand it more adequately. If you don't like your spouse, simply divorce him/her.

Two pillars of the World of the Future:

Artificial Reproduction

"What freedom men and women could have, were they not constantly tricked and trapped and enslaved and tortured by their sexuality."

J. Steinbeck.

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A woman can send a man to prison and brand him a monster for life by crying rape if he does not call her the next day after he realizes she's hot but utterly miserable in bed and she feels hurt by his rejection.

But women can simply opt out of what's supposed to be the most sacred and unbreakable of unions.

I say do away with marriage entirely - fuck it - there is absolutely nothing in it for men. While we are at it, even more important then doing away with marriage we must also do away with weddings - because as the women in the article point out so acutely, it's the wedding party that is the one and only thing she gives a fuck about.

Females are born with a 'get out of --insert anything you like here-- card' that never expires and has absolutely no limits to the number of times it can be used.

Males are born with a 'You wanna play? You gotta pay, 'cause nothings free for you son.' card.

Don't get married! Don't pay! She does not want you, she wants THINGS that your money can buy her!

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I'm afraid it doesn't work that way anymore. Women can put themselves in the Sugar and Spice and everything nice category at will and use this to screw over the man, regardless of the truth.

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IMHO all we can do is keep hammering and telling our sons and grandsons what we know. it is hard to know a thing until it has happened to you. i will at every opportunity interject what i know about what is wrong w/ marriage and the courts. i usually couch it in a joke, but the meaning is there. they are listening, but all of you know how hard (pun intended) it is to resist the charms of a woman. just keep hammaring. they can't stop our hammers. even giant enemies walls can be beaten down by enough constant hammering. watch their websites and hammer them there when they cross the line. know thy enemy. you can tell it is taking a toll when the screams get louder and louder trying to cover up the hammering.

and each tine they come out to confront us on even ground? hey, that's when we win. if women really believed they could compete w/ men they wouldn't believe they need all these "affirmative" handouts and abominable one-sided laws.

we are making a difference. guys are listening, and they see their friends getting exactly what we told them about. then those guys join us. think positive. we will prevail.

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This just seems like a way to convince women to marry younger. I fully believe one of the reasons for the drop in marriage rates is that both men AND women are waiting until later in life. Many women don't really start their 'husband hunt' until 28, even 30. If you let guys get to be 30 without having been married, you're going to have a harder time convincing them they 'need' to get married. They've already learned it doesn't require someone home 24/7 to cook, clean, etc. They've figured out that the notion of 'men NEED women to live' to be utterly false. Moreover, they've found themselves in the age group of women's sexual prime, amongst women virtually desperate to get married, and many who are far less discriminating in who they'll hop into bed with. After all, the more guys they 'date', the better chance one of them will be dumb enough to put a ring on their finger.

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The future of marriage is that women will be increasingly disinterested in it, as well as men.

Women traditionally married to secure a wallet.

Now that 57% of university graduates are female, and women control the majority of America's wealth, there is no reason for women to be obsessed about marriage.

The term "Gender War" is truly very accurate.

Sleep with your enemy at your peril.

You will be harvested, it's only a matter of her discretion....

She does not need you, she just needs to feed....

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... women will ALWAYS be obsessed with a WEDDING. A wedding fay is one prolonged orgasm for the female ego, a day all about her that's bigger then every birthday party and every Christmas mourning combined. The wedding is an event that women simply cant resist.

Just read all the testimonials in the article... they all wanted and obsessed about and loved the wedding, it was just everything that came after it that they wish they could have done without

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"even giant enemies walls can be beaten down by enough constant hammering"

That is true. If there is one thing I have learned in life, it is to keep chipping away until you matter how bad things get, no matter if everyone writes you off - keep trying. This philosophy applies to groups as well as individuals.

Over time the hammering will build to a crescendo..


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Of course it's okay for women to have starter husbands. If it doesn't work out (he isn't 100% everything she ever wanted in a person because everyone is perfect except for him), you're free to divorce. There are no consequences for divorce in a woman's life. She gets (more than) half of the possessions and is given a second-chance in life. If there's kids, then she keeps them as well as a chunk of his paycheck.

If divorce isn't an option (she was stupid enough to sign the prenup, her sistas say), there's always false accusations to get the ball rolling. She has to make one phone call and the man's life is ruined forever. She can still get half the possessions and all the kids as well.

If she can't figure out how to make a phone call, there's one last desperate option: murder. Shoot, stab, poison, or even burn the bastard. PIck any weapon you want. If you had one chance to kill someone, how would you do it? Afterwards, be sure to turn yourself in (tears are mandatory), and say how abusive he was in bed (he made me wear a wig, your honor!). Throw as many unprovable accusations as you can. If your acting sucks, you'll get 2 years in a clinic. Otherwise you'll walk with time served. You'll get to keep your old job and maybe get a book and a trip to see Oprah out of it.

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