Death leap father 'murder charge'

Here’s a case to compare and contrast with the Winkler murder. Let’s see how the press, society, and the judicial system handle this. Will there be inquires about an abusive wife or of his suffering from depression that led to his actions? I think not! Will there be a rallying of support and people minimizing his responsibility? I think not! According to the hospital director, “He should commit suicide.”

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"The Daily Mirror reported that Hogan's plight after the plunge brought little sympathy from angry locals who surrounded his stretcher to scream abuse."

Sometimes I read these things and sigh to myself. Are we going to make any headway when the rest of the population is like this? I'm thinking they would be surrounding him screaming abuser even if his wife was the one who had jumped.

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(From the article)- "Hogan, who runs a tiling business from his home in Bradley Stoke, Bristol, western England, was on a two-week holiday with his wife Natasha, a nurse."


There's the villain! Wait and see... the plot will out ...

Working-class English bloke marries imported Russian catalog wife 15 years his junior, who then has two babies in short order, then threatens to divorce him, take the kids and 50% of his business... all because she wants to bring her boyfriend from Moscow over to the U.K. to be tiler's apprectice.

It's so bloody obvious. (Same tired old script.) ;-)

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Let's not forget what he did. He jumped off a building holding his children. Lock him up.

This guy sounds like he is a danger to his children. Unless we find he was trying to get the children away from some impending danger, and tried to break the children's fall with his own body... lock him up.

I don't think this case compares well against the Winkler case (though I'm only vagly familiar with it), but remember that the problem is that society is looking for ways to excuse her behaviour, not that society is not trying to excuse this guys behaviour.

While we don't have all of the facts on this case, given what we do know, I would say this guy deserves to be taken away... far, far away. Both of these individuals have committed horrible crimes and should be punished. But I would want to hear more about this case before I commit to that.

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The idea here isn't to minimize the tragedy of either case; rather, it is to focus on the mindset of society (the public, the press, the judicial system, etc.). In the Winkler case, the mindset tends toward empathy and excuse making for her; whereas, the mindset in this case tends toward blame and persecution aimed at him. What she did was tragic; what he did was tragic. Why is she offered the benefit of the doubt while he is instantly tried, convicted, and executed? Switch roles in these cases; would the mindset follow the gender? Here's another case for comparing and contrasting:

Mother who drowned five children found not guilty

Article Here

Change gender in this case!

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