Real Clear Politics: Hillary Wants to 'Change Our Country'

It's time for some political news. This is one of the better articles regarding Hillary's Marxist ambition as commander and chief. Excerpt:

"Remolding society." This is the terminology of a utopian socialist, one who seeks to remake society according to a narrow and dogmatic ideology that claims to eliminate injustice, poverty, and unhappiness, once and for all. Hillary's ideology is an amalgam of New Left marxism and grievance feminism, the kind of unwholesome stew that is commonplace on elite college campuses.
Another way will be to require employers to provide more paid time off to primary caregivers (mostly women) who have children or elderly family members to care for. Another way will be to require lenders to "increase access to capital and other support for women-owned business." Businesses which fail to comply with these increasingly stringent regulations will be subjected to punitive legal sanctions. Consequently, instead of one's income being determined by one's productivity, as measured by the marketplace, in Hillary's world it will be determined by government bureaucrats based on feminist-approved notions of "equity." The result, inevitably, will be to reduce economic liberty, growth, and prosperity for all Americans."

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(anon) "... according to a narrow and dogmatic ideology that claims to eliminate injustice, poverty, and unhappiness, once and for all."

I thought that was supposed to be the Holy Grail of the FREE MARKET!

Bush, the faux-conservative, and Republican-dominated government for the past seven years, have resulted in the largest expansion of government in U.S. history.

Hillary may get her chance yet, but she'll have to really apply herself to achieve a greater degree of disgrace than The Shrub.

I'd post anonymously too if my acumen was so sadly depleted....

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'Clinton's 1993-94 proposals would have required employers to provide health insurance coverage to all employees through closely regulated health maintenance organizations.
"A plan is necessary but not sufficient. We've got to have a political consensus in order to withstand the enormous opposition from those interests that will have something to lose in a really reformed health-care system," she said in remarks to the forum made public on Thursday.

She provided no details about her proposals. Improving the health care system and providing coverage to some 48 million uninsured Americans is a top domestic issue ahead of next year's elections.'

She's liable to get the Perot Award: Gear them up but provide no details. Unfortunately she will not just drop out of the race like he did.

If the "Perot Virus" was that it started every process it could on your computer, then abruptly shut it down, the "Hildebeast Virus" will be that the computer is led into thinking that it will be better off with it on it, then when it lets it in, the computer turns into a giant whining feminist nag that taxes you at twice the former rate.

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I don't find her aspirations depressing.the national health service here in the uk,from it's incept after the war by Aneurin Bevin worked really well until a few years ago when we became inundated by aylum seekers.Yes, each person had to pay about 7% of their wages into it but funding was reasonably fair.Now the finance has shifted
and it is not so easy.The idea that everybody should have
healthcare when they need it is not abhorrent but the scientific side of it is now slanted towards women,as usual(because they shout the loudest and men won't go for the checkups that they are entitled to)so men get a second class service.Europe ,particularly France has a brilliant health service.
You must really press Clinton on her aims for women,in the UK manginas are thrusting power onto women by "positive discrimination" and,it is not until they get their feet under the table that all of a sudden they make the pronouncement that they stand for womens issues,which in todays climate makes them enemies of the stupid men who voted for them in the first place.
My advice is to press her hard on these issues BEFORE she gets in,at least then you may have something to point to
as opposed to over here where we have an absolutely useless set of hacks.

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saracen395 ...

You have a vastly inflated appreciation of the intelligence of the American voting public -- about one-half of our population, not counting the 20 million illegals.

There will be no interrogation of Hitlary's radical feminist values, because the major mass media have all been bought and sold to feminism.

And, let's face it, to grill Ms. Wanna-Be Prezodent too aggressively would be unmanly; extremely unchivalrous. Especially for the metrosexual in Congress who 100% voted for VAWA.

America has devolved into a nation of voluntarily neutered sheeple.

Grazing contentedly towards the end of the pasture once known as democracy.

Well, just as long as we're "safe" from the terrorists, it'll all be O.K.

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Hillary Clinton is a misandric social Marxist of the Stalinist type.

Any man who would vote for her, even for dog catcher, would have to have a few screws loose.

A Clinton redux? Who really needs it? Been there, have the T-shirt. NO THANKS!

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Bush... Clinton ... Bush ... CLINTON?


This is a democratic charade, masquerading as choice for sheeple.


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Seems to me Roy,like the uk,you would be safer voting in the terrorists.As I said before our feminists win by being handed seats because manginas like our possible PM
Cameron for some reason says we have to have a given %
of women in power so we end up with a couple of blokes
who are the mouthpieces of the government and a load of women who are the DOERS and the ones who really make the law.Our soldiers are pissed off ,they are really getting shafted over here.Everybody I know around here seems to think Clinton will win.Give it a few years and my feelings are we will not be allowed outside our own country and yet I go to France very often and I see
none of this attitude there.I hope to live there shortly but don't tell customs control,good luck.

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Roy writes "I'd post anonymously too if my acumen was so sadly depleted"

I submitted the article without logging in, so it came up as "anonymous"

Posting poltical articles are great! It generates alot of quality debate.


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France is a very beautiful and intellectual country. The average French farmer has read more books than the typical U.S. Congressman.

You can never go wrong if you consistently underestimate the cultural I.Q. of Americans. ("Freedom fries?")

The problem is, we Yanks have been fed this steady diet of "We're Number One!" ever since WWII.

So, EGO is the only surplus we can claim at this point in time, since the Chinese now own our economy.

France is a good idea.

They despise Americans for all the correct reasons.

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saracen395 writes: "France has a brilliant health service"

Roy writes: "France is a good idea"

Sarkozy's election speaks volumes regarding the French's frustration with many existing socialist policies.


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