Update on 'Murdering Grannies' Case

The latest is here. Apparently, murder and fraud weren't enough; they had to kill their victims more slowly than necessary.

Does one ever hear an older male murderer referred to in press as a "murdering grandpa"?

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Boy, what a pair of sick whack-jobs these two are! It just goes to show you; evil sometimes lurks in the most unexpected places! Not that these are two of the friendliest looking bimbos around town; fiendish looking I’d say. Of course all women look better through the bottom of a shot glass. They kept their victims drugged, so, they probably looked like Fairy Godmothers in their eyes. So if they get a life sentence, what’s that going to add up to at their ages? These hags will be dining with the devil before too long!

Here’s an LA Times update that gives some history about the deadly duo:

Article Here

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But most women are. I have yet to meet a girl who did not have at least a couple sadistic fantacies. Just like beauty, most women's caring is only skin deep.

As for evil, it almost exclusively is found in the most unexpected places. That's what evil is all about. It's rarely the 'evil looking' person who is truly evil. It's usually the 'nice' one.

These old hags though will likely get the death penalty as age has robbed them of their feminine charms.

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"Just like beauty, most women's caring is only skin deep."

More accuractly, their beauty is only cosmetics deep. Reminds me of a joke:

Why do women wear makeup and put on perfume? Because they are ugly and they stink!

It's just a joke; there are some that are naturally pretty without war-paint. Trouble with most of them is that they know it and are quite adept at using their external beauty to manipulate men (who are willing to be manipulated). You are right about the old hags; their beauty bargaining chips are long gone!

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These murderers wouldn't get the death penalty! Killing a female murderer by the state is just NOT done! It's just magic! Like evidence which would exonerate a falsely accused male just MAGICALLY disappears from police custody.

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Note how the media (just like the cops and courts) jump to offer excuses for these two murderers killing men. Afterall, they only killed men and not something valued by society... like a stray dog.

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