Duke LAX Players Seeking $30 Million and Legal Process Changes

Story here. Good for them! Excerpt:

'RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) - Attorneys for the three players falsely accused in the Duke University lacrosse rape case are seeking a settlement of about $30 million and several changes to the state's legal process, a person close to the case said early Friday.

If the terms aren't met, the players' attorneys will file a civil rights lawsuit against the city of Durham early next month, said the source, who requested anonymity because not all of the details of the proposed settlement had been worked out.'

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Those that exploit the current state of feminist klan hysteria for political gain will now pay the price for their arrogance!! goto..menscollegeactivist.org

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They are ONLY seeking(should be DEMANDING)a measly 30 million dollars for the hell they went through and the hell they will continue to go through for the rest of their lives?

What is wrong with 300 million for starters?

They deserve every penny!

Of course any amount of a monetary settlement will not be donated to men's rights causes to educate the public about the endemic misandry that infects Western culture. It will probably go to "global warming" or some such yuppie cause.

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I'm still waiting to see what consequences if any befall the Duke U. 88 Faculty who condemned these innocent men well before any legal process.

Gender fascists with tenure are a real threat to the principles of true "liberal education."

And, you don't have to be a political "liberal" to endorse the idea that students need to be exposed to multiple perspectives.

P.C. culture and feminist indoctrination are corrupting education...

But what's the worry, really?

Isn't American education all about producing compliant and lobotomized worker-bees? (Of any ambivalent gender?)

As long as you serve the (invisible) ruling class, your sexual identity no longer matters....

There is not a single "professor" at Duke that is not trying to be invisible now.

And that class of servile idiots are teaching our children....


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Obstetricians get sued for millions if the baby isn't pink enough, but these guy will only get $30 million for the shear hell they went through..and don't forget, a lot if it will go to their high-powered (high-rate) attorneys.

As a side note, I believe the entire college tuition (all 4 years) of each player should be paid for by the state, retroactively as necessary, and no matter what institution they eventually earn their degrees from. That's a good baseline, no?


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Even just mentioning the notion, that the 88 fascists will suffer any "consequences" is a complete joke. What could happen to them..some sort of official sanctions? What would those sanctions possibly be? I have no fucking idea how they could ever be subjected to anything official..the worst they will get is some bad mention in some of the press (but not from MSM for the most part). And we've probably already seen the extent of that. Even now, 99% of the public has completely forgotten about the 88 Nazis. They're focused on Nifong (a despicable white male)..or more likely, they've just moved on to the next thing..so..

..basically, it's just a matter of time until we witness the next totalitarian-inspired debacle.

[I'm not trying to be hard on you Roy, but can you think of any way they can be punished? Seriously?]


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Expecting North Carolina to pay anything or enact false rape accusation felony legislation is a very long shot.

This is the state that tolerated the "Little Rascals Daycare" judicial fiasco back in the late 1980's and early 1990's. No one damaged by that little dog and pony show got any compensation nor to the best of my knowledge did any legislation reform get enacted to prevent it from happening again. It is still the same old "get tough on crime" horses**t attitude in vogue there.

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No matter how this pans out, I think it will be a major turning point for us. If the lacrosse player lose the suit, our voices will get a whole lot louder.

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I've only checked the site briefly so far, it looks pretty good. The only thing I want to ask these guys is, "spell much?" Maybe that is due to the boys' education crisis..


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