Why Men Should Be Included in Abortion Discussion

Article here. Excerpt:

'In the most comprehensive study of men and abortion to date, Arthur Shostak, a professor of sociology at Drexel University, who describes himself as "unswervingly pro-choice," found that men's single greatest concern was the well-being of their sex partner and, further, that a majority of men would like to accompany their partners throughout the procedure. Most clinics don't allow men beyond the waiting room, something Shostak says is evidence that many think of men as "coat holders and drivers.
The pro-choice movement, and feminists in general, seem to have historically shied away from the difficult but imperative task of involving men in conversations about abortion. It is understandable that the movement has been weary; no hot-button issue brings out more manipulation than this one. But it is time that feminists' commitment to equality, as well as the quality of both women and men's lives, trumps their fear that acknowledging men's hardships will only serve as fodder for pro-life spin doctors. There must be a way to talk about men's perspectives and experiences without compromising women's bodies.'

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... to include men is the lack of repro. rights we have... the near-complete if not entirely complete lack thereof, to be more precise.

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Funny that now that abortion rights are becoming more and more endangered, feminists seem to want men as allies in this fight. Unfortunately for them, they took away our stake in the fight -- slaves have no incentive to fight for their mistresses outside of coercion.

So, like most men I've been content to sit on the sidelines and let women fight for their abortion rights -- alone.

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"So, like most men I've been content to sit on the sidelines and let women fight for their abortion rights -- alone."

Yep, there body, there choice. I'm no womans attack dog anymore. If someone wants to start talking about my rights as a man in child birth or lack there of, then fine. Until then pass the popcorn.

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..that's got to be a joke, right?

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I don't think that feminists are worried as much about providing fodder for the pro-life spin doctors, as they are about making sure that the decisive power about whether to procreate or not, lies completely with the woman as opposed to the man. They want all the power that this entails, but none of the responsibilities (for example the Trojan ad, which implies that safe sex is 100% men's responsibility).


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