Canada: "New Democrats challenge government to work on women's equity issues"

Story here. Excerpt:

'"Women today in Canada are so far behind the goal of equality," said Judy Wasylycia-Leis, chair of the party caucus. "The fact is we have a situation of being an embarrassment on the international scene because of our lack of progress."
Irene Mathyssen, NDP critic for the status of women said women in Canada "are now under attack economically, socially and politically.
"Many women in Canada are still not safe in their homes or on the streets. One in four women in Canada is the victim of sexual violence in her lifetime."'

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Amazing. Bloody amazing.

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Am I correct in assuming this is the infamous 1 in 4 statistic? Could someone point me at a discussion disproving this (I know they exist, I just can't find one right now)?

I think that I may need to point out, to my local NDP rep, that they have been the victims of some misinformation. It would be terribly embarassing to the party if they did not address basing their policies on false information.

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Read Christina Hoff Sommers "Who Stole Feminism?" To summarize, she tracks the 1 in 4 myth to one study that cherry-picks the results to make it seem like 1 in 4 (for example, consensual sex that was later regrettable by the female was counted as rape).

Feminists have been using lies to promote their agenda and have been hiding behind the shield of PC.

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Thanks... Found something online that I can use quickly.

I should have known that... I think I need more coffee this morning. Now to find the Canadian stats from StatsCan.

So let me get this straight: false statistics (Christina Hoff Sommers "Who Stole Feminism?") from a critisized (Neil Gilbert "Welfare Justice") US study, by a Canadian politician.

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The good old 70 percent canard as well.
They are so predictable.


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The NDP is the far left party in Canada and the feminists home base of operations. It's a damn good thing they stand absolutely no chance of ever forming a government in Canada but they inspire the Liberal party of Canada to do some really stupid things - and they do enough stupid things all on their own without help from the Nefariously Desperate Party.

She said women earn only 70 per cent as much as men and make up an inordinate share of the poor.

I guess she's counting stay at home moms supported by both the father and the State as poor, and counting the 98% of Canada's homeless who are male as wealthy.

You can view the entire plan on the National website here if you are up for a little bit of nausea inducing reading.

This brain dead feminist holds the riding riding of London-Fanshawe, it's web page is:

Her web site is:

her e-mail is:

Her contact phone number is:

(519) 685-4745

Feel free to let her know that her feminist ideals are not compatible with the reality of gender dynamics in Canada and her feminist 'statistics' are a complete load of crap.

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I'm pretty left-leaning myself but even I can recognize that there are chunks of phlegm spewed out by asthmatics that are better fit to lead a country than the NDP.

Did a little analysis of poverty in Canada based on Stats Can numbers (sorry, I don't have the link anymore). Of course it shows at face value that women suffer more from poverty, but my understanding is that the "income" is calculated based on tax information, so child support and alimony don't factor in (does anyone know for sure that this is true?). As we all know, the rates of compliance are much higher than claimed
That alone will drive more men down and more women up.
Also, the divide between men and women really starts to increase with age. Given that women live 5-10 years longer, it seems clear to me that older women are more likely to be impoverished because they are more likely to be living on one pension. In other words, women are claiming to be victims because they live longer. Cry me a river.

I will be sending some e-mails. Also to Jack Layton's office as well as some provincial NDP offices, as there is an Ontario provincial election coming up.

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That chubby moron couldn't get elected to the head of a pastry shop let alone lead the province.

Ontario still has not forgotten Bob Rea - the one time the province took a shot on electing and NDP government. The NDP are not a factor on October 10

Plus, who the fuck would elect John Tory? Just from his name alone he scares me because it sounds like a science experiment by the Tories to build a Tory Robot to lead the party that they gave a generic name to.

My money is on us getting stuck with Dopey Dalton for another 4 years.

God, Ontario needs to get a better crop of politicians cause they are all equally pathetic.

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Regardless of who may or may not win, an upcoming election may give the Provincial NDP party an incentive to respond to angry voters. Wouldn't it be a coo if Wasylycia-Leis was forced to give a public apology?

All parties pander, unfortunately. While I've been impressed with the balls of the federal conservatives, I'm afraid its only a matter of time before they cave.

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