Sunday Times: 'Pushing mothers back into work is wrong'

Essay here. Excerpt:

"This comes when women feel unprecedented pressure to go to work, whether they want to or not; more than half of all mothers of children under five do so, leaving 0.5m children in daycare. What this means, often and even in allegedly satisfactory situations, is leaving children in their most impressionable and formative years in the care of poorly educated, poorly paid, poorly qualified or unqualified women, who come and go at a high rate."

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... whose only major purpose in life is to finance Cupcake's "choice" to stay home. 'nuff said.

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I wonder if they'd support a model where women perhaps took the first 2 years of the kid's life off from work, then the father took the next two, and so on. Neither parent has an unfair drop in job marketability, since their experience remains roughly equal. Both parents get to form a bond with the kid. Neither parent feels like they're "trapped" in one role or the other.

"What this means, often and even in allegedly satisfactory situations, is leaving children in their most impressionable and formative years in the care of poorly educated, poorly paid, poorly qualified or unqualified women, who come and go at a high rate."

Interesting. From what I know, MOST women who work in day care centers are also mothers.

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Men who refused to let their wives work were called "male chauvinist pigs". It was women, inspired by Betty Friedan, who insisted on being liberated from their "comfortable concentration camps" and allowed to enter the work force. Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.

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Well, the mentality here is obvious: up to a certain point in their lives, it is women's God-given right to work at equal or higher pay than men, in the same jobs, even if that results in affirmative action and other forms of discrimination against men.

But after they have worked for a few years and feel like taking it easy, and relying on the "biological clock" excuse to pop out and have a kid, that is also some sort of "rights" issue.

Gosh darnit, women have the RIGHT to it..etched in stone upon Mt. is in all our sacred laws, and enforced by the courts!! "I am woman, I am strong, I am privileged, I do what I want!! It is my fundamental RIGHT!!! I have the RIGHT to get my way in a divorce, if the husband does not keep supporting me while I rest, or if I feel like messing around with the mail carrier*!!"

*Notice it used to be called "mail-man" until the PC feminist pigs changed it.


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What's wrong with you? Don't you realize women aren't at fault even though it was WOMEN who lobbied to "go to work" in the first place?!! Aren't you aware that women can cry discrimination and oppression to get what they want(i.e. political nagging) and then do the EXACT SAME THING when women find out *gasp* they actually have to WORK at work?

What's wrong with men? Women whining -- deceiving, manipulating and outright lying through their teeth -- to get their way and subsequently usurping all of the resources just to plunder them -- while giving nothing back except popping a kid out every now and then(and MEN have to help them with that too!) is not wrong it's EQUALITY!!

It's logical dammit! If I have more money than you and more rights than yet you still pay for my dinner and pay me alimony we are EQUAL!! That's what equality is you neanderthals; more for women and less(or nothing) for men! That's the woman's version of equality and if you don't accept it we will call you names such as neanderthal, chauvinist, pig, a man who is "afraid of change", old(because women are obssessed with NEW things and being young), a nazi(because it is part of the lie women spread that the false slight known as so-called SEX-ism -- false when it pertains to women being victims of it that is, sexism is very real for men who experience it daily -- is the same as they very REAL slight known as racism), not a real man(because women think they define men) and a list of other childish names to get you to bend and do what we say!!!

Get it in your heads women first, men nowhere! THAT's equality.

"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5

"Feminism: The most organized form of nagging" ~ Peter Zohrab


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My favorite line in the entire damn thing,

"This comes when women feel unprecedented pressure to go to work, whether they want to or not."

UNPRECEDENTED - From Merriam-Webster

One entry found for unprecedented.
Main Entry: un·prec·e·dent·ed
Pronunciation: "&n-'pre-s&-"den-t&d
Function: adjective
: having no precedent : NOVEL, UNEXAMPLED
- un·prec·e·dent·ed·ly adverb

So in a sense, this article is telling us no person in the history of "WORK" has ever felt pressure to work such as a woman in todays world. Not even women like my great grandmother who HAD to work during the great depression while still bringing up 3 kids at home. Even when she found time to cook 3 square meals a day for the family and get all the house work done and work an 8hour shift at greasy spoon down town. She never had it as tough as women do today. The men who used to line up for an entire day just for a chance at a few hours of work for less than a dollar total, those men never had it as tough as women do today. Poor poor women today. Well, at least they still have the universe rotating around them. This pissed me off greatly and I had to say something... I will stop ranting now.

Sick Boi

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SickBoi, meanwhile the other half of the sentence implies the choice to stay home is all about what they want, and not what the family needs.

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