"Time to Scale Back the Pedestal?"

Essay here. Excerpt:

'Over the next 25 years, the fems engineered the passage of a series of laws and programs that afforded ever-expanding legal rights and services to women. Those laws included the Violence Against Women Act, the Women's Educational Equity Act, women's health programs, the 1996 welfare reform, and many more.

How did the Girls of Guile get away with their equality ruse, when in fact they were duplicitously scheming behind the scenes to foist a hierarchical society on the rest of us?

First, they relentlessly shaded the truth - consider Hillary Clinton's laughable canards that women suffer from wage discrimination, were routinely excluded from medical research, are more likely to be the victims of war, and so on.'

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So she said "women were routinely excluded from medical research"..hey, she's right. They used male subjects, oftentimes like guinea pigs (especially male Afro-Americans and male prisoners).

As Farrell points out (from memory), feminists complained that only about 13% of medical research was focused on women's illnesses and conditions. But what they don't mention is that only about 10% was focused on male-specific illnesses. The other 77% is on diseases that affect both sexes. This is also an example of how feminists manipulate words and thus ideas: they say "only 13% of the money spent on medical research is SPENT ON WOMEN" - that makes it sound like 87% is "spent on men".

Basically, H. is a bald-faced liar (and she probably does shave). The Dems might end up being screwed, if she becomes their nominee.


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It is time to break that pedestal into a million pieces, burn it, and send the ashes to Antarctica. Chivalry is the thorn in every man’s foot. It must be removed so that men can walk without a limp (or weakened state). If you would not hold a door open for another man, then don’t do the same for a woman. Of course, doing kind things for your wife or girlfriend would be perfectly acceptable as long as she reciprocates. Hoist the jib!

Hillary can not be trusted, she is a feminist pig!

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When I take the train(or plane) somewhere -- on vacation or such -- I NEVER give up my seat for women unless they are senior citizens(and I do the same for MALE senior citizens). I also never hold the door for them because most tend to not say thank you when you do as if you are "expected" to hold the door for them. Moreover I don't do things for FREE for those whom are oppressing me.

My motto is "Do nothing for women that do nothing for you. Only give what you receive."

Now if a woman holds the door for me and I see her again I hold the door for her. However if she has done nothing for me hell will freeze over before I lift a finger to help her.

"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5

"Feminism: The most organized form of nagging" ~ Peter Zohrab

*E-Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/No_Feminazis

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