Is Risk Management A Modern Fact of Life For Married, and Marriageable, Men?

Is Risk Management A Modern Fact of Life For Married, and Marriageable, Men?

American men today, face marriage as an enormous risk, greater than at any other time in our history, in my opinion. Considering that a man's assets are in many ways subject to perils parallel to those many businesses face, are there ways to manage, avoid, reduce, or otherwise confront the “divorce risk” that men face today?

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I personally have found that the best way to negate the "divorce risk" is to simply not get married. THERE IS LIFE AND A GOOD ONE TOO BEING SINGLE.

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I agree with what you're saying. There was a major push this Summer by certain segments of the "Christian community/Father's movement" to push marriage.

I was disgusted to see this push without first correcting the man-killing divorce, child custody and child support laws still on the books. In fact, one supposed "leader" in that group got really nasty and insulting. Apparently, he didn't believe anyone should ever question his opinions. That guy should be involved in leading nothing. It's very scary to see that kind of incompetent "leadership" in the Father's movement, and he was supposedly a Christian - yikes.

I think a lot of legalistic Churches in America have contributed to the deaths of good Fathers and men with their man-blaming b.s., when women in their Churches get away with all kinds of gender feminist bologna and still expect all the same old chivalrous privileges and pampering too.

One needs only look at Reverend Winkler to see how dangerous it is to be in those kind of "Christian" Churches in America today.

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I don't know why people still believe that you need to follow the word of a church to be a good religious person. One thing that I have learned over the years is, most churches are nothing more than a business. They use faith as a tool to reap reward. Having a successful church is the proverbial golden cash cow. Once people realize they can be just as religious and righteous without another guy/gal in a suite banging a pulpit telling you what you need to do in life, with threats of fire, brimstone,and divorce as tools to keep you in line. I think the world would be a much better place. Religion is in the heart, not in the billfold.

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