RADAR Alert: 'Stop the Lies! Say ‘NO’ to HRES 590!'

Rep. Ted Poe of Texas recently introduced a resolution on domestic violence in the U.S. House of Representatives. This is probably the most misleading, biased, and untruthful bill on domestic violence ever introduced in the House.

The resolution has 23 claims – 18 of them are one-sided, misleading, or simply false. One of the claims is a factoid from nowhere. You can see the resolution and RADAR’s analysis here (.pdf file)

The Resolution – known as “HRES 590” – has now been referred to the House Education and Labor Committee for consideration. The chairman of that committee is George Miller. He is the person who decides when – and whether – the Resolution will be brought up for a debate and vote.

The plain and simple truth is, we must stop this before it receives the stamp of approval from the House of Representatives. And we want to do it this week.

We are asking every person who reads this Alert to contact Mr. Miller, three times this week. We want Mr. Miller to receive thousands of messages to stop HRES 590.

You don’t need to write a long letter. All you need to say is, “Stop the Lies! Say ‘NO’ to HRES 590!” Do not be abusive or use foul language.

You can send your message by telephone, e-mail, fax, or a combination of those:

  • Telephone: 1-202-225-2095
  • E-mail: George.Miller-at-mail.house.gov (In the subject line, type “Say NO to HRES 590”)
  • Fax: 1-202-225-5609 (In the subject line, type “Say NO to HRES 590”)

“Stop the Lies! Say ‘NO’ to HRES 590!”

Do it now. Do it often. Do it politely.

Date of RADAR Release: September 4, 2007

Want to improve the chance that they'll pay attention to your letter? Click here.

R.A.D.A.R. – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting – is a non-profit, non-partisan organization of men and women working to improve the effectiveness of our nation's approach to solving domestic violence. http://www.mediaradar.org/.

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It's a "resolution" stupid! No binding legality whatsoever!

The big statement is at the very end of the .pdf file quoting the resolution (i.e. NOT a BILL, not a proposed LAW...) --

"Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the House of Representatives--
(1) supports the goals and ideals of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month;
(2) expresses the sense of the House of Representatives that Congress should continue to raise awareness of domestic violence in the United States and its devastating effects on families and communities."

This resolution is the equivalent of fluffing and shilling the people of Texas; providing campaign buzz words so that the pols up for re-election can say they supported a tough stance against domestic violence.

RADAR is disingenuous in trying to make this into a significant deal.

This RADAR campaign would be better spent protesting Ladies Free Drink Night at any given local tavern in Austin. (Oh, they would not necessarily be actual "ladies" in the only free town in Bushville.)

At least that would be an honest attack on feminist values.

Nobody cares what happens in a big Red redneck state that has blessed the country with two loser presidents!

RADAR... Wanna pick a reasonable cause for MRA's and lead an actual parade (instead of a charade)?

Focus on why Hillary should not be elected....

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I think part of what makes it a big deal is that they've in a single document essentially enumerated the reasons for supporting VAWA and the like. RADAR has been able to now respond, point by point, with cited references, to each of those claims.

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Legislative bodies pass resolutions, but they are often statements of policy, belief or appreciation, and not always enactment of statutes or ordinances.

ladyboy-roy is back

Hoist the jib!

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"This bill is based mostly on myths about domestic violence, such as that it is mainly perpetrated by men. Legislators would be well-advised to do a little research on the topic first, such as that listed at the following link: http://www.csulb.edu/~mfiebert/assault.htm. Listed there, are 205 scholarly studies and investigations, which show that women initiate domestic violence at least as often as men."

I'd recommend that you guys send that link or a similar on with your email or fax, or mention it on the phone. Just a suggestion:)


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Dear Rep. Miller:

I am writing to voice my opposition to HRES 590. This resolution is based on false and misleading information. An analysis of HRES 590 can be found here:


The American Psychiatric Association recently released new information showing that women actually initiate domestic violence at a higher rate than men do:


A friend of mine recently spent two months in jail for pushing his girlfriend after she attacked him with a two-by-four. At a time when we are about to nominate an abusive woman for President of the United States, it is important to look at both sides of the coin on domestic violence.

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Have you ever wondered why feminism has such a hold on our lawmakers?

Resolutions such as this, which include one-sided stats and/or badly researched stats. This is what lawmakers see and think about. This is what our government believes.

Until we challenge these statistics and get them to see both sides of the story, men's requests for equal rights will only be seen as a 'cover up' for the wrongs we do to women.

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Anytime congress gives us a target we need to take a shot. This resolution may not be a law but it puts on record who is for and who is against. It is in our interest to make waves over this and let them know the truth behind these blatant lies. I have emailed and called. The woman politely listened to my spiel and let me know that there were others who were calling. I could tell from her voice that it was more than a couple. ;>) Keep it up. Make sure they know there are many of us who are tired of these bigoted lies and if they vote for this sort of hateful ideology they will be held to account for their misandry.

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When we post on these boards all we are doing is preaching to the choir. Anytime we get an opportunity to reach out beyond the men's boards we need to take it.

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I think one of the best ways that we accomplish the goal of getting off the board and into the political ring is when we make it easy and accessible for everyone to reach the politicians/CEO's/marketing teams (or who ever we need to get the point across to) I love it when I see someone post a link to the contact info for someones direct office or email. And to have that followed by 8 posts of what everyone sent. I think if we made it a point to have those links every time we saw something like this it would bring us that much closer to having our collective voices heard. It may seem somewhat unimportant to some but if we speak up on EVERY little issue that hits our boards maybe someone will start to take us seriously.

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I sent a largely edited version of my original email today.
(Won't reproduce here so as not to bore you guys!)

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