More Excuses in MSM for MGM

Use of Circumcision to Fight AIDS Epidemic Is Debated

Mutilation over education... always some excuse for MGM, isn’t there? You can be sure if it was so much as hinted at in any way that FGM in any way reduced the spread of any disease, there'd be hell to pay for whoever wrote it, true or not.

There seems to be no end to the desire among certain civilizations to see people, sometimes men, sometimes women, sexually mutilated. I wonder what the genesis of this sickness is?

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The last time someone brought up circumcision on this board, it turned into 'Christians vs. Jews', including a discussion of Mel Gibson. Circumcision is not so much a men's rights issue as it is one of cultural heritage. Let the anthropologists, sociologists and theologians talk about it.

Next topic?


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Now that I've complained about this thread, let me give some input on it:

“Eunuch Blues”
Sung to the tune of “Deacon Blues”
(apologies to Steely Dan)

This is the day
Of the contracting man
That lady I laid
O’er there with knife in hand
It seems like only yesterday
That lump in my pants
That’s all in the past

There’s blood on the bed
There where I used to lie
Like a horse’s head
Cut off and left to die
I rose ‘fore the sun came up
That’s when the bitch chop me up
This brother is free
I’ll pee where I want to pee

Learn to work the court system
She’ll say whatever she wants
Get off easy, cut a deal
And give the judge a feel

They got a name for the winners in the world
I want a name when I lose
Now they’re callin’ my lady Mack The Knife
Call me Betty Sue

-Axolotl (formerly 'quetzal')

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my opinion on circumcision is simple.

i was born with foreskin, it was removed at child birth, and no one asked me.

a natural part of my body was taken from me based on unproven facts of hygene. should we remove a childs toe nails to prevent toe nail fungus???

is it unreasonable to let an adult male decide whether circumcision is necessary for his well being? if he decides yes (for what ever reason, ie: religious ritual) i respect that, however it should be an individual choice.

HIV?...."amputation is the last resort in preventing disease"

wear a condom...problem solved


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Axolotl, your state of ignorance -- or denial -- on the subject is hardly a good reason for other people to not rightfully and righteously consider this a men's issue. And a vital and critical one at that.

If there's something wrong here, it's with YOU, not with this topic -- as can be seen by the blatantly nonsensical arguments you present as grounds for justifying your attempt at censorship.

So what if the previous discussion of the topic here drifted? How exactly does that invalidate any of the relevant points that WERE raised, or any of the accurate and truthful information about the practice that was distributed?

And even more nonsensically, what on earth makes you characterize men's issues and cultural heritage as oppositional and mutually exclusive of each other? That is completely senseless -- men's issues and cultural heritage overlap to such a degree and in so many ways that at times they are virtually identical.

Either get informed, or get therapy, or get whatever else you need to get your head right on the subject. You don't have to start being part of the solution, bu you damn-well better stop being part of the problem -- because in trivializing the seriousness of this issue, and attempting to keep it from being discussed, that is EXACTLY what you are doing. . .

. . .just as the FEMELITISTS do.


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I am getting tired of people attacking each other on this board. The song lyrics were not intended as making fun of circumcision. It is more to do with Lorena Bobitt. Sometimes I try to add a little levity to the board.
So, maybe circumcision is a mens issue of sorts, but I am not aware of any feminists going around demanding that all men be circumscised. It sound to me like it is more an issue of doing something to a newborn before he has a choice in the matter.
I am not part of the problem. I have contributed money to
If you guys can't lighten up sometimes that is too bad.
That is all I am going to say.
Have a nice evening:->

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. . .as evidenced by your complete failure to address my main point about your attempt to silence and censor the discussion of the topic -- which shows that, sorry, but the problem attitude here isn't ours. It's YOURS.

If you're going to try to justify your behavior, I suggest you provide meaningful answers to my questions:

"So what if the previous discussion of the topic here drifted? How exactly does that invalidate any of the relevant points that WERE raised, or any of the accurate and truthful information about the practice that was distributed?

And even more nonsensically, what on earth makes you characterize men's issues and cultural heritage as oppositional and mutually exclusive of each other? That is completely senseless -- men's issues and cultural heritage overlap to such a degree and in so many ways that at times they are virtually identical."

If it weren't for your state of denial, I also doubt I'd have to explain this: when I talk about trivializing routine and ritual male prepucectomy, I don't mean your alternative lyrics. I mean, as is obvious to anyone not desperately seeking an excuse from being rational, your patently senseless attempt to characterize this as a non-issue.

Nor would I have to explain that I said nothing about femelitists demanding the prepucectomy of men, but rather -- as is again obvious to anyone not desperately seeking an excuse from being rational -- addressed femelitist attempts at trivializing the issue and attempting to silence and censor discussion of it.

And you, Axolotl, DID try to do that -- the evidence is right up there in black and white -- and that DOES make you part of the problem.

We can lighten up just fine, thanks; what is really 'too bad' here is your failure to behave like an adult and take responsibility. So don't try to blame us for YOUR failures.

As I said: either get informed, or get therapy, or get whatever else you need to get your head right on the subject.

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