Warren Farrell to Speak Before NH Commission on the Status of Men

The New Hampshire Commission on the Status of Men will have a well-known guest speaker during its September meeting. Warren Farrell will be giving a presentation, "The Boy Crisis" and discuss the cultural and academic challenges boys are facing today. The meeting is open to the public, and policy makers and educators are especially encouraged to attend. This is a rare opportunity to hear Warren speak in the Northeast.

The presentation will be held in room 206 of the Legislative Office Building in Concord, NH on Thursday, September 27, 2007 from 1-4 PM. No RSVP is necessary, and again, the public is welcome to attend. Here is a map of the meeting location.

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Warren Farrell is a hack, he wants more house husbands, this is just more emasculation of men. He sounds very effeminate and cannot be taken seriously as a men’s rights activist.
He is right about men making sacrifices for the family in order to make more money for his family. However, he does not show how selfish wives encourage men to make more and more sacrifices as they make none. No this lady-boy Farrell, is just that, a lady-boy. Hoist the jib!

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In "Why Men Earn More" he certainly did discuss the pressure society (ie women) place on men to be provides (ie ATM cards). Also he did so without insulting men who are staying home to care for their children, which you've chosen to do.

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I have had a challenging time trying to determine what Farrell actually stands for, having read all of his books.

Recall that he started out as a male member of the executive cadre of N.O.W. in New York.

His last book about income disparities is all about how women should make intelligent choices in their career paths in order to maximize their income potential.

He doesn't write much about the sacrifices men make to provide women with an array of choices that men seldom enjoy.

Better to be a female engineer than a male nurse....

Farrell lacks in his writing any real sense of outrage over the obvious SEXISM that is FEMINISM.

That is why I do not trust him.

I basically put Warren in the same category as Wendy McElroy .... a trojan horse.

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WOW, Roy nailed this one.

"Recall that he started out as a male member of the executive cadre of N.O.W. in New York."

The above speaks volumes!!!!

"Farrell lacks in his writing any real sense of outrage over the obvious SEXISM that is FEMINISM".

Excellent point

"That is why I do not trust him".
"I basically put Warren in the same category as Wendy McElroy .... a trojan horse".

Very insightful

Hoist the Jib!

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Warren Farrel has the most compelling analysis of this culture of anti-male hysteria that has ever been written!!

His book "The myth of Male power" Is the most recommended book availeable to date, as an introduction to mens studies!!

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An Mens rights activists education is simply incomplete without reading Warren Farrells bestseller..."the myth of Male power"!!

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I've only read "Women can't hear what men don't say". I asked my wife to read it.
She thought he was 'angry' (although she admits not unnecessarily so).
I thought he was understated.

He does do comprehensive analyses and has good insights. I am looking forward to reading "Myth of Male Power". He's no dummy.
His style is washed-out. He tries to be innocuous, which doesn't work. Women see him as a threat. At this point, men's rights and women's self-interest are not compatible. He has to pick his side and fight with a bit of fire in his belly. This 'let's all be friends' bullshit just makes him look foolish.
But he is a great resource.

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"Warren Farrell is a hack, he wants more house husbands, this is just more emasculation of men."

I don't blame him for wanting that. Housewives have the free time and control all the spending. Through that, they have all the power. Why do you think the NOW blocks all equal parenting initiatives?

Having a good chunk of stay-at-home dads might just be what the men's rights movement means.

Otherwise, women will (through affirmative action sucked away from blacks) take the 'good' jobs, maintain the stronghold on the privileges and power that comes with controlling the home and the children (=family courts), and downgrade men to all the shitty jobs. I have no interest in being a drone for a bunch of princess bees.

sorry for the babble. its late.

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GreatMNRI -- "Hoist the Jib..."

Well, it's always been my strategy to lower the Jib... and tack towards the Windwards...

preferably in a hurricane.

I would have some problems if McElroy and Farrell were hoisting anything of importance.... ;-)

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