Real Clear Politics: 'How the GOP Can Woo the Ladies'

Article here.

The more I read these political [gender] articles, the more I wonder if my 2008 vote has as much value as a woman's. From a political standpoint, how could any man feel differently? Indeed more women tend to vote. Maybe if politicians focused on issues of importance to men, it might motivate them to become voters. The problem is politicians don't know, and don't care what true male issues are. Why should they care? Its politically incorrect to focus on the needs of today's man. Excerpt:

'A smart Republican candidate would be doing Twister moves to deny Democrats those votes. Yet what's extraordinary is that no GOP contender has yet recognized the huge opportunity to redefine "women's" politics for the 21st century. That's a double failing given that the GOP could win modern women by doing little more than tailoring their beliefs in freer markets to the problems women struggle most with today.

This isn't to suggest Republicans treat women as a "special interest" or a monolithic bloc. But there are votes to be had for the candidate who owns the quotidian concerns of this population. And there are future generations of women voters to be won by the party that progresses beyond the stale rhetoric of women's "rights" and crafts a new language of women's "choice" and "opportunity" and "ownership."'

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Politicians woo women.
Businesses woo women.
The media woo women.

Men go to work to give women money to spend and loads of free time. The result? Read the above.

We are our own worst enemy.

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You want to hear how politicians woo men's votes? They talk about the economy, a solution to the Iraq mess, health care, taxes, etc. You know, the boring stuff (ie stuff that doesn't directly apply to the horrible life rich white American women live everyday).

Edited for typos (if you cared).

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Who you personally know ... that can talk intelligently about politics.

If there was a ten-question political I.Q. quiz required to step into a voting booth, at least 75% of women would lose their right to vote due to their admitted stupidity.

Women do not care about politics. (It's a distraction from the mental exertion of shopping, gossip, and more shopping....)

Women mostly care about how to steal men's money.

That is the average female's "politics."

Clear enough?

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Yes, another article by a woman about how men are still simply not paying enough attention to women, and what additional priviliges they must introduce to women in order to suck up to them even further...yawn. Can I go back to sleep now please?

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Yep, even if the author of this article was not listed, it is extremely clear that a female wrote this diatribe of garbage. I certainly hope every man on this board will be voting and I encouraged all of you to encourage your friends to vote. Hoist the jib!

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The only way to send a message to D.C. at this point in neo-fascist America is to NOT VOTE.

Your vote is taken for granted by the Republicrats and the Demopublicans....

They see you as fools, ready to accept the next con.

If only 15% of registered voters showed up for the next election, then something like DEMOCRACY might happen.

REAL democracy.

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If only 15% of the voters showed up, then democracy will happen the same as if 50% of the voters showed up.

If you really want to start some change, vote for a third party candidate. The big problem with our political process is the two party system. If we can make a 3rd party a real contender, then soon a 4th or a 5th will be added to the "real contender" list (as people will realize 3rd party candidates have a chance) and then our representative republic will better represent our views.

Personally, I'd recommend the Libertarian or Constitutional parties. Of course, my catch is that I live in a state where there is no chance of Hillary winning my state, so I can vote for what I really want rather than the lesser of two evils.


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Today I received an unsolicited Avon catalog.

(Already that is insulting, since I do not spend money on soliciting or seeking the approval of women.)

This catalog has well over 150 pages of cheap made-in-China commodities dedicated to the science of female artifice --- cosmetics, underwire bras, jewelry, handbags, shoes, age-defying facial chemical peals, even a "pocket dentist" that looks like a Swiss army knife for her teeth!

There are also four pages of products for men, mostly "male scents" and metrosexual skin care creams.

Why is our culture so pathologically dedicated to making women behave like little girls at a jr. high sleep-over?

Oh, I forgot.

It's called the "free" market, and every woman wants to be free....

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Many men do still work themselves into an early grave or early poor health so the women in their lives can live the good life and get accustomed to it.

I work hard but for myself and my future not for some high maintainence female twat!

I believe more and more men are doing the same thing. They just don't take it for granted that they will marry in their late teens or early twenties and start a lifetime of 8 to 5 drudgery to playout the uncomplaining provider stereotype. Their identity as men and their self worth are no longer intertwined with that pathetic image.

And we are much better off for it!

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