Nifong pleads innocent

Story here. Excerpt:

'Disgraced former prosecutor Mike Nifong pleaded not guilty Thursday to criminal contempt charges stemming from his failure to turn over complete DNA testing results during the now-discredited Duke lacrosse rape case

If found in contempt, Nifong could face up to 30 days in jail and a fine of up to $500.

As Durham County district attorney, Nifong led the investigation into a woman's allegations that she was raped at a 2006 lacrosse team party where she was hired as a stripper. He won indictments against three lacrosse players, but eventually recused himself from the case, and state prosecutors dropped all remaining charges, saying the players were innocent victims of a "tragic rush to accuse."'

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How one poor black stripper could generate so much "bank" for so many lawyers. (And so much drain on taxpayers' funds for apparently endless prosecutorial process in N.C.)

It would have been much cheaper, by multi-millions, to have given poor and desperate Crystal-Gale a full scholarship to Duke University, and put her on a path towards a dignified life.

In the end, it's all about billable hours, right?

The free market at its finest.

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