"My personal reflections of the Equal Parenting Bike Trek" - Robert Pedersen

Those of you who haven't done any cross-country cycling (including myself- longest I have ever cycled is 2 or 3 miles!) should read this to get an idea of it-- and also the huge risk and sacrifice these guys took on. Excerpt:

'Looking back at those 5 days I realize that there is nothing you can do to totally prepare for the hell Robb and I put our bodies through. We experienced several accidents which we have the scars to prove, but worse of all I suffered a heat stroke which was a horrible experience to say the least. It was so bad that several members of the Equal Parenting Bike Trek Chase Vehicle Crew debated over calling an ambulance. A couple of the accidents, if they would have gone differently, could have killed Robb and I. We reached a maximum speed of 54 mph on bicycles in the mountains of Pennsylvania! ... Hitting a single piece of road debris at this speed would have thrown us from the bicycle and most likely killed us instantly.'

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Really fantastic video of two heroic dads going way too fast on some nice bikes!

I highly recommend for any man going through a bad marriage, an unagreeable divorce, post-divorce depression and/or legal crap, child custody woes, financial injury, emotional roller-coaster rides... etc...

Buy yourself a really great bike. The kind you've never ridden before. For around $1,000 new (used great bikes around $400)you can find out what it means to actually cycle on a sleek lightweight bio-engineered speed machine, rather than pedal a cheap bunch of poorly welded made-in-China steel tubes.

You can start at a mile or two and very quickly get up to 10 - 20 miles per trip.
(Best to practice daily...)

Bicycling semi-long-distance has amazing health benefits. Cardio, muscular, weight loss, and most importantly -- brain chemistry. (Endorphines and serotonin boosts that you need.)

Buy the best bike you can afford and ride it.

It will be the most intelligent healthy living insurance policy you ever purchased.

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One of the guys had a heat stroke and kept going later? They must really be dedicated to the cause.

I'm just trying to get by on my $440 (when new) "all-purpose" bike. I'd only invest $1000 or more if I was really serious, like if I was gonna travel at least 120-150 timed road miles a week, at a minimum. That's just my own thinking - I'm sure if someone wants to spend a "little" more money they will notice the difference on one of the sleeker bikes, even if riding less than that.
But it's overkill for "leisure" biking (like going out with family on weekends, or whatever).


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