"If women want to be heard, they just need to speak up"

Essay here. Excerpt:

'Valuable time is often wasted in the commentariat, in studies and in hearings bean-counting the percentages of women on corporate boards, in Hollywood studios, higher education, Congress and on op-ed pages. Number disparities can often be explained not by discrimination but by free choice, something liberal feminists claim to be fans of. Many women reading this column may be just as good or much better at writing or opinion-making than any man or woman they're reading or watching on talking-heads shows tonight. But maybe they chose to raise kids instead of taking that slot on Fox News or getting that editing job or starting that blog site. Choice happens.

Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., could become president of the United States. But she's not going to win by trying to guilt men into it, by arguing that her election is a civil-rights movement in itself. She'll become commander-in-chief if she commands on the campaign trail, tackling the war, health care and education. She won't win by playing gender games.'

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... we'll go deaf. Please, women have been speaking up for the past God-knows-how-long filling the air with misandry and blather. Enough.

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It's still way too early in the pathological American quest to imitate democracy -- i.e. the presidential campaigns...

but it seems fairly clear that Hillary cannot win.

She's peaking way too early (apparently the feminist equivalent of premature political ejaculation?); her opponents have not yet taken their gloves off (except for Obama's wife who threw a sneaker right-jab knockout punch with her comment about "running your own househould before trying to run the White House...)

Can you imagine a first spouses debate with Bill and Michele going toe to toe? The First Black Prezodent would be TKO'd.

Mostly though, Hillary's high negatives (people who would not ever vote for her stats...) are still way too extreme to win a typical razor-close election.

And, we'll have to wait and see if she supports the upcoming war with Iran...

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But that does not mean that she isn't playing them.
I see her all the time "catering to the women's vote", by posting on her website the continueing lie that women make 73 cents for every dollar a man makes.

That IS playing gender politics during her campaign.
Let's hope there are enough truth tellers out there to neutralize and defeat her.

oregon dad

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A lot of analysts have said that Hillary will pretty much put the Republicans back into office. Whether or not you're a Republican, just expect the Reps to do some Hillary supporting.

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-"My reaction to Goodman-like complaining is: It's 2007, you live in the United States. You have a pen, phone and Internet connection. Stop whining. It's unattractive. If you want to have an impact, just work. That's how the guys do it. That's how we gals do it."

That is the very first time I have heard a WOMAN elucidate what I have been saying since 1986.

Equality is here..GET HOT!!


P.S: my suspicion is that Hitlery probably CAN win by mainly just playing the gender card.

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With an endorsement from Castro, how can she not? *snicker*

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They know she is a closet lesbian.

Or, at least too-closely imitating one.

Nobody can envision Hillary as America's First Mom Prezodent.

She's shrill, unprincipled, self-serving, a chameleon, shape-shifter, pretty much just an average debauched American female.

Just another discount commodity for sale.

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I just think you might be over-estimating the integrity of the general populace. Just because she isn't worth a shit, doesn't mean no-one will vote for her. On the contrary, there are all the women who lack integrity, as well as enough men on the left who are honorary women, or just plain stupid.

I think a Republican woman is more likely to vote for Hillary, than a Democratic man (or woman) is to vote for Giuliani (or whoever). I hope you're right, but we'll just have to wait and see..


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But more so a conservative Democrat. I know it sounds like a contradiction of terms but we do exist. But I for one will vote for ANY republican before I will vote for Hitlary. In addition to her being an all around bad choice for president, an all around bad choice for our country. I do not want to see a Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton Dynasty. We might as well make a royal family at that point. She is EVIL and must be stopped at all costs! We have not even reached to primaries and we know (by a report of FOX news) that her camp has already started a smear campaign. (typical feminist tactics) FOX came forward and admitted that the story they had reported on Obama being a radical Muslim came from Her camp. The deny this obviously. We are in for rough times if she ever gets elected. And I know to many feminists and Manginas who are going to vote for her not on merit, not on policy, but only on the simple fact that they say, "it's about time we had a female President!" Now, I would be more than happy to vote for a female for President. But you better believe that they better convince me that they are the BEST person for the job. And to all these females and manginas that tell me that they will vote for her because they feel it's about time for a woman president. I tell them this, "As long as I have lived I have heard women tell men to stop thinking with their penis, well, STOP VOTING WITH YOUR VAGINA!!!"

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