Worst injured soldier ever to survive is awarded less than RAF typist with a sore thumb

Remember this?

RAF typist who hurt thumb is awarded eight times more than soldier who lost leg

It gets even worse.

Worst injured soldier ever to survive is awarded less than RAF typist with a sore thumb

Ben Parkinson volunteered to serve his country on the Afghan front line - and paid a terrible price. Excerpt:

'The young paratrooper suffered a total of 37 terrible injuries when he was blown up by a landmine.

He lost both his legs and sustained grievous damage to his spine, skull, pelvis, hands, spleen and ribcage, leaving him in a coma for months.

Incredibly, 23-year-old Ben is still alive almost a year later - according to his doctors the most badly-injured soldier ever to survive.

Yet as recompense for his ruined life, Ben has been offered only £152,150 - little more than half the maximum award for maimed military personnel and less than a third of the £484,000 doled out to an RAF typist who claimed she had suffered repetitive strain injury to her thumb.'

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Lets be honest, a sore thumb hurts like hell. I once had a hang nail on my left thumb. The pain was excruciating. Thankfully she didn't "stub" her toe. We all know thats a devastating injury. My sincere condolences goes out to this poor woman.

The man who lost his legs? Take it like a man! Honestly, how important are legs anyway? Walking is overrated.


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Just what was this stupid male doing volunteering going to fight for his country in Iraq? He is a male living under the misandric laws and judiciary of Britain for god's sake! He went over there to defend that? Of course the situation is just as lousey here in the good ole' misandric USA where VAWA reigns supreme and where fathers who do go to Iraq are arrested when they return for failure to pay all of their child support and where they can be made to pay (under threat of years of imprisonment) for brats who aren't even theirs and proven so by DNA analysis! Of course the list goes on and on, every reader of this site knows this. MEN ARE DYING AND BEING MAIMED FOR LIFE DEFENDING THIS CRAP? WHY?

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Like in "Myth of Male Power", where he talks about men as the disposable sex.
It's like the thing with Vick..a football player is indefinitely suspended, and will get 12-18 months jail time, for killing a few animals. Whereas McSorley the hockey player, from a few years ago, got one year probation and temporary suspension for the vicious attack on another player with his hockey stick; the other player did not have his helmet on, and McSorley hit him hard in the head, almost killing him.
Remember, the life of a few dogs is more important than that of a man who has been viciously assaulted.
Yes, I know Vick was also engaged in a crime (the fighting ring)..but still..

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well, the soldier volunteered..he knew what was at stake. Whereas the typist wasn't informed beforehand, that she was entering a zone of carpal tunnel and chipped nail injuries.

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...are not EXTREMELY self-centerd. Here is a comment from the article itself posted by a "woman" named Sarah. Try not to throw up when you read this gentlemen:

Sarah the feminazi said:"Of course it's wrong and of course he should be looked after, but why deride the typist as well?

I had the exact same RSI condition and you should try managing to do anything when you can't use your thumb. It's also excruciatingly painful. I'm lucky - I didn't get depressed and I did get back to work.

Still, I agree the way the forces are treated is disgusting."

#1. She worries more about the woman's thumb -- simply because SHE has supposedly suffered the same injury --than a man losing his legs.

#2. She is more concerned about making excuses for the woman than about why the man has not been compensated correctly.

#3. She says she agrees that the way "the forces" are treated is disgusting. Obviously not disgusting enough for her to not make her entire comment about a thumb when the article is about inequality the male soldier must face. Moreover does anyone notice that she said "the forces" instead of "men"?

I now see that the majority of women are incapable of showing any logical and/or moralistic behavior. They seem to be stuck in permanent childhood...not all but most.

"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5

"Feminism: The most organized form of nagging" ~ Peter Zohrab

*E-Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/No_Feminazis

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I mean, he still has most of the use of his arms right? He can work still and pay his taxes so this typist can take the time she needs to recover. I mean, if they did give him more money then he may feel that he need not go back to work after he is given his ample 8-12 months to recover and cope with his new "challenge" in life. And when he gets back to work maybe he would be so kind as to donate a part of his check to a women wounded in the military fund.

what has the world come to?

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..for running FROM women. Like away from your lover with her knife, or from that fruitcake who wants to marry you, or from the child support enforcement police, or from those "therapy" sessions based on the Duluth Model..

As can be seen, men are required to run and thus use legs, on many occasions!


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