RADAR ALERT: House Resolution 590 Sparks Outrage

Representative Ted Poe of Texas recently introduced a resolution on domestic violence. The resolution makes numerous claims that are one-sided, misleading, and even false.

This is probably the worst of the bunch:

“Whereas according to one study, during court ordered visitation, five percent of abusive fathers threaten to kill their spouses, 34 percent of abusive fathers threaten to kidnap their children, and 25 percent of abusive fathers threaten to physically hurt their children;”

That defamatory claim and many others in House Resolution 590 have triggered a surge of outrage across the country:

  • “Why does Resolution 590 include no mention female-on-female violence? Could it be that domestic violence has become more of a political than a human issue?” – Paul Clements, DADD-New Hampshire
  • “HRES 590 must be recalibrated to address the perpetrators of violence regardless of sex.” – David R. Usher, True Equality Network (MO)
  • “House Resolution 590 is ill-conceived to protect children from abuse, because it does not recognize the majority of perpetrators are mothers!” – Carl Steppling, Florida Coalition for Families and Children
  • If HRES 590 passes, National Domestic Violence Awareness Month will gloss over the problem of abuse committed by women against children. An abused spouse can leave a relationship; victimized children cannot.” – Don Mathis, The Fourteen Percenter newsletter (TX)
  • “I have heard countless horror stories from men who have been evicted from their homes on the strength of unsubstantiated claims. Lawmakers need to review the facts before drafting domestic violence laws.” – Don Hank, Lancaster-York Non-Custodial Parents (PA)
  • “When gender advocates use make-believe stats, families get hurt.” – Tom Smith, American Union of Men (CA)
  • “Current DV laws destroy American families and particularly fathers. Now is the time to step up to the plate and say ‘No’ to HRES 590!” – Ben Vonderheide, DaddyJustice.com
  • “We really need to fight Resolution 590. Let’s help RADAR, so we can turn back domestic violence laws that throw a man out of his own home with no evidence.” – James Semerad, Dads of Michigan PAC

You can see House Resolution 590 and RADAR’s analysis at http://www.mediaradar.org/docs/RADARanalysis-HRES590.pdf. And stay tuned for RADAR’s upcoming September 4 alert, when we'll tell you who to contact to stop this outrage.

Mis-an-dry Has Got to Go!

Date of RADAR Release: August 27, 2007

R.A.D.A.R. – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting – is a non-profit, non-partisan organization of men and women working to improve the effectiveness of our nation's approach to solving domestic violence. http://www.mediaradar.org/.

Ed. note: The bill is currently named H. RES. 590, not to be confused with a bill named HR590, which has nothing to do with DV.

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After all the misleading and biased "facts" inventoried in the bill, the only actionable motion is this --

"Resolved, That the House of Representatives--
(1) supports the goals and ideals of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month;
(2) expresses the sense of the House of Representatives that Congress should continue to raise awareness of domestic violence in the United States and its devastating effects on families and communities."

So, while this resolution is symbolically offensive, it is important to understand that it proposes no new law, no ammendments to existing laws, and has zero import for current federal and state DV laws and practices.

It is a "freebie" inconsequential masquerade so that all these esteemed Texas pols can run for re-election and pander to the female victimization crowd by saying they supported the DV Industry.

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It is a "freebie" inconsequential masquerade so that all these esteemed Texas pols can run for re-election and pander to the female victimization crowd by saying they supported the DV Industry

This is probably true.

So the other half (male vote) isn't worth the time to pander to? So what in the hell are men voting for? War in Iraq? That much promised tax break? JUST WHAT?

A sad state of affairs of the state!

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Only chase after windmills?

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Men AND women vote for women's issues. That's the problem.

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