Essay: "Working women could use a wife"

Story here. Excerpt:

'Now that women have solidly earned their place in the work force, many find themselves still yearning for something men often have: wives.

"The thing I most want in life is a wife. I'm not kidding," said Joyce Lustbader, a research scientist at Columbia University, who has been married for 29 years. "I work all day, sometimes seven days a week, and still have to go home and make dinner and have all those things to do around the house."'

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OK, working women, here are some possible solutions:

1. Stay single and childless (preferred solution)
2. Hire a maid to come in 3x a week.
3. Expand the number of adults in your house to three, with the third living at home and taking care of the chores. I suppose this might also include expanding the terms of your "primary relationship" too, but that's your business.
4. Try some communicating: sit down with your husband/bf/partner/whatever and make a list of chores and duties so that both parties know what is expected of them-- then live with the results of their labor. There is "man clean" and "woman clean", deal with it. If you can't, see options 1 and 3.
5. And the finally, no matter what option you choose: for God's' sake, quit whining. It's annoying. Really annoying.

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It really is disturbing how much they bitch, about everything. I dont even know what else to say to this, its sad what they have done to themselves, females are nothing but cry babies who want something for nothing.

I saw just this morning on cbs news an interview with some women and shes going on and on about how women are still being paid less, she did admit that in most areas that pay gap is as little as 4%.

Then she cries that in areas like Mathmatics, there is a 20% gap. Of course she doesnt mention that mathmatics is almost all men, that would explain the gap, but of course she wont say it and females wont see it that way, they want a female to get something for nothing.... pathetic

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6. Try an marry a man who is "beneath you". Marry a man who can work from home or only works part time. Let him take responsibility for the house work and getting the kids off to their various engagements. Stop masturbating at the idea of your boss' money and start looking at the interns.

Women want into the working world they must make room for men to stay at home.

Now that this woman sees where men have been coming from for thousands of years when they get home to exhausted to cook and clean and build the new shed, maybe just maybe she'll start thinking if the possibility that if she can make it in a "man's world" then maybe there are men out there who could easily make it in a "woman's world"

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I agree with the other poster.
Rent a maid if you absolutely NEED one.
Life can be tiring. Particularly if you do not have enough discipline to NOT work 7 days a week. Is the research THAT important? it YOUR research? If so, what are your priorities and if you are setting them, then don't complain.

oregon dad

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A meta-analysis is presented of 22 studies of sex differences in university students of means and variances on the Progressive Matrices. The results disconfirm the frequent assertion that there is no sex difference in the mean but that males have greater variability. To the contrary, the results showed that males obtained a higher mean than females by between .22d and .33d, the equivalent of 3.3 and 5.0 IQ conventional points, respectively. In the 8 studies of the SPM for which standard deviations were available, females showed significantly greater variability (F(882,656)=1.20, p<.02), whilst in the 10 studies of the APM there was no significant difference in variability (F(3344,5660)=1.00, p>.05).

However, some of you lady boys might make a good wife for some hag. Hoist the Jib!!!!

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"The thing I most want in life is a wife. I'm not kidding," said Joyce Lustbader, a research scientist at Columbia University, who has been married for 29 years. "I work all day, sometimes seven days a week, and still have to go home and make dinner and have all those things to do around the house."'"

Okay, let's see, you are a hot snot reseach scientist at a major university but you still don't make enough to hire a maid who also cooks? Obviously, she is a victim of gender pay inequality. Of course that sorry husband whom she has been married to for almost 30 years doesn't contribute to the household income either. Oh, the inhumanity!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GET OUT OF HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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mike savell . Don't you know that there are plenty of househusbands,trouble is all their wives are leaving them====this according to the Daily Mail,UK.

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Perhaps the solution is for heterosexual women to adopt the lesbian strategy of civil unions.

That would give the suffering career girls a sort-of "wife," and they could negotiate who gets to stay-at-home.

It wouldn't be much different than your typical workaholic yuppie male-female marriage actually. The absence of sex wouldn't be much of an issue, and they could agree to have an "open" civil union to accommodate the occasional need for penises.

Really, why shouldn't two heterosexual women be allowed to (kind of) be married?

Given the men's growing Marriage Strike and younger men's increasing rejection of domestic exploitation via matrimony, it seems like an idea these high-achieving girls might wish to explore.

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    "The thing I most want in life is a wife. I'm not kidding," said Joyce Lustbader, a research scientist at Columbia University, who has been married for 29 years.

Yes. As do most husbands.

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Perhaps once the women are all in bed with one another looking like skanks with bad hairdos they will leave men alone and stop whining all of the time.

I am all for women diving headlong into lesbianism. As long as they don't come bothering men later on.

"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5

"Feminism: The most organized form of nagging" ~ Peter Zohrab


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"I am all for women diving headlong into lesbianism. As long as they don't come bothering men later on."

Count on that happening the day after the male tax is enacted. Western women have started to hate men so much that they actually think that lesbianism is preferable to being with a *shudder* male. They actually think that they are sleeping with the enemy. Why do you think so many of them are murdering their husbands now that they've found out they can do so scot-free and without guilt or shame?

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how about training her four-dozen cats to be househubbies and give her the gratuitous satisfaction of what she really wants...only thing she'll have to worry about is spending her hard-earned, career-making cash on cat food and kitty litter than a two-headed phallus and her ball-busting babe--oops, I mean whatchamicallit.



*****masculism is a black male's best friend!!!!!*****

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The reason why? Biology. The female is biologically attracted to the male. In a nutshell females are MUCH more sexual than men are. Women are the only gender that has a body part 100% dedicated to sex; the clitoris abnd women can have multiple orgasms.

Poll the amount of women that own sex toys in comparison to the number of men. The difference will be staggering. The woman's problem is she is an expert at lying -- to herself first and foremost -- and even as her body yearns for the companionship of a male(which is natural) she will deny this to the end and continue with misandry in order to not relinquish her control over men.

Women know that the control they have over males is largely SEXUAL thus they must continue the charade that men all want sex but women don't. They also must continue the "I don't need a man" spiel which enable them to do the devious things they do to males without thinking about how the man would be affected by their treachery. Feminism absolves women of any accountability for their actions. It is a pill they take which enables them to create LEGAL excuses which condone murder, theft, lying, adultery and stupidity.

In short, it is "women's big excuse" for being women. Don't believe for one minute that deep down women don't like men and that once they get this man tax they are going to leave men alone. Of course they will not since they are attracted to us by nature yet are too childish and petty to admit it. The majority of men have sex for love and enjoyment. The majority of women use it is as an exploitation tool. Thus they must have you believe they don't want you around them....don't buy it. When they get their way they will still make up something to nag men about they will never leave us be. I actually wish 99% of the women WOULD go lesbian...but most just use that as a weapon against men(Example: They can use it to mock men as being inadequate then the men being a fool tries to do what she wants to "measure up" to her standards. Get it? It's child's play really. A 10-year olds plan.). A WOMAN told me this herself....funny eh?

Ever notice how every woman inadvertently starts talking about men whether bashing them or whatever? There is a reason for that....think about it...

"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5

"Feminism: The most organized form of nagging" ~ Peter Zohrab


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