"Authorities puzzled about mother in deaths of children left in hot car"

Story here. Excerpt:

'She made it to her job at a county-run group home July 29, a typically warm summer day. After eight hours, she called a supervisor and said she had to leave because of child-care issues.

According to her employer, she didn't tell the supervisor or a co-worker that for all that time, she had left her 1-year-old daughter and 4-year-old son in her Chevy Cavalier hatchback, parked on a residential street.
Her friends and her bosses -- and even the officers who arrested her -- say Heyward had been trying her best: working long hours and providing for her children.
She had been arrested twice in the past three years, but she was not prosecuted on a charge of hindering an officer and was found not guilty of first-degree criminal domestic violence in February 2006.
Her lawyer, Andy Savage, said he hopes a mental evaluation will shed light on what happened.'

Note how the story starts with how she didn't have any choice but to leave the kids in the car, etc. Can anyone imagine that level of sympathy being given to a man in that position? A mental evaluation for her? Would a man get that?

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It will shed light on what diagnosis will result in her not going to prison. Will they have to rewrite the DSM?? We shall see..

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Officers said in a police report that she tried to kick and bite them and asked them to kill her. The bodies of the children, bathed and dressed, were found wrapped in trash bags and stuffed under the sink.

Heyward, 27, was charged with two counts of homicide by child abuse. A funeral for the children was held Saturday.

Of course she's not even initially charged with murder (as any male would be - likely 1st degree). So she'll get at the very worst to plead that down to something that sounds like the deaths were caused by some act of God rather then a series of conscious decisions she made.

A host of other questions remain unanswered: Why didn't she take the children inside the group home? Did she ever check on them? Why didn't she tell her supervisor that the baby sitter had canceled? If the children were alive when she got to them, why didn't she seek medical help?

That last question is a really good one because it really only has two answers that both point to first degree murder.

Answer A) She's a lying sack of shit and the kids were long dead by the time she bothered to come back to the car after 8 hours as is likely the case. Just ask you local humane society how fast an animal can die when left in a hot car.

Answer B) She didn't seek medical help because she knew her ass was GUILTY - also known as in legal terms as 'consciousness of guilt' and a requirement for a first degree murder conviction.

People who know her say they considered her a loving mother, despite a life that turned tough long before she moved into the 252-square-foot efficiency apartment.

"She and her kids were always happy, smiling and joking," said Tony Smith, who lived a few doors down and often shared meals with the family.

Relevance to anything? Nope. People say that shit about anyone when shit happens. They say that about alcoholics that they knew, drug dealers, pedophiles, murders, you name it. People always immediately spit out the standard C.Y.A. response when questioned about a crime - "seemed like such a nice person/family/mafia hangout etc..". It's conditioning

"If it's in direct sunlight, you can easily get temperatures of 130 or 140 degrees in a car in 10 or 15 minutes," said Dr. Keith Borg, an emergency room physician at the Medical University of South Carolina. "At that kind of temperature, it could kill an infant or a small child in minutes."

Oh, so it looks like they consulted an animal advocate from the humane society after all. dead within 10 to 15 minutes at those temperatures you say? She says they were alive 8 hour later. That must not be a very good expert then, because some fat bitch who murdered her kids disagrees.

She had been arrested twice in the past three years, but she was not prosecuted on a charge of hindering an officer and was found not guilty of first-degree criminal domestic violence in February 2006.

A few months before the move, she put a newborn up for adoption. A 12-year-old son lives with his father in Maryland.

Yeah, lets have tons of sympathy for this bitch. She's beaten the wrap on numerous charges already - unfit to be a parent anyone? Plus, she just keeps on having kids for some incomprehensible reason.Who's for a law for mandatory ovarian removal of bitches like this who are completely unfit to be parents but just can't seem to either stop fucking like rabbits in heat or just can't for the life of them figure out how to use any of the hundreds of forms of birth control available.

If those things affected her, it didn't show on the job. In a recent statement, the Disabilities Board of Charleston County said Heyward "was a valued employee who received good evaluations of her work" and was well-regarded by staff and clients.

Again, completely meaningless standard avoid any liability whatsoever response from her company. Useless in determining her true nature or motives for committing these acts.

"Neighbors see her as a great mother. This isn't a woman who beat her kids," he said. "Suppose she went to work that night and left them at home. Would that have been better?"

Since when do neighbors know when mothers beat their kids? As a society we're programed to ignore such things. She was charged in the past with domestic violence.

Would it be better if she left them at home? Well, they'd probably still be alive if she did as they wouldn't have dies of heat stroke, so yeah it probably would have been. Then MAYBE she'd have been charged with neglect and had her kids taken away instead of being charged in their deaths!

Fuck, society stop making excuses for murdering mommies and murdering women in general. She's a child killer just like any male child killer. The kids were found in trash bags under the sink - you know, where people usually keep their GARBAGE.

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...because if you start from an assumption that every woman is a blessed angel just descended from heaven, and incapable of doing wrong; and mothers in particular inhabit such a world of sanctified perfection that they simply cannot possibly have any connection with anything evil, you are bound to find it impossible to explain such a hideous act.

As I have commented before, the knee-jerk reaction of the authorities and the media is always the same: blame a man - any man - and find excuses for the woman. And these worthless females will always pick up on the lifeline they are thrown: shed a bucketful of tears, especially when there is a camera pointed in your direction or you get a question that is a bit tricky to answer; howl about how deprived and oppressed you are; and find a man to blame.

Works every time. You have an audience already pre-conditioned to believe you and excuse you.

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