Bill Maher on Feminism

On YouTube: "Bill Maher's take on how feminism has taken over America. He makes some very insightful points that prove America has become a feminized country. This is an excerpt from his special 'Victory Begins at Home'"

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Only time will tell. He does a pretty good balancing act between comedy and not-comedy..and hopefully pisses off radical feminists in the process. Also he does the obligatory "make fun of men" in a couple places, but without really offending.

I give him 4.9 out of 5. Too bad he couldn't talk about this stuff on Politically Incorrect, since it is too politically incorrect (see Farrell).


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Maher as a poltical commentator? (no comment). However, he incorporated truth and humor which hopefully will make some people realize why we post here.

check out this link

howard stern pranks a feminist!!!!


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...with all of the "I know women suffer too" comments.

*Site and Blog:

*"the most outrageous aspect is the total and i mean TOTAL silence from women. hell, they could care less. makes me sick." ~ donnieboy5

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Yeah, he did. But I saw this more as the poke at the males to afraid to stand up for themselves. Maybe a nudge to stand up and say "BULLSHIT ladies, bullshit!"

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